Why do vegans have to be so obnoxious and opinionated?!


Why do vegans have to be so obnoxious and opinionated?

I mean, who asks them to share their lectures with us meat-eaters as if they are our authority? Some like to make a point of it. Once, I worked at a Pizza place. A vegan ordered their pizza and made an *** of themself. You just want to smack them down sometimes depending on their manners.

Lack of meat. Their cerebral cortex is being replaced by cellulose. Some of them you have to smack to straighten out the mis-firing synapses. It gets progressively worse, 'til even a good smack doesn't work.

They ask TONS of questions. You are up to your as* in customers and they want to have a freaking discussion about every freaking ingredient. They are the center of their own universe and screw you if you don't cater to their incessant questions. While in grad school I managed a pretty nice restaurant . . . I told wait staff to let me know when they got kooky. Some were OK. But the kooks you could never please. I told them I thought we were not the place for them and really needed to wait on more reasonable customers. The owners backed me up.

becuase they're horny from lack of meat

u shold not talk like that. just because one says that dose not mean they all are like that. maybe that person was crabby.

Because some people are foolish.

I always love when people say I saw so and so being foolish it must mean the rest of a community they belong to are equally foolish.

All of my vegan friends are nice, kind and respectful does that mean that all vegans are nice, kind and respectful? No, it means that I choose to hang out with people who are nice, kind and respectful.

For the record I have seen so many people harass my vegan friends for their choices, that is foolish.

As for your urge to smack anyone down, suppress it because you will go to jail and the judge won't care that someone was making an *** of them self. Why would you want to hurt someone just because they weren't up to your standards?

Admittedly, making an issue of ingredients at a pizza place seems pointless. I care what the ingredients are, but I don't order from Domino's or Pizza Hut.

Vegans have chosen a lifestyle and commitment that is very difficult for them and about which they must be careful, for this reason they might come across as obnoxious and opinionated, when in fact they are just trying to get some facts.

I apologize to you, although I am not vegan, just vegetarian, but I applaud them.

How do I give you the answer without sounding obnoxious?
If you have experience in something, how do you express it???
Here's my answer about being opinionated(it'll sound obnoxious to you): It's because we HAVE an opinion. And when you discover something so good and powerful, you want to share it.

Coming from me, it's obnoxious. But what about when it comes from Jack Lalaine?

Look I am omnivore I come to respect with them they come with respect in return. I think people need to have more respect for one another. Who really cares what any one is eating.

weeeeell, i'm a vegan. i'm not obnoxious. i can be opinionated, but i will only offer my side when asked. not all vegans are obnoxious and opinionated.

i've been blatantly disrespected by some omnivores for my lifestyle. i've been called "a weird, tree-huggin' hippie"... i had my aunt place ham pieces on my three year old son's pizza while coaxing him to eat it... a co-worker said to me [upon discovering that i was a vegetarian (at the time)], "oh god, not another one... don't you know any better?" however, i won't say that ALL meat-eaters are obnoxious.

i think it goes both ways. please don't categorize people.

So, if a mexican shot someone, would you hate all mexicans? If a black person acted obnoxious and opinionated, would you want to "smack down" all black people?
I'm vegan. I don't think people are obnoxious and opinionated because they ate meat.
If someone didn't eat bananas or chocolate, would you judge them?
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water; everyone is different and dont let one person ruin your opinion of others.

Why do omnivores have to be stereotypical? ;)

My guess is that it's the mirror on their foreheads, showing you who you are, what you don't want to be, what pain and death you cause, and you really want to look away from your reflection.

Gosh, I still wish we had the TD option for questions.
How dare a vegan order a pizza!
Everyone other than those who are exactly like we are,
are so obnoxious... don't you agree?
How dare others put thought into their decisions.
I am so offended.

Sure go ahead and judge all vegans by one a**hole. I don't mind, as long as you don't mind if I do the same thing about meat-eaters....?

BTW If you haven't noticed, most vegans that are that outspoken and obnoxious are usually young know-it-alls. Don't worry, it's just a phase that will fade with time--hopefully.

Don't ever come to Berkeley then.

Is it our fault that in most places you're the odd one out if you're vegan? Maybe that person was tired of being told that they don't get enough protein and asked if they eat animal crackers?

I really doubt that random vegans come up to you, and start lecturing out of a whim! Usually, it is because they are questioned beyone recognition, and they are trying to keep up and explain. People that disagree with a certain lifestyle choice will argue it, and try and degrade whomever believes in it.
"Sam, why don't you eat meat? Where will you get your iron? What about your protein? Did you hear about the baby who died? You have a cold??? That's because you're not eating meat! Ever hear about complete protein? What are you a hippie? What's wrong with you? Why don't you eat meat? Plants are alive, and you kill them! What do you eat" .... ALL THESE I hear EVERY day!
I usually cook my own food every day, three meals a day, to make sure that I live my life completely with this dietary lifestyle. Sometimes though, it gets kind of tiring, so I go out to eat something. It really sucks though, when I go somewhere that everyone else can go, and my requests for something are constantly denied. People assume I am ignorant, and snobbish because I ask for things without cheese, or ask about certain ingredients.
It's a tough world out here, and I have to survive. So, if I go somewhere to eat, and I have to specifically explain myself constantly, even AFTER receiving my food, than it's really hard to remain calm. Sometimes, I do have to treat some people like a baby because, it's so hard to get what I want without having to repeat myself.
Maybe this vegan was having a hard day? Everyone has hard days with people.
I would realize that everyone is different, and not everyone is horrible.

Before you read this comment and put a thumbs down on it, though, I'd like to politely share my thoughts, and I don't mean to offend anyone:
* Please note that its not correct to simply lump everyone of a category into a particular type of behavior. Just as some vegans may be opinionated and self-righteous (I prefer that word to obnoxious), others may not; and same goes for non-vegans. Being opinionated and self-righteous has nothing to do with whether one is a vegan or not.
* I happen to be a vegetarian that 95-99% of the time eats only vegan when on my own will, and I am fortunate to live in a place where vegan body products are also available so I have taken to buying those as well. So I appreciate where vegans are coming from. I also believe in "live and let live" (though if/when I have kids I will do my best to raise and keep them as vegetarians) and don't think that one type of eater is "better" than another. I have friends and its not really my business what they choose to eat or not eat. It really hurts my feelings too when people get all self-righteous about their food habits and lifestyle. But again, this goes every way, for meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans, every single type of eating lifestyle can have some subset of self-righteous and opinionated people. Why pick on the poor vegans?
* To be fair, though, veganism when amongst others has started to throw me off. Not that I haven't tried. But I have made a bit of a fuss in a few situations and ended up compromising against my will to partake of a bit of dairy product. I'm sure I made myself look like a bit of a fool, and possibly even annoying, to those around me, because they see veganism as extreme (and fyi I was surrounded by vegetarians). My mother lectured me a few times and told me its better to just eat a bit of the dairy stuff rather than create a scene in front of others. She might have thought I was a bit inconsiderate/rude while trying to live a vegan diet amongst the relatives. Given this I understand where your question stems from.
* So in short I half-agree, half-disagree with your question. Some vegans can get self-righteous and opinionated, but some non-vegans can as well. Its not right to simply label and stereotype a certain group of people. I'm sorry that one vegan got on your nerves, but I can assure you he/she didn't mean to be and was just trying his/her best to maintain his/her vegan diet.
* no offence to that vegan, but i can see how it can get cumbersome for him/her to order a pizza, of all things. Some places actually offer specifically labelled pizza options(e.g. Bobby G's Pizza), but these places seem to be rare.
* I'd like to apologize on behalf of any of the vegans that may have been rude to you in the past. I can assure you, that, given the demand of their lifestyle, that it was not intended personally against you (regardless of what lifestyle you follow)

All people have potential to be obnoxious and opinionated. In fact I deal with the public all day when I work..I work in a technology environment and people come to my store thinking It's my responsibility to educate them.

You know..you're post is sort of biased too.
Obnoxious and opinionated are personal perspective. I could say you seem...say fairly opinionated since you went through the trouble to post (an interaction you had with one vegan)..in the vegan section on an online forum - a group of people who have nothing to do with that single random person.

That'd be like having a car salesman ordering a pizza and commenting on your car and lecturing you on how you need a new one for such and such reason..then you consequently getting irate and unable to handle your anger..going to some random local dealership and leaving them a note about how much of an *** some guy they don't know made of themselves, all the while leaving your number so they can get back to you and ...what? agree with you? or just oppose you and fuel more anger. Of course they'd be opposing your crazy action of ranting to them..not the circumstance - you'd of course take it wrong because you'd seem to be the opinionated one in this case..and just fuel your own skewed vendetta more.

Which of course..is still all your opinion.

I could very well view you as obnoxious too since you took the time to tell us about your personal life when it had nothing to do with our lifestyles or the topic of this forum and isn't adding anything to our life in any positive fashion.

Lastly.. you know perhaps they aren't lecturing you or trying to be an authority - maybe you react badly to their apparent attempt at giving you advice and are hard headed? I'm not saying you are because you live a certain way - I'm saying you are because you won't consider change or the consequences of current choices you make.

bit like you than obnoxious and opinionated !!

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