How Do You Make Steamed Spinach?!


How Do You Make Steamed Spinach?

I read that making spinach steamed is the most healthiest way for cooking. How do you make the spinach steamed? Like what do you do? Tell me the steps. Thanks.

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2 weeks ago
I get the spinach from a can if that helps.

2 weeks ago
I get the spinach from a can if that helps.

There are so many ways of having spinach....

1. Don't buy it in a can
2. Buy baby spinach leaves (english spinach), wash and use instead of lettuce in a salad or under a serve of small baked vegetable. No cooking so the healthiest way of eating it.
3. Buy normal spinach, cut off the stem, right up the triangle section in the leaf, then slice into large strips, place in a saucepan with just a touch of butter and fry lightly until just cooked. Again, very little cooking and no boiling means you get all the goodness.
4. Again the spinach trimmed, then put in a steamer. This takes only a couple of minutes, serve with some mashed potatoe and gravy for a truly yum dish.


buy frozen spinach.
put in steamer.
turn steamer on.

How to make steamed spinach:
Step 1. Create steam.
Step 2. Add spinach.
Step 3. Enjoy.

You put water in a pot, then you put a steaming basket over the water then you wash & clean the spinach if it is not baby spinach you can trim the stems, then you put the stove on high boil the water put the spinach in or just put it in the basket before the water is boiling and wait for it to boil. When it is limp its done.
Eat it with salt and butter.

Spinach from a can is already cooked, and already much less nutritious. Just buy a big bag of pre-cleaned (triple washed) fresh spinach. Heat a little water (1/4 cup or so) in a pan, throw the spinach in, and heat for about a minute with the pan lid on. Viola! Steamed spinach.

Spinach from a can is already so mushy there's not much you can do with it, if you want to steam it, you will have to buy it fresh:


Clean a couple bundles of spinach. Break the stems off and throw them away so just the leaves are left. Steam the spinach until it wilts but not until its completely mushy. Drain the spinach. Squeeze the juice of a good lemon on the spinach. Cover the spinach with about 1/3 cup of chopped up walnuts or almonds. Serve in a bowl.

buy spinach, put it in a steamer.. wait. remove. eat.

dont use spinach from a can . use fresh spinach,one bag of spinach,muhrooms if u like pepper a little salt, put the pan on low heat with a half or one cup of water put the lid to the pan on top wait 5 min stir put the lid
back on wait another five min the water should be gone and the spinach very small thats why u use a hole bag .

Wash & drain the spinach leaves first, they get sandy.
Then you put them in a steamer & cook until tender.
A steamer is like a double boiler but with holes.
The idea is to have water boiling in the bottom.
And some kind of rack holding the spinach leaves.
The Chinese make steamers out of bamboo.
Check your local market or cooking store.
Steaming preserves the green colour & vitamins.

Take fresh spinach leaves. Wash it well with plain tap water. Shake off excess water, but do not dry. Put spinach leaves in a pot and cover with lid. Heat over low heat on the stove. Check every 3 minutes or so and give it a stir. Remove when it is done enough for you. The water clinging to the leaves after washing is enough to steam it. You really don't need a steamer. You just need to be careful to use low heat and stir occasionally so it doesn't burn.

I read all the responses, and agree with using fresh spinach. As far as steamers go, Tupperware has an AWESOME one that has the bottom part that you put the water in, the basket part with holes on the bottom, and a lid. It fits great into the microwave and you can steam any type of veggie in it. I believe it originally came with guidelines for how long to steam certain items but I've had mine several years and have lost the guidelines. It's really a good product and can probably be found on their website.

You just cook it in a pan with a little bit of water in the bottom.

Try Shocking the spinach.

Prepare spinach: cleaned and stems removed.
Place in brown paper bag and place in freezer for 30 minutes to chill.

Prepare the steamer: add water and add 1/3 tsp red pepper flakes in the water.

Turn on steamer and get it going hot.
Drop the chilled spinach into the steamer. close and steam for 3 minutes.

Remove and serve it your way.

"Shocking" the spinach causes it to puff up and release more of its flavor.

Bon apetito

To make steamed spinach you need lots of fresh spinach 1 lb of spinach cooked is about 1 serving . In a pan that has a lid crisp fry 2 or 3 strips of bacon Add spinach that has been wash several times to pan it may look like a lot but it reduces to almost nothing add 1/2 cup chicken stock or water and put lid on the pan let steam for 5 minutes and it should be done

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