Does it bother you that there's so much sugar in "EVERYTHING"?!


Does it bother you that there's so much sugar in "EVERYTHING"?

I'm not a fat person. I just don't like things "TooSweet". The food industry seems to believe that, "Sweeter is Better". this really bothers me becase its in everything we eat. Example, Spagetti Sauce. I have to add one can of stewed tomato's to it to make it edible. Regardless of the brand. Same with barbecue sauce, ketchup,ect....Even baby food!

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7 hours ago
I always do look at the sugar content of ingredients. You would be amazed at the degree od products containing sugar..Potato Chips,Gatoraid (14g),even bread...Thanks for the answers.

7 hours ago
I always do look at the sugar content of ingredients. You would be amazed at the degree od products containing sugar..Potato Chips,Gatoraid (14g),even bread...Thanks for the answers.

I agree! It drives me crazy b/c I am insulin resistant and carbs torture me with food cravings. I can avoid carbs all together by having no variety in my diet, but unfortunately, they are very hard to avoid if you eat a typical american diet. If you look hard at the ingredients, you can find brands of sauces that don't use so much sugar. Stubb's Barbecue Sauce is one good example. Ask the Low-Carb dieters where to find good low-sugar things. As for spaghetti sauce, when you buy a major brand, you're going to find more sugar in the recipe, because they are making it in super huge quantities and it ensures a consistent product. Smaller specialty food makers like Stubbs can be more creative with their ingredients b/c they aren't trying to make a million gallons at a time.

It also helps to look at the order of ingredients, because by law, food manufacturers must list the ingredients in order of quantity from greatest to least amount. If there is a form of sugar in the first 5 ingredients, you can count on it being really high. Train yourself to eyeball how many grams of sugar are on the label with where the sugar ingredient falls in the list of ingredients on the back, and it will help you get a good idea for what is too much, and what is minimal.

well i guess they think it is more palatable,and people are more likely to buy it

Another legal drug. I honestly believe that sugar is addicting... this is why the food industry put so much in our foods today... so they can get us hooked.


Yes, it absolutely bothers me! You're right, there is sugar in pretty much everything...and it makes it difficult to make good food choices when dieting (and for those who do not like a strong sweet taste). I personally make my own spaghetti sauce as I don't like the stuff that's in the jars....I always have to add my own stuff anyways, so I figured, why not just make my own? hehe!

I am with you on this one!!!! For some reason I cannot eat
very much sugar because it makes me shake and the
crap is hidden everywhere.

Yes, it sure does bother me. Too much sugar in the diet is not good for good health.

The only way to cook is to cook from scratch! Make your own spaghetti sauce, it is important to keep sugar in your food down to a minimum. I agree, sugar is like a drug, you get addicted!

yes you are correct.

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