Why are people so nasty to liveing things?!


Why are people so nasty to liveing things?

about Factory Farming. why are the people who work there so nasty to the animals?

because they have no heart and some are selfish and self-absorbed. they pretty much want to provide their own selves with food and they simply don't care about animals. its sick and harsh. i don't care what other people have to say, its my opinion and im very strong about this opinion. theres no excuse. if they reeally don't enjoy killing animals, what are they doing there?

generally it because they aren't very educated, they haven't been brought up as good perhaps

because they don't care, the animals are gonna die anyway....so why treat them nice? that is their opinion.

Just because you have an advanced cerebral cortex that allows you to have a conscience in the manner that you know, thereby should we not care about those animals who have more of a hindbrain only structure or protists or monera. they all react to stimuli. Part of what it means to be alive. same with plants. the the only difference between plants and amimals is that they are a different kingdom by classification. plants are just as living as animals. they just don't have eyes to make us feel guilty about making them a crop. animals are crops as well. they just scream where plants don't. it's rather rediculous scientifically to differentiate about the conditions of one and not the other. they are both organisms.

science wise..... they react to stimulus just as animals do..... may not be pain per se, but they know when they are being destroyed. Don't hand me that. it's crap and you know it. If you know enough about the nocireceptors of animals, then you know that plants are well aware in the sensory dept. Mr. holier than now.

Be true to the ancestry....... gnaw the bones.

actually Katie G, if you believe there is any difference between animals and the plants you eat...... you just go ahead and let yourself feel better about yourself.... even if it is a false hood. look it up and you stop being ignorant. sheesh.

You people can thumbs down me all you want... if you eat on this earth..... YOU PROMOTE THE KILLING OF LIVING THINGS FOR CONSUMPTION! hipocrites.

O.K. then by your own definition.... if we shoot up the animals with opiates... they can no longer feel pain. SHUT UP with that nonsense.
I'm guessing then that if an animal suffers a broken neck then you will eat it by your definition.... what a load.
besides... when you decapitate a chicken.... it has no pain. run circles all you want.... you only appreciate animalae because you can relate.

outside stimulus.... what do you think a nocireceptor signals. outside stimulus..... notice the pattern.

here's the answer to the question..... people who work in factories don't think of this as cruel.... which it is.... suffering of animals in horrid..... but they are like all the rest of us.... when your children are hungry.... that survival tends to circumvent any other factors going on at the time until the need is met.
It's sad but true....... also.... the animals that are bunched up in chicken coups are not in pain...... satisfied brennan.... they are merely in what some humans consider adverse conditions for the animals... I don't aprove of cruelty per se... but I am torn... I love veal scallopini and I am going to keep on eating it... the animals are killed quickly so that they don't feel pain.... if they were subjected to torture that would be a different story... but they are not. they are, as I said before, a crop raised for consumption.

however.... edit again... if it is now conscience that is in question.... all the primitive hind brain animals are not included.... is this what we are going with now?

nor do I, but I am entitled to my opinion same as you....
others may not believe as I believe, but my beliefs do not require them to.

nocireceptors detect damage to the body and warn the brain that the body is being damaged. what they do. plants know when they are being damaged, it initates defense mechanisms in response. plants use chemical messengers and people use both chem. as well as electrochemical signals...

here maybe this will make you feel better or hush..... and yes baylor medical center is one of the most respected institutions in the county.....

Scientists Prove Plants Feel Pain, Vegans Face Starvation
DALLAS--Research scientists at Baylor Medical Center have proven that plants, including vegetables, feel pain when subjected to trauma such as being yanked out of the ground, peeled, cooked, and eaten. "Veggies and plants initiate a massive hormone and chemical barrage internally when they suffer any kind of injury," says professor Barry Lindzer. "This response is akin to the nerve response and endorphin release when an animal is injured. We cannot ignore the similarities.

and one last thing..... there's no pain in chemical signals, right? anyone who believes that has never had their heart broken... they do feel.... just not in the typical neural way that you are thinking of.

Tell the tiger of vegetarianism.

I dont know, but they shouldnt be.

Because it's about feeding people FOOD. Not the processed fake stuff you veg-os eat. We can't afford to fluff up a chicken or make a cow comfortable on it's way to slaughter. You need the protien and the only place to get it is MEAT. The only way to get meat is factory farming. It's a cruel world. That's life.

Alot of these posters set a fine example as to why.


Unfortunately the people who work in factory farms are in a tight spot. They do what they do only because they cannot find other jobs and need the money to support themselves. I'm sure very few of them actually enjoy killing the animals.

@Frank S: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. Theres a reason they are classified differently and that is because they have a more complex anatomy than plants and have the capacity to feel pain. Plants DO NOT FEEL PAIN. It's not only untrue it's INCONCIEVABLE. They have no brains and no nervous system. That's one of the vast myriad of reasons why plants are classified as plants and animals are classified as animals.

I'm SO SICK of hearing this arguement. Of course vegetarians still have to kill to survive. Do you really believe that the millions of people who live the vegetarian lifestyle are too dumb to know that they are still killing to eat? NO!

Vegetarians don't eat what can feel pain. Animals can feel pain. PLANTS CAN'T. If you've wasted your time reading junk science sites that say that plants can feel pain, try reading a credible source.

EDIT: Responding to stimuli is a biological function that ALL life has in common. Does it imply conscieness? Absolutely not. Does it imply that all lifeforms can feel pain. No. Why? Because they lack the parts necissary to feel pain. No brain. No nervous system. No pain. End of story.

They don't KNOW anything because they aren't conscious. Thier body reacts to outside stimuli. That only means that they are biological organisms. That has NOTHING to do with consciousness or pain perception.

EDIT: You are the one being holier than 'now'. When did I say that people could not make thier own dietary decisions? I don't ask people eating a hamburger if they know where the meat came from. I keep it to myself, except in this section. If you don't agree with vegetarianism, then what are you doing here? You aren't even answering the girl's question!

EDIT: The difference is that virtually all research says that animals are distressed prior to slaughter. There also is a lot of credible research that says some animals, namely chickens and pigs are very intelligent. That said, the difference is CONSIOUSNESS. While consciousness in animals may never be proven, there is significant evidence for it and I PERSONALLY believe it. That's why I live MY lifestyle and don't FORCE it on others.

EDIT: What source says they don't feel pain? Well known animal behaviourists such as Temple Grandin and M. C. Appleby say otherwise. Some advancements have made animal's lives on a factory farm less of a torture for farm animals. That's in technology though, farmers can still treat the animals virtually however damn well they please. But the scientists I mentioned above and others like them agree that animals feel pain upon slaughter. Slaughter methods are loosely regulated and farmers find that they can save money by giving less of the euthinasia to the animals prior to slaughter, and not maintaining the devices used for slaughter.

EDIT: It is impossible that the simpleist animals are exempt from consciousness. While unlikely that they are conscious, consciousness in those organisms is concievable, they have the parts necissary to feel pain, and a brain that may allow them to be conscious. Consciousness is something that cannot easily be measured, but one thing is virtually certain: a BRAIN is necissary for consciousness.

EDIT: That's really interesting. What you said further implys that plants respond to changes in thier environment. That still doesn't prove anything about them feeling pain OR experiencing conciousness.

EDIT: I don't know where you are going with this, Frank. Are you sure there isn't an neurological event associated with stressful events such as fear or a broken heart? I'm pretty sure there is. I'm pretty sure the feeling you get and the depression that happens afterwards is the body's reaction to extreme emotional stress. But I have to admit, all I know about that is from one year of basic high school psycology (and having experienced fear myself and maybe a broken heart).

I don't think that all people are intentionally cruel to animals when it comes to large scale food animal production.

Some become de-sensitised and others probably don't like it as much as you do but they also have to live and have no choice but to do their job they way that the employer says to do it.

Most slaughterhouse workers have absolutely no choice. Slaughterhouses lure immigrants that know little English to work in their facilities with promises of excellent, high-paying jobs. When the poor immigrants get there, they realize the reality but there's nothing to do--they can't afford to move again. So they can only work in the slaughterhouse for minimum wages, or less. If the meat industry gets sued for paying slave wages, who cares? They have billions of dollars to pay their fees with! You have to realize, most slaughterhouse workers would prefer to not work there, but it's either that or let their families starve to death. While people consume meat, they don't only support cruelty to animals, they also support cruelty to immigrants!

Because zey like to raise cute little animals and zen SLAUGHTER zem....mein Führer...I can walk!!! nm

Cause thay think that animals have no thought, have never breathed like we do or are not smart enough to no that they are being killed or they like the taste of meat and dont want to spoil it over the animal. It make u furiast to no people like that!!! they think they are sssoo cool. It makes me MAD!!!!


I have a theory that hurt, hurts.

I have seen animals bite and snarl at me when I am trying to help them, nasty huh?

I have seen people bite (literally) and snarl at me when I am trying to help them, nasty huh?

I have snarled and and bitten people's heads off (figuratively) when they are trying to help me, nasty huh?

I have found when anything is hurting they generally have an instinct to hurt another. Maybe they just aren't thinking about the other party because they are too involved in their own pains.

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