Any dedicated vegetarians out there??!


Any dedicated vegetarians out there??

Now that my kids are grown..I have been wanting to improve mine and my husband's life with a diet change.For years now I've been thinking of a more vegetarian and fruit style of eating. I would love people to give me their favorite simple recipes for vegetarian meals that could help me along. Nothing real fancy at first..but more than just cutting up veggies and eating them. I've looked at cookbooks but most of them look so fancy. I don't want to drop dairy products..just meat. Can you help me?? Serious answers only please..Oh.and from your experience..we are almost starting this silly for someone our age??

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2 weeks ago
I asked for serious answers and I got them. Thank ya'll so much....I have so many things to think about and some great ideas to get started. I appreciate your help.

2 weeks ago you mean tomato sauce??

2 weeks ago
I asked for serious answers and I got them. Thank ya'll so much....I have so many things to think about and some great ideas to get started. I appreciate your help.

2 weeks ago you mean tomato sauce??

It's never to late to start thinking healthy, for you and the planet. Most "dead" recipies can be converted into vegetarian ones. It can get boring though if lack involvement in the kitchen. Vegetarian Times has a cookbook called "low fat, fast, and asian." It has a ton of quick, balanced, healthy, and tasy meals. If you go to they have a large selection of quick meals for you. When I'm feeling too tired to cook a big meal, I usually make an Indian dish called Chana Masala. Its simple and with the exception of the Spice packet (can be found at whole foods /natural foods market or an indian grocer) you can get the ingredients anywhere.

Saute one onion in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add sliced ginger (2tsp) (you can get them presliced in a jar in the Asian section of any grocery store. Add 2 tsp. Chana Masala Blend ( I use Rani Brand b/c its everywhere) Add 1 tsp corriander (if you don't have it its not a big deal). Add 2 chopped tomatoes, 1 small green chili pepper (or more if you like it spicy). Add 1 can (8 oz) of chickpeas (also called garbanzos). Cook for about 10 minutes or until your taste buds can't take the wait any longer. Serve with rice (I use brown, but boil in a bag white is just as good).
As you can see its a pretty simple, easy going recipe and you can adjust the ingredients to your taste buds. Enjoy.

Since you both have been used to living a non-vegetarian lifestyle it is going to be hard at your stage to adopt one. First of all, don't try to adapt it ALL OF A SUDDEN, you will just become unhealthy. It will have to be a slow process. My parents have been vegetarians for over 25+ years, before they ate meat as well. They first cut out chicken, beef and other meat except for seafood. After some months, they started substituting the seafood for soy products, tofu. Until a year they fully became vegetarian. They are Indian, it's not a problem considering many Indians are vegetarians. You should try going to vegetarian restaurants, becaue you will learn how unique dishes are prepared without meat, and that will give you an idea of future dishes to prepare. A lot of vegetarians cook books complicate how to make food, and many do not include international dishes. It's seriously not hard to follow, just be open-minded and see other dishes. Look for protein substitutes as well, you don't want your health affected because you opted out for no meat in your diet now.

if you want to become a vegetarian then don't eat meat or fish. that's basically it, no hard work.

AND no it's not silly.

I've been a vegetarian since birth...for religious reasons. If you don't want to drop dairy, don't...that's what vegans do. A vegetarian just doesn't eat meat. I love milk and would never be able to say goodbye to it. It's never felt like I've been deprived of meat...I always had TONS to choose from. Try and Indian recipe...almost all Indian recipes are vegetarian because Hindus do not eat meat or fish. Start off with a fast...only fruits, veggies, nuts, and milk all day. Then the next day do the same. After that slowly add in all the sugar and other vegetarian foods. It will make you feel like you are gaining instead of losing. And there are a lot of alterations out there. They have veggie patties instead of hamburgers, veggie dogs, and a lot more healthy stuff. Cheese pizza is really good, without pepperoni, and it tastes better with black olives and veggies. Don't think of vegetarians as people who live on nature. We don't. We eat a whole ton of stuff that meat eaters do as well.. all the sweets and spices and etc. Good luck!

We are vegitarian.
Can't eat no meat.
I can't eat eggs.
Only in things sometimes like in cupcakes.
Once you get used to it it's not hard.
For protin eat tofu and beans ect.
Ect. Ect. Ect.
You could eat tofu cooked or raw.
Eat rice ect. ect. ect..
I'm punjabi.
My family was from India.So I eat indian food.

Not silly, and not too late!
start with what you already eat that is veg, or easily made so.
You will keep milk, so if you search for recipes, remember the term lacto-vegetarian.
if you also will eat eggs, lact-ovo veg.
think about this: eggplant parm, spaghetti marinara, most of your side dishes (which you will morph into wicked main dishes) are already veg.
stir fried veggies over (preferably) brown rice is a staple.

A simple but wow inducing dish is sauted (or roasted) veggies with peanut sauce.
cook the veggies your preferred way: use sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, parsnips, red bell peppers, green bell peppers, green beans--whatever, except white potatoes)
to make peanut sauce place in a sauce pan on medium heat:
1 cup peanut (or other nut) butter,
1 cup liquid (I like better than bullion vegetable broth)
a healthy sprinkling of garam masala (curry powder will suffice in a pinch, as will cayenne or paprika, depending on your liking for spice and complex.
splash of soy/ tamari sauce (or Bragg's liquid aminos) to taste
heat and add liquid until you like the consistency.
ladle over the cooked veggies and serve with brown rice.

tweak the recipe and use it to clean out the veggie drawer when you realize you need to!

Okay first u boil some water then u add a whole bunch of veggies and some sauce!
It tastes so good my mother makes it for me all the time!

wel come to the world of vegetarians its so east to turn vegetarian dont eat any non veg even eggs .
Proteins: Body's protein needs can be provided by either animal or plant sources. Mixed protein diet obtained from various plant sources is better than animal protein and is recommended in diabetes, renal diseases and liver diseases. Mixed protein diet from different plant sources has been the pattern of diet in India for all vegetarians.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are mainly found in plant foods; like cereals, grains, fresh and dry fruits, legumes, vegetable, greens, nuts etc. plant carbohydrates include' large amounts of starches, sugar and fibers which are important for gut functions. The body is better suited to a high carbohydrate diet than a low carbohydrate diet. In fact 55% of the food intake should be carbohydrate. All animal products do not contain carbohydrate which is essential for body.

Fat: Plant fats differ from animal fats in two different ways 1) they are cholesterol free 2) they generally contain more polyunsaturated fat and less saturated fats. Plant fats usually have higher polyunsaturated fat value than animal fats.

A diet which is low in cholesterol and which contains fat of a high PIS value is associated with a lower incident of coronary health disease.

Vitamins and Minerals: plant foods are rich in many vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is obtained by exposure of skin to sun light and this is not a problem in India.

Calcium: The vegetarians can meet their needs for calcium from dairy products. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Dark green vegetables are good sources of Riboflavin as are legumes and whole grain cereal.

Iron: The problem of iron deficiency is relatively common but vitamin C significantly enhances absorption of iron hence it is advisable for vegetarians to include with each meal a food high in vitamin C which as lime, citrus fruits or juices.

Zinc: Zinc is found in large number of plant foods.

Fiber: Fiber is found only in vegetarian food like whole grain cereals, legumes, greens, fruits, vegetable etc.

Thus in vegetarian foods all requirement of nutrition for body growth and maintenance is fulfilled. One can have a complete and balanced diet provided we take enough food which is as close to nature as possible in maintaining sturdy and disease free body. It is equally helpful in curing many diseases.

More & more evidence is surfacing that directly links a prolonged non- vegetarian diet to diseases as cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, asthma just to name a few.

1. LOGEVITY: Vegetarian can expect to live 4-10 years longer then the non-vegetarians.

" Source: Seventh day Adventists study

2. LESS HEART DISEASE: Because of low fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content of the vegetarian diet the risk of heart disease is lowered. High blood cholesterol levels are associated with increased risk of heart disease.

3. LESS CANCER: Up to 40% of all cancers are diet related. Cancer death rates have been associated with obesity and high fat / low fiber diet. Vitamin A & C are thought to be protective against colon cancer. Low fat diets protect against prostrate and breast cancer. Indoles, lignans, isoflavones, protease inhibitors which are present in plant foods and shown to be potent anti carcinogens.

4. LESS BOWEL DISEASE: Diverticular disease and appendicitis occur more frequently with low fiber intake as in meat diet.

5. LEES OBESITY & LESS INCIDENCE OF DIABETES: It is easier to plan a low fat diet for a vegetarian then for a meat eater. The fiber in plant food dilutes the energy & provides a satisfying meal without all the calories. Diabetes over the age of 40 seems to be related to obesity.

When activists like M.K. Gandhi, sports personalities like Martina Novratilova & Carl Lewis, beauties like Brooke Shields & Kate Winslet, physists like Edison, Albert Einstein & A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, religious leaders & mystics like Jesus & Osho can be legendaries in there respective fields taking the advantage of being vegetarian, Is'nt it more prudent on our part to switch over to vegetarianism & enjoy better quality & longevity of life.

i have been a vegetarian for over 19 yrs now and i fill sick when i see someone eat any kind of meat .i truly think that we weren't meant to get meet or eat it everyday i have to say i don't see anything wrong with eating boiled eggs and fish also the body is much healthier without meat well at least i am

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