Vegans (the ones that are opposed to killing animals)?!


Vegans (the ones that are opposed to killing animals)?

Would you be able to kill an animal if it was a case of you or him? For instance if you found yourself in Africa and circumstances conspired to put you face to face with an angry Lion. Would you shoot it dead to defend yourself? Or let it maul you? Is it only killing for food that you have a problem with? Is there ever an instance were killing an animal is acceptable?

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10 hours ago
Mungbean. Are you saying you would rather die horribly than defend yourself?

10 hours ago
Mungbean. Are you saying you would rather die horribly than defend yourself?

I am opposed to killing animals for food or ANYTHING else. But if I found myself with that lion I would shoot him, it's an instinct (I guess) to defend myself.

Yes it is okay to kill cows for cheeseburgers

Hunting for Sport is acceptable
if the animal was killed you may as well eat it or it.s not
for the most part acceptable

lol as for a Lion i dont think you going to find a Vegans
with a GUN that far out in the plans

I think if you're in mortal danger then thats ok. The whole killing of animals just for our food is whats unnecessary.

Yes i would kill a lion or any animal for that matter if it was between me or it.

i do not disagree with killing animals for food either. we all have to eat at the end of the day.

as a vegan, and a pacifist, no i would not kill anyone or anything in order to save my own life.

Let's say that the lion is killing you for food. Would you let it kill you? No, right. Now try to put yourself into the situation of cows, chickens, pigs. Why would they be willing to die your taste buds? See, it is not about just about killing for food. It is also empathy. Trying to reduce the sufferings already present in this world.

If you argue that humans are on top of the food chain, then to the lions, humans are but another piece of live meat.

Back to your question: Only if I (or for that matter, the people around me) did not provoke the animal first. If faced with an attacker, I would first try to restrain the animal, then put it down if no other means are available. It is like when a person on trial for murder. The judge will look at the circumstances on whether self-defense is an admissible defense.

It is also about letting the animals live it's natural life-cycle of birth-aging-sickness-death.

Yes I would defend myself. But this question is completely pointless.
Just because I would defend myself against an animal attacking me has nothing to do with whether animals have the right to be free of ownership by humans, nor does it shed any light on any animal rights issue for that matter. So in short, I have a problem with killing any animal for any reason, and I feel the same way about human animals. However if an animal or human were to attack me and it was a matter of life and death I would do everything in my power to defend myself.

A lion sees me as food but I see a lion as my friend!!!

It's always amazing to me the lengths some people will go to to justify killing. Whether it's vegetarian/vegan-ism or working to stop war. They hear all the rational reasons, and I guess have to agree they're true, so they have to resort to these sorts of black and white, extreme hypothetical scenarios. (For those of us who argue for peace, the sign the argument is over is when the person arguing for war brings up Hitler)

So, to you, it's pointless to have a moral belief that it's wrong to kill if I might, in some distant future, if I can save enough money to go on safari in Africa, and if, on this safari that I doubt I'll ever take, in a country I'll probably never visit, and on this improbable trip, even more improbably, I find myself alone, armed with a powerful rifle (that I don't even know how to use, by the way) and confronted with a lion intent on eating me, IF I entertain the notion that I might shoot the lion to save myself, I'm a hypocrite and I may as well forget it and clog my arteries with bacon cheeseburgers every day. Is that what you're saying?

I really don't think that there is any religion or philosophy on earth that doesn't consider self-defense ok. There may be people who would like to hold themselves to an even higher standard, and I admire that. The reality, though, is that we don't really know how we would react, and even if I found myself in a situation that I had to kill or be killed (or to protect someone else), I would not consider all my efforts toward peace and animal welfare for not if I protected myself.

I wouldn't be able shoot it to save myself, but if it was attacking someone in my family I might be able to.

That cow that was killed so you could eat a hamburger didn't attack you; neither did a pig or chicken.

Would you kill and eat your pet dog or cat? I wouldn't either, but I take it a step further and apply that same compassion to all animals.

sorry I'm vegetarian but life isn't that great anyway i would rather let a lion kill me coz i love animals and even if it was going to kill me i would never kill a living creature!

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