Why do people get so emotional about killing animals for food and clothes?!


Why do people get so emotional about killing animals for food and clothes?

As a species we have done this since day one. I think cows are brilliant creature's myself one particular animal donated it's skin to save mine during a motorbike accident.

So why would I want to become a vegitarian or vegan? I don't think there is the technology to turn carrots or sprouts into motorbike safety gear yet.

Before I go if you are a vegitarian / vegan can you drive a car? After all the fuels that run these infernal machines are all just the by products of rotting dead animals.

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2 weeks ago
Don't think cows and chickens are close to endangerment - KFC and McD's are doing their bit to protect those species.

2 weeks ago
I can see how you were put of meat Miss Sherlit - hats off good argument.

2 weeks ago
From where my office is there is no lack of rain - it's monsoon season in southern China.

2 weeks ago
Avondrow like your answer good to see common sense.

2 weeks ago
I like your style anonymous - vegan motorcycle gear I have now seen it all :-)

2 weeks ago
Don't think cows and chickens are close to endangerment - KFC and McD's are doing their bit to protect those species.

2 weeks ago
I can see how you were put of meat Miss Sherlit - hats off good argument.

2 weeks ago
From where my office is there is no lack of rain - it's monsoon season in southern China.

2 weeks ago
Avondrow like your answer good to see common sense.

2 weeks ago
I like your style anonymous - vegan motorcycle gear I have now seen it all :-)

I suppose because its a life choice in which we are asked to defend on a regular basis. You have a right to your view I have a right to mine. The truth is a vegan lfiestyle if done correctly is a much healthier choice for anyone. People who consume meat on a regular basis have a higher risk of suffering from many ailments. ( i am sure you know this) Thats not to say eating meat once a week is gonna kill you , but lets face it..in america (i dont know where you are from) meat isnt something people consume once a week. You are looking at a minimum of twice a day for most, in over portioned meals. I am sure alot of "meat eaters" can agree that too many people are gluttons. Besides all that, factory farming isnt exactly a natural act. We sure havent done that since day one!!! We actually havent consumed meat since day one. We evolved into it. There are so many things that we as humans do that cant really be justified when it comes to "nature". As for driving a car, ya, I drive one. Even my home is built with animal products, film in cameras..etc etc. The point is to reduce the amount of suffering the best way we can. In this age there is no possible way to avoid it. We all know this.

I dont really care what others think of me, if I was in an accident like you were, laying in an emergency room half conscious im not sure the first thing in my head would be "dont save me with anything coming from an animal!". I like that you acknowledge that animal and appreciate the fact it did save your skin.
It does make you wonder though, where we got off playing god and deciding that our lives were truly more important than any other living being on this planet. Is medicine really a good thing? Should we live to be 100? Should we cheat death repeatedly? We werent meant to live forever. As I said, there isn't much "natural" about us anymore. I think about it quite often actually. But that could go into a whole other subject which doesn't have much to do with the question at hand.

MM, anyhow thats my rant. :)

because these animals wil become extict in few yrs and there will be nothing left for the future, so we do have to preserve something for them.

i dont kno .....i became a vegeterian when i was like 10 years old i had like 20 rabbits and i was coming from school and my dad was in the back killin it!
then the next day i opened the freezer and guess at wat i saw!! A skinned rabbit that i loved alot!!!he ate the rabbit and tried to make me eat it!!!!!
eatin meat just seems like im eatin another human....i just cant do it!!!

The population of all animals are decreasing, If they do not repopulate they will be no more to eat. The droughts all over the world are wiping out the worlds food supply, You will see food shortages in your life anyway so enjoy it while you can I guess.

I think there are several levels to it. As civilised people with a sense of morality, it is natural enough to object to the perceived cruelty of some intensive animal husbandry. You do not need to be a vegetarian or vegan to be unsettled by the conditions in some battery farms. You do, however, need to have the courage of your convictions and avoid cheap meat and eggs!

But there is another level where people seem to slip into fanaticism. Sometimes this is because they are, frankly, daft - locked in some extended childhood where they see animals as cute fluffy friends and are completely divorced from the 'tooth and claw' reality. But beyond this is the realm of the animal rights fascists, who are very disturbed individuals. Psychologically, I think there must be some kind of anxiety transference going on - animals become the symbols or fetishes for all their own fears and paranoia. Valuing animal life beyond that of fellow humans is a sign of a diseased mind.

yummmy - cow!! I have no idea why they wouldnt want to eat it, it's not like they have to go outside and kill the animal themselves!! And u r very right - if ur gonna throw a fit about a couple of chickens getting killed to feed my family then ud better not be driving either!!

I don't see anything cruel or unnatural about killing animals for food. Animals eat other animals and that's the way nature is. What's more, without human intervention, animals produce far more offspring than can possibly survive to maturity.

I think we get isolated from wild animals living in their natural environment we can romantisice their existance.

Being a vegitarian has health benefits and has a lower impact on the environment, but I wouldn't justify it on humanitarian grounds.

I'd say that people who very much care for the welfare of animals and have chosen not to eat meat are naturally upset by the thought of them being killed, eaten and worn.

There are different degrees of this though. You may get a person who loves steak but objects to anyone who wears a fur coat, for instance.

It all depends how you view your own morality and what that morality is made up of. Taken to the very extreme, a person could die from hunger because even plants have to be killed in order to be eaten - and current scientific research suggests that plants may indeed have a rudimentary nervous system.

dude that is so stupid! of course carrots aren't motorcycle safety gear! there are alternatives to leather! i think it is very uncivilized to eat other animals and do you actually think an animal would have willingly given its skin to you? hey guess what i found, vegan motorcycle gear!

I would be a vegetarian if I could afford it. In many developed countries meat is often the cheapest source of protein, and in China, vegetarian cuisine is delicious. But like factory farming, a lot of vegs grown under factory conditions and regime are also tasteless. Tomatoes that's just bland and sour, corriander that is almost non-pungent, etc.
But each to his/her own. Even Buddhism in the Jataka stories taught that animals can be eaten, and the Buddha in his many reincarnation gave himself to be eaten as a turtle, rabbit, etc. A cow, rabbit, dog, monkey... is not another human. Doesn't mean that I can mistreat it and cause it unnecessary suffering, but it is not the same as my father, brother, sister, etc. even though St Francis may call them brothers. One should not make one's taste in food the basis of morality. The head-hunting cannibals are not necessarily morally more depraved than us (Emperor Bokassa excepted!).

i love meat as much as the next guy but if im eating a burger and i see a cow i cant eat it no more cuz i feel bad! the animals have no deffense to us eating em,, but boy they taste good but wearing em thats 110% thats wrong!

maybe they see gory videos on killing animals n they think it's cruel

animals are my life i dont no why but ever since i was born i have always had a special place in my heart for them I'm an animal lover and always will be!
im a vegetarian and I'm PROUD
I'm 13 i do not eat meat and i am fine I'm alive and healthy and if i can be alive and happy not hurting animals in any way then why do all you people decide to hurt Innocent creatures
there is no point except people like being evil murderers!!!
the reason i get so emotional is because i have a heart i have feelings AND SO DO THEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just because people have done something since the beggining of time doesn'ty make it moral or ojay,people have killed eachother since the beginning of time,that doesn't make it right.If you need an alternative to leather...

I got this from another user as an answer,because I just started working on getting my motorcycle license...

...When I get ready for a long-distance ride, I tend to reach for my TourMaster cordura nylon jacket. It's lighter than leather, has built-in crash armour pads at the elbows, back and shoulders, has a zip-out insulated liner, and best of all... It's water proof!

Joe Rocket also makes a good variety of styles and designs in textile jackets and pants for serious riders.

Check out the web sites, below...


Actually,most "fossil fuels" are old plant matter,even so,that was in the past and we can't do anything about it.If you are against slavery,it would be pointless for you to not walk on a road built by slaves,because that was in the past and you cannot do anything about it.

I care about animals because they can suffer and feel pain...if the things that are done to cows,chickens,pigs,etc were done to dogs or cats it would be animal cruelty in all 50 states.I'm sure you would feel bad if you saw a person that just got in a car wreck,or seeing a child starving,but what is it that makes you feel bad for that person?Empathy right?BYou'd feel bad for them because you know they are capable of feeling pain and suffering,not because they can talk,niot because they are intelligent,and not because they can reason,I'm sure it is because you know they are capable of feeling pain and suffering,just like you,it's the same thing with animals,they can't talk,they can't reason,and t ey may not be as intelligent as humans,but they are capable of feeling pain and suffering.


Theres a difference between oil (which is dead animals from millions of years ago) and killing animals. Humans didn't kill the animals to make the oil did they? Anyway it hasn't done much good to the enviroment. Can't take your question as a valid arguement, sorry.

You should become vegetarian because you want to. Its your choice. But I don't think the animal donated its skin.

A vegan doesn't use any animal products or by-products. Vegetarians may do.

People get so emotional because compassionate people, who empathize with other species of sentient beings, realize that suffering & pain is not limited to humans.

Let me ask you this: what emotional state would *you* be in if you had to skin & slit the throat of an animal yourself for that leather? Really picture it in your mind with all the blood & the look of anguish in the animal's eyes. If you can truthfully answer "it wouldn't bother me one bit," it would be evidence of your lack of compassion, not vegans' over-sensitivity. It's easy to be complacent & arrogant when you don't have to do the dirty work yourself.

Now I will proceed to poke holes in all of your illogical arguments:

"As a species we have done this since day one":
Where's the proof? If killing other animals for food is innate in humans, then a toddler placed in front of a chicken & a berry plant would blood-thirstily kill the chicken instead of picking the berries. Somehow I doubt this would happen.

"turn carrots or sprouts into motorbike safety gear yet.":
Carrots or sprouts are the only plants?? What about rubber? There are many viable non-animal alternatives if you look for them.

"all the fuels that run these infernal machines are all just the by products of rotting dead animals":
I won't argue for the virtues of using fossil fuels, as there are none, but I must rebut this fallaciousness directed at veg*ans.

Trying to argue that using fossil fuels is not vegan is analogous to arguing that breathing in dust, which may contain dead skin cells, is not vegan. Both completely ridiculous arguments.

Fossil fuels are derived from dead plants & animals from over hundreds of millions of years ago, long before humans came into existence. Why are you equating the current human-induced suffering of animals with inanimate substances that are NATURALLY & MOLECULARLY REDEFINED from the original source?

Humans can & will survive & thrive just fine without killing animals for gluttonous, selfish desires. We evolved into beings with the capacity for intellect, innovation & compassion, let's use it.

"Being vegan isn't about being perfect or pure, it's about reducing suffering"

"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Why do people seem to not care about completely unnecessary killing?

I think that's a better question.

1. Leather is archaic. We have long ago developed (and have the technology to improve upon) synthetic materials that have qualities that surpass leather. Think about the military, emergency response units, anyone who works in extreme situations - none wear leather. People still think leather looks cool - that is why we still wear it.

2.Yes, fossil fuels are made from animals. Animals that died millions of years ago due to natural causes - they were not the by-product of KFD (Kentucky Fried Dinosaur). If we developed a new fuel created by slaughtering millions of animals - No, I would not use it.

This argument is so annoying really. People choose to not eat/use animal products for many reasons: Some do not eat/use animal products because it is unhealthy. Some do not eat/use animal products for religious/spiritual reasons. Some do not eat/use animal products because they believe that animals feel pain and want to live - just as humans do. Some do not eat/use animal products because they disagree with the way the animals are treated prior to losing their life.

You choose to eat/use animal products - that is your choice. I'm OK with that.

Why do so many people feel threatened by people who have made a conscious decision to lead a healthier and/or more spiritual life.

Unum's post above me says what I want to say but a thousand times better - I suggest if you have skipped her post you go back and re-read it. I think it explains the vegan stance perfectly.

Actually there are a bunch of good answers here already. One of the things about your question is actually pretty common. Lots of people have the misconception that people throughout time have eaten meat the way we do today. They have the idea that all "cows" as you call them are happily munching grass in the beautiful rolling hills of California, treated well, then quickly and painlessly killed when butchers take over in their white jumpsuits with impeccably clean hands and equipment, which lovingly is placed in trucks to go to our markets. The beautiful cuts of meat are just chock full of nutrients, right?

Sadly, this isn't the reality. Our ancestors did not eat meat at every meal. A serving of meat is the size of a deck of playing cards, not a chunk of meat as big as your head. Until recently, most people thought of meat as a condiment and a large portion only for rare celebrations. There weren't herds of steers (cows give milk, bulls are few, the rest are castrated and called steers) like there are today, contributing to pollution with methane production. The stock yards in Texas, for instance have steers standing in filthy conditions which spread disease (they have to pump them full of antibiotics and often steroids). Much of the farmland production in the states goes to feed and house cattle, but could be going toward feeding the world. Steers are killed, not in an antiseptic, sterile, way, but violently and cruelly. They do feel pain and fear - for those of us capable of compassion, that matters.

Lots of people are concerned about their health, as we all should be. Billions of dollars are spent every year treating chronic diseases that could be prevented with a healthy lifestyle. To reduce fat in the diet, the very easiest way is to eliminate animal products. We can get ample protein, the vitamins we need are found in vegetables anyway (the advice is to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day).

But the health aspects of eating vegetables isn't the only thing - the sanitation of the meat as well is the nutrients found in the meat are issues as well. Many steers are given large amounts of antibiotics which is then in their meat and cause some people to become sick. The steers are feed bone meal and sometimes raw meat (even though they should be eating grain and grass) leading to conditions like mad cow disease which can kill people, and that diet means that the meat isn't filled with nutrients. You're filling up with high calories and fat, but little nutrition. Often times the meat is contaminated with fecal material which usually you can kill when you cook it, but be sure those burgers are cooked thoroughly - no pink! or you could be setting yourself up for food poisoning.

The need for keeping huge herds of cattle and other factory farms of animals just isn't there. It's high time we actually did start eating like our ancestors - treat meat as a luxury we only have once in a blue moon.

The bottom line? If we cut our meat consumption to 25% to 0% of our diet, we would see dramatic improvements in:
1. Our personal health
2. Health care costs
3. Reduction in chronic diseases
4. Reduction in food borne illnesses
5. The environment
6. Animal welfare

With all the pluses, why continue to eat meat? It's a mystery to me.

Vehicles run on fossil fuels which are not made out of dead and rotting animals.

Guilt free food!!!

I hate to see people wearing animals I think is mean and cruel, I mean I put on some rabbit fur and felt so guilty and sad for the poor little rabbit.....man that hurt!!!!

some people are retarded
sorry I mean " mentally Handicapped"

I don't really understand why people don't want to eat animals
I mean God made them
and he made them out of meat
I think steak sounds good maybe for lunch
I want to name a pig pork chops
and the rest if humans
and eat them the other animals will.

I can eat a burger and look staight at a cow and i can eat chick-fil-a and hold a chicken
maybe it's a country thing
along with eating and watching someone puke.

only a few people, only a few. Most people get their food from the supermarket. Shoppers don't do any killing unless they bought their food live.

Cows and other animals ARE nice, and I personally know a few people who have lived at the price of an animal killed. These people are among the closest to me, and I feel quite grateful to the animals that saved these peoples lives. Don't you want to improve the conditions these animals live in, and support efforts to find alternatives, so that one day, we no longer need animal transplants?

We get emotional because we care. Some people do not have any morals and they can eat meat with no problem.

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