What's the point in being vegan if you don't have food allergies?!


What's the point in being vegan if you don't have food allergies?

there is SOOOO much you can't eat! seriously dairy? I could not live without dairy. if you're worried about harming the animals...well it doesn't. I went to a dairy farm (Fair Oaks Farm in IN) and they said that if the cows don't get milked then they can get sick, and they would be in pain. I understand being a vegetarian, but seriously people. why be a vegan?

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1 day ago
oh an dfor those of you who think I don't love vegans, I do. I was just questioning their lifestyle because I could never live without milk, cheese, eggs, or meat. Also, for those who are telling off my faith in Jesus Christ, He is the one who gave us the food to eat and in Romans 14 He tells us that it is not wrong to eat meat.

1 day ago
oh an dfor those of you who think I don't love vegans, I do. I was just questioning their lifestyle because I could never live without milk, cheese, eggs, or meat. Also, for those who are telling off my faith in Jesus Christ, He is the one who gave us the food to eat and in Romans 14 He tells us that it is not wrong to eat meat.

I understand you are asking why make the choice to be Vegan. Unfortunately, most Vegans will say it's their choice to live healthy - and have no idea that they are medically wrong.

So if a Vegan can explain why it's healthier, cheaper, more efficient, and/or whatever - I want to hear it to.

No bent morals about harming animals. Do you Vegans believe that cows would roam free, happy, and safe if we humans didn't raise them?

The same reason why someone would choose a user name like yours...CHOICE. It must be hard to be so judgmental and intolerant of others huh? Is that what your God teaches you?

Educate yourself on dairy farms..it's clear you know nothing. Cows would dry up if not milked, not get sick. Sheesh.

Why be either? You can't LIVE without MEAT. Humans were made to eat meat. We have canines for a reason. Vegetarians and especially Vegans are denying themselves the BASIC nutrients they need to survive.

We are supposed to eat MEAT. Don't fall for this vegetarian nonsense.

Because of moral reasons.

some people just dont like the thought of consuming anything that comes from animals. it may have nothing to do with hurting them. maybe the thought of cows kept in a small confined space and being fed chemicals and such to increase their milk production is an idea that just does not appeal to some people.

Yes, there is sooooooooooo much that a vegan can't eat.

Yes, you *could* live without dairy. You simply choose not to. You give into temptation in exchange for *your* pleasure.

Yes, it does harm the animals. Dairy cows are abused and "downed" cows are left to suffer for days at a time before being euthanized.

Yes, unmilked cows can get sick. That's because this state of perpertual motherhood is thrust upon them, making them sick. If they weren't constantly forced into that state, they wouldn't "need" to be milked.

One visit to a dairy farm and you know better than people who have actually done objective research on them?

Why be a vegan? To stop the exploitation and abuse of ALL animals. By refusing any animal by-products, animals no longer are forced to suffer for our unnecessary consumption. To be healthier overall. Dairy products are linked to numerous diseases, not the least of which is high cholesterol and heart problems.

Seems that Jesus would have taught you compassion and how to not give into temptation. But, perhaps you worship a different Jesus - Jesus Hernandez from Guadalajara.

I do it for health reasons. My boyfriend has heart disease and we wanted to reverse it. We are using the Dean Ornish diet that prescribes basically a vegan diet. And once you stop thinking that you "can't " have things and look at all the choices that you can have it makes It fun and interesting to be a vegan. I love what we are eating and I don't find I'm missing eggs or dairy all that much.

It's a mindset sweetie, not a sentence we impose upon ourselves sweetie. No one can make us do this we chose too.

Nothing wrong with eating vegetables no matter what kind of spin you try to put on it. Most Vegans understand the needs of maintaining a healthy body and take supplements for what is lacking in their diet. Its their personal choice and to them its the right one. It's not for anyone to judge.

we breed our cows that way. it is not natural! ever seen a wild cow in pain cause of oversized boobies?

If you ask a question like this, then there is only one answer for you: FIND OUT YOURSELF AND READ ABOUT IT!!!

they chose they lose

Vegans exclude beef, pork, chicken, eggs, cheese, milk and other dairy..this is at its base 6 foods.

"there is SOOOO much you can't eat! seriously dairy? I could not live without dairy."

What you can and can't eat and what you do and don't eat are two different things. This statement above tells me you primarily probably focus on dairy food or have a diet centered around it. Most the other food you eat probably isn't very well prepared so this is more attractive due to the rich fats and flavors present in most dairy products.

You're a vegan as far as diet is concerned, you just eat 6 things we don't. The other difference is we probably eat 10's into hundreds of other things you've never tried..expand your diet and you won't be so reliant on dairy for satisfaction.

One of your previous questions:


"How to make my bowel movements smaller????????

My toliet constantly gets clogged after I go #2. I've tried drinking lots of water, and I even have stopped using any toliet paper and then I go to the other bathroom to wipe myself and flush the paper down there...so I know its not the toliet or the amount of paper. how do I make my poop smaller????"

This is a sign you're eating too much dairy too probably. It's not the size or amount you release its the consistency or hardness of it. This is because your body can't do anything with a lot of the stuff in dairy so it just binds it all together and says 'get out!' We aren't meant to eat dairy products..no adult or young child of any species is suppose too - only as infants.

I'm glad you don't think it harms the animal..you know if I was abusing an animal and I wanted to keep customers happy I'd probably lie too. Those animals are killed after bout 1/5th their lifespan, milk cows that is. How is that not harming them?

Seriously get a clue before it's too late..eggs are embryos, you wouldn't cut up a pregnant human and scramble there placenta fluid. You also wouldn't get on your knees and suck a cow tit would you? Why drink it from a glass? Or curdle it into rotted hardened coagualated protein.

no no no some farms treat the animals badly and they believe that if dairy products are needed why force them and hurt them for it so they simply (not really) give it up does that make sense? they think or so believe that something that a animal can have stays to them. i hope i helped! and i had no dairy growing up i was allergic to milk(lactosein tolerant) you grow out of it though besides that you can buy milk that has no lactose, but i had no cheese no ice cream no nothing! but i realized that's why i was so skinny, so if you wanna lose some weight(not a bunch) you could try that!

cuz they luv animals and dont wanna eat them! but i love meat but i bearly eat cuz im never hungry most of the time!

If you mean medical reason only, well, I'm not sure about being just vegan. You can live entirely off of crackers and be considered vegan, but you won't be very healthy.

Now, RAW vegan, if you eat a good variety of vegetables/fruit/nuts/seeds and get plenty of clean water...

...read these testimonials and you will definitely have the answer to your question:


Improves health, cures many medical maladies, and brings weight down to a level that is healthy for your body.


Yes, food is limited in a vegan diet, but still there will always be food to eat!
The farmer that told you cows can get sick didn't tell you the whole story. Cows don't produce milk until they are pregnant, so they constantly inseminate the cows so they can breed more for food. Cows are in pain while being milked because they are pumped to machines. Obviously in a big farm, they wouldn't have someone pumping milk by hand, each cow. Y'know?
I became a vegan moreorso for health reasons. You would be surprised how unhealthy dairy really is! Cheese for example is high in fat, and calories.
I eat alot each day, and I live by a strict vegan diet.
It's hard(edit) EXTREMELY hard to live as a vegan, but if someone has enough will power, they can do it!
Hope this helped.

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