Are nuts and seeds healthy?!


Are nuts and seeds healthy?

I hear a lot of conflicting information about nuts and seeds. Are they really healthy for you?

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2 weeks ago
Chef & Instructor, actually you are wrong. Soaking almonds will not make them alive as most almonds are dried at enzyme destroying temperatures. The only almonds that can become alive are truly raw almonds that are soaked and allowed to sprout. No offense, maybe you shouldn't be giving advice about something you know nothing about.

2 weeks ago
Actually, groovywoodpecker, you are wrong. Most seeds are dried at high temperatures and if you soak them, they will not sprout and therefore they are not living. I checked your sources and they were not valid. Please do your research next time.

2 weeks ago
groovywoodpecker, I have now reported you for using Yahoo! Answers as a message board. Please read the guidelines.

2 weeks ago
Chef & Instructor, actually you are wrong. Soaking almonds will not make them alive as most almonds are dried at enzyme destroying temperatures. The only almonds that can become alive are truly raw almonds that are soaked and allowed to sprout. No offense, maybe you shouldn't be giving advice about something you know nothing about.

2 weeks ago
Actually, groovywoodpecker, you are wrong. Most seeds are dried at high temperatures and if you soak them, they will not sprout and therefore they are not living. I checked your sources and they were not valid. Please do your research next time.

2 weeks ago
groovywoodpecker, I have now reported you for using Yahoo! Answers as a message board. Please read the guidelines.

Yes they are. But it is advisable that you soak (over night) the ones that have brown skin like almonds for example.
Soaking the nuts and seeds will remove the enzyme inhibitors, and the nuts and seeds will become "alive", therefore it is easier to digest.

Animal proteins put the body under a lot of biological stress and soak nuts and seeds are easier to our system. They are rich in nutrients, high in calcium and their natural oils are good for you, if you don't abuse it of course.

Remember, what is good for you, use it moderately, and what is bad, you keep it far away from you.

Hope this info helps! :)

yes but u might poo a lot

Yes, they are good for you, but you have to be careful about how many you eat.


Nuts and seeds are really healthy! I get headaches by eating too much nuts!

They are rich in iron, protein, fiber, and calcium.
They also conatin good fats. Remember though,
that too much of a good thing can put on unwanted

Yes, especially sunflower seeds.

I've never seen a sick squirell so I guess they must be

of course they are!

everything is healthy in moderation. They do contain a lot of fat but also gives you prolonged energy. There will always be conflicting info about. Everyday there seems to be some new research out. Food X is good for you, it stops cancer then a few weeks later Food X is bad and may cause cancer. Agghh it is annoying. Hey what about if i just give up food because it might kill me, oh wait i need food to live and many humans have successfully done so for millions of years.

Yes. I can't see how they can be un-healthy.

Well, actually cashews have a pretty bad rap.

If you aren't allergic to them and when used in moderation. Too many nuts can give you the runs. Nuts and seeds are fairly high in fat content. Some seeds (like flax) need to be ground in order for their nutrients to be absorbed; otherwise, they will just pass on through. Use nuts and seeds with other less- or non-fattening things, not as major dishes in themselves.

Uhm, yes and yes.

Is this a real question?


Yes, they are really good for you. They contain Protein, healthy fats, Vitamin E, Iron, Magnesium, and lots of other important nutrients. Eating nuts regularly can prevent heart disease, diabetes, and they can help you maintain your weight. The only thing you need to do is make sure you don't eat too many because they are high in calories.

Well if ur looking for protien. But there is alot of fat!

Sure they are good for you ... look how lively squirrels are.

No, not always.

Lots of people have nut allergies and to eat them would cause extreme discomfort and perhaps even death.

Likewise, a lot of small seeds are fairly indigestible in the human gut and can get lodged in the opening to the appendix and cause peritonitis and again lead to severe health problems and again possibly death.

Don't just take my word for it - research it yourself - here's a couple of sites to get you started.

There is a large variety of nutsand seeds out there that go ignored. Go for it. (Remember peanuts are excluded from this group)

Yes seeds and nuts are good for you but it is important to chew them well. I am a colon hydrotherapist and I see pounds of whole undigested nuts and seeds floating through my machine every day.l

No actually Ashley, you are wrong, and Chef&Instructor is Correct. See my Sources listed. If she is talking from an organic point of view that is.

Ofcourse nuts and seeds are healthy. But judging from the hostile reply you gave on the answer Chef&Intrustor gave you, you already know the answer. You should receive answers with humbleness, humility and gratitude.

The answer to your Question is yes. It is really healthy and high in nutrition value. And before you question my answer with hostility, my source is:

Yes most seeds.. BUT my research is still correct. You cannot cancel out the fact that there are seeds and nuts that do sprout... esspecially the Organic kind. I doubt VERY much you read through the entire source I supplied because if you did, you would have read that it does occur. And don't lie by replying that you did. This topic is moot in itself. The science is undeniable from our point of view.

Nuts and seeds are very good for you. First of all, they provide essential fibre which keeps the intestinal tract clean, thus helping prevent polyps and cancerous growths.

They also contain various antioxidants and vitamins and minerals. Almonds especially are believed to have anti-carcinogenic properties.

Along like all other things - in MODERATION.

it all depends on the nut and the seed.
nuts and seeds provide a healthy protein, and virtually no salt (other than salted peanuts) or unsaturated fat.
some nuts, such as brazil nuts are extremely fatty, but that does not mean they are bad for anyone-just those who wish to lose weight.

they contain lots of goodness, but really you should be asking what nuts and seeds are good for you-unfortunately i dont know!


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