Vegetarians and vegans and the agendas?!


Vegetarians and vegans and the agendas?

Ok..........answer this question:
WHy dont I ever see a group of people protesting the vegetarian section of the local grocer? Why dont I ever see people handing out flyers that read, "Its wrong to be a vegetarian!" Why dont you ever see people hanging carrots with a noose to illustrate the "pro-meat agenda"?

You never see that, and its because meat eaters dont care about converting vegetarians and vegans.......they are the true tolerant folks in this battle.
On the other side of the fence, the veg-heads are alway protesting meat, trying to convert people over...........they wont leave meat-eaters alone. They dont respect the meat-eating culture. But most of these people are leftists who preach tolerance for ALL cultures and lifestyles....................... WTF???
explain that! Why do they demand respect for ALL people, then turn around and shout down someone who eats meat?

It's unfortunate that you've had bad experiences with vegetarians and vegans that you've encountered. But they are not the only ones who have expressed a lack of tolerance. You might want to read some posts in this section if you haven't witnessed any meat eaters being intolerant.

Never once have I protested or seen any other vegetarian protest in the meat department of any store I've shopped in. There are probably some around my area that do protest, but I've never seen them or met them. None of the ones I've met have gone out looking for meat eaters to convert. They do have information and research to share when asked, but they don't go foisting it on people who do not want it.

Most of the vegans and vegetarians I know are far from being leftists. Most in my acquaintance are pretty conservative folk. The ones that I know are very respectful of omnivores. And fortunately for me, the omnivores that I know are just as respectful to the vegans and vegetarians.

I'm sorry that you have apparently run into some who have not had such good manners, but it doesn't mean that all vegans and vegetarians act in the manner that you claim. I hope that you will encounter some who are tolerant like the ones that I have met. Perhaps you have and don't know it, because they won't be extremely vocal. There really are some very wonderful vegans and vegetarians out there who will be respectful of your choice to eat meat.

This type of behavior is by no means limited to the vegan/vegetarian/omnivore issue. You can find people behaving this way with each other over religion, politics, education, sports, raising children, or any other controversial issue. I can understand your frustration. I'm not terribly impressed by folks who rant and rave, either...even if they're ranting and raving on the side of the issue I agree with. ;o)

what would they say?

lol.seriously, if you thought this was a smart question in any form than you are just as ridiculous as you sound.
My family and most of my friends are "meat eaters" and I respect them and their choices. (guess what, its more likely they wont be quite as tolerant!)
BTW how often do you get bombarded with vegetarians harassing you at the local market, shouting meat is murder? If you say alot, let alone once you are lying and you know it.

Get real.

simply put I respect animals more then I would most humans. I could go into detail and humor you..but its more fun to keep letting you think that I think you and any of the other paranoid ego hurt omnivores are my enemies.

When you already believe falsehoods without fact.. what makes you think I'd attempt to try and help you with truth? I already know and so do most other vegans that they can only preach to the willing..

if you've had any run in with another type its probably because they are evolving still and feel constantly attacked by their surroundings as they awaken from the negative habits they've chosen to change.

they they all you've said. Who? people have their convictions and I'm so much more then just a vegan. You can't stereotype me or anyone that are free thinkers..unless of course they follow trends and personality types like you seem too..then I spose your all in a stupendous amount of equal naivety and I don't want anything to do with any tool that lives like that..vegan or vegetarian would make no difference.'re stupid, hello most of us were meat eaters once before, then we converted to not wanting to eat meat. Don't call us veg-heads that's just corny, and maybe if you think about the animals for once in a way other then "hm what do i eat tonight oh meat." they didn't do anything to deserve to be killed over, don't like our opinions well suck it up 'cause I know I don't plan on changing over to eating a helpless animal anytime soon.

You are posting in the wrong section. Try the "political" section.

I checked out some of your answers to other questions.
I love how you seem to call vegetarians intolerant, yet all your comments seem to be stereotypical and completely ignorant. Saying that only meat eaters can think for themselves, because PETA "trollers" are just doing what someone else told them. Who told you to eat meat in the first place? Your mummy? Oh and that was a serious question, ignore any sarcasm(just like you do with logic!), it truly wasn't intended. Quite frankly I live my life the way I want it, I don't eat meat because I like animals, and what I do is none of your business. Ofcourse there are people who preach vegetarianism. There are people who preach Islam, Judaism, Christianity aswell - but you are the one who seems to have the agenda, against vegetarians who I'm sure have made your life hell!(that's the sarcasm).

There are extremists on all sides of politics. For whatever reason any does anything, it's their own concern. What I put on my plate is none of your concern, and what you put on your doesn't bother me because to be frank, me and the other 99% of vegetarians couldn't give a ****.

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