Meal help?!


Meal help?

i have a meal im going to make for my family...but i need some help picking a dessert.
citrus chicken (the citrus being lime and orange)
and thats served over a bed of rice
some grilled veggies (mix of squash, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, etc)

but i need help coming up with a dessert. i dont want it to be super rich and chocolately, but i dont want it to be similar to the citrus. anyone have a good idea? or i was thinking maybe a chocolate chip cheesecake? tell me what you think or any good recipes..thanks

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1 day ago
if i wanted to make a choc. chip cheesecake, would it work to just add choc. chips to a box mix? cuz i like that kind

1 day ago
if i wanted to make a choc. chip cheesecake, would it work to just add choc. chips to a box mix? cuz i like that kind

Chocolate Satin Pie

* 1 prepared 9-inch (6 oz.) graham cracker crust
* 1 can (12 fl. oz.) NESTLé? CARNATION? Evaporated Milk
* 2 large egg yolks
* 2 cups (12-oz. pkg.) NESTLé? TOLL HOUSE? Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels
* Whipped cream
* 1/4 cup chopped nuts
WHISK together evaporated milk and egg yolks in medium saucepan. Heat over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is very hot and thickens slightly; do not boil. Remove from heat; stir in morsels until completely melted and mixture is smooth.

POUR into crust; refrigerate 3 hours or until firm. Top with whipped cream before serving; sprinkle with nuts.


pie sounds good.

lemon squares!

Well I love this coconut cream pie that my mom makes! you get pie crust and put vanilla pudding in it..... then cover it in whip cream and smooth the cream out and sprinkle coconut shaving on it (if you don't like coconut, instead put banana slices on it and that would make it a banana cream pie if you don't like bananas try strawberries if you don't like any well i don't know what to do)!!!

You should make Creme Brulee. It is SO good, and it is really really easy to make. I just made some on Sunday (I'm only fourteen)!! It's really easy I swear. Just look up a recipe and do it!

I think this recipe will really go with your recipe. It is a custard, so it really goes with everything.

Good luck!

your idea for a chocolate chip cheesecake sounds good, i would say to make that, but in the end, its your call. one thing that is easy to make is a chocolate mousse, (equal parts cream and chocolate and half corn syrup, mix over a double boiler, after is comes together, put it in the fridge for about 1 hour, then put some cream in a bowl, and whip it until it becomes stiff, put the chocolate mix into the whipped cream and fold. here is the point where you can add vanilla if wanted. after the chocolate is fully folded, put it into cups and place in the fridge until ready to eat. optional garnish: whipped cream (from a can) and a mint leaf.)

You probably could add chocolate chips to a cheesecake mix, the only thing is that they might all sink to the bottom. Maybe just make it per directions and then top with chocolate chips?

What about some type of berry pie with vanilla ice cream? Or skip the pie and just have the berries over the ice cream? Simple, cool and fast. Another idea is to slice a Sara Lee pound cake, and top with sliced sugared strawberries and Cool Whip.

I think I'd go with something like a bread pudding. They're easy to make and you can add extra ingredients like chocolate chips) if you want a little extra burst of flavor.

I don't use measure measurements a lot but here is how I make it:

Take a loaf of fench bread, raisin bread, or any other type you like. Cut it into slices and leave out for a day so that it becomes stale.

In bowl mix 3 eggs with 1 cup of milk, 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla and a touch of cinnamon. When this is combined stir in 1/2 cup sugar. For added flavor you can add amaretto liqueur

In buttered baking pan, arrange bread slices in layers from front to back. For added kick sprinkle raisins or chocolate chips or butterscotch chips or whatever you like in between slices.

Pour liquid mixture over bread and allow to soak in. Bake at 325 until bread is golden on top and no longer liquidey in middle.

Citrus Pudding
* Servings: 4-6
* Level of difficulty: Easy
* Preparation Time: 30 minutes
* Cooking Time: 35 minutes


* 4 eggs, separated
* 175g caster sugar
* zest of ? lemon, grated
* 150g fine breadcrumbs, plus extra for coating the inside of the mould
* a large knob of Butter, for greasing the mould
* exotic citrus fruit segments, (kumquats, limequats, pomelos etc), to serve
* whipped cream, to serve

For the citrus syrup:

* 750ml light white wine
* 200g caster sugar
* juice and zest 1 lemon
* juice and zest 1 orange
* ? cinnamon stick
* 2 tbsp Cointreau
* 2 cloves


1. Set the oven to 180°C/gas 4. Whisk the egg yolks until pale and then add half the sugar and grated lemon zest.

2. Whisk the egg whites until frothy and then slowly add the rest of the sugar, whisking continuously until they form soft peaks.

3. Stir approximately a quarter of the egg whites into the yolks to loosen the mixture, and then carefully fold the rest in, along with all the breadcrumbs.

4. Butter the kugelhopf mould and sprinkle in the extra breadcrumbs coating the inside of the mould.

5. Pour in the sponge mix and cook for 30-35 minutes.

6. Meanwhile make the syrup by placing the wine, sugar, citrus juices and zests, cinnamon, Cointreau and cloves into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

7. Turn off the heat and leave the syrup to stand.

8. Once the cake is baked, remove it from the oven.

9. Pour the slightly cooled syrup all over the cake and leave it to soak in the fridge for a couple of hours.

10. After a couple of hours turn the cake out of the mould.

11. Before serving the cake, fill the hole in the centre with whipped cream and a selection of exotic citrus fruits like oranges

'Foolproof' Chocolate and Orange Soufflé
* Servings: 6-8
* Level of difficulty: Intermediate
* Preparation Time: 20 minutes
* Cooking Time: 20 minutes

For the ramekins

* 2 tbsp Butter, softened
* 2 tbsp caster sugar

For the soufflés

* 75g Butter
* 350g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa solids
* 4 tbsp orange-flavoured liqueur
* 12 egg whites
* 125g caster sugar

To serve

* cocoa powder and icing sugar
* vanilla ice cream


1. Preheat the oven to 190C/gas 5.

2. Brush the inside of 6-8 large ramekins with the softened butter and dust with the caster sugar

3. For the soufflés: melt the butter, chocolate and liqueur in a bowl over a bain-marie (double boiler) or in a heat-proof bowl placed over a pan of simmering (not boiling) water.

4. Whisk the egg whites in a large bowl until stiff and gradually add the sugar, whisking until the mixture is a thick and glossy meringue.

5. Fold half the meringue into the chocolate mixture, then carefully repeat with the other half. Fill each prepared ramekin with the soufflé mixture. Bake for 12 minutes.

6. To serve: remove from oven, immediately dust with sifted icing sugar and cocoa powder. Serve straight away with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake
* Servings: 6-8
* Level of difficulty: Easy
* Preparation Time: 25 minutes, plus cooling
* Cooking Time: 50 minutes


* 150g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa solids
* 275g caster sugar
* 225g digestive biscuits, crushed
* 150g Butter, melted
* 2 tbsp Sugar
* 500g full-fat soft cheese
* 142ml carton of soured cream
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 4 eggs


1. Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas 3.

2. Melt the chocolate and 125g of sugar in a bain-marie (a bowl suspended over a pan of simmering water). Set aside to cool slightly.

3. Meanwhile make the biscuit base by mixing together the crushed digestives, melted butter and sugar. Press into a 20cm spring-form tin.

4. In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese, remaining caster sugar, soured cream, vanilla extract and eggs until well-mixed.

5. Divide the mixture between 2 bowls. Add the melted chocolate mixture to one portion and mix in thoroughly.

6. Spoon in alternate amounts of the plain cheese mixture and the chocolate one onto the biscuit base. Bake for 50 minutes until firm, Cool before serving.
Chocolate Orange Soup
* Servings: 4
* Level of difficulty: Easy
* Preparation Time: 5 minutes
* Cooking Time: 10 minutes


* 300ml fresh orange juice
* 25g caster sugar
* 5 fresh mint leaves, torn
* 100g dark chocolate, cut into squares
* 4 sprigs of fresh mint, for garnish


1. Place the orange juice, sugar and torn mint leaves in a pan. Over a very low heat, bring gently to the boil.

2. Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Pour the hot orange juice over the chocolate and whisk until all the chocolate has melted.

3. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve into a jug.

4. Pour the mixture into 4 coffee cups and serve the cups with their matching saucers, garnished with sprigs of mint.
Chocolate Tart With Orange Cream
* Servings: 4
* Level of difficulty: Easy
* Preparation Time: 25 minutes, plus 25 minutes resting and cooling
* Cooking Time: 1 hour


* 200g sweet shortcrust pastry
* 1 egg yolk, beaten with a little water
* 400g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa solids, finely chopped
* 150ml Milk
* 250ml double cream
* 2 eggs, beaten
* grated zest of 1 orange
* lightly whipped cream, to serve


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas 4.

2. Roll out the pastry and use the pastry to line a loose-based, 23cm flan tin, allowing some overhang.

3. Lightly prick the base of the pastry case. Cover with cling film and fill with baking beans.

4. Bake blind for 10 minutes in the oven.

5. Remove the cling film and beans, trim the edges and bake for a further 5 minutes.

6. Brush the pastry case with the beaten yolk mixture to glaze it. Return to the oven for a further 5 minutes to seal the glaze then remove and set aside.

7. Meanwhile, place the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl and the beaten eggs in a separate large mixing bowl.

8. Heat together the milk and cream in a saucepan just to boiling point.

9. Pour the hot milk mixture onto the chocolate, whisking until the chocolate has melted and is thoroughly mixed in.

10. Pour the chocolate mixture onto the beaten eggs, whisking well as you do so.

11. Strain the chocolate mixture through a fine sieve into a large jug.

12. Place the blind baked pastry case in the oven. Carefully pour the chocolate mixture into the pastry case.

13. Bake the chocolate tart for 25 minutes, until the filling is just beginning to set.

14. Turn off the oven and leave the tart in the warm oven for 30 minutes, before removing and allowing to cool.

15. Once the tart is completely cool carefully remove it from the tin.

16. Fold the orange peel into the whipped cream and serve the tart with the orange cream.

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