


Im vegetarian and wondering who else out there is vegetarian.
And ask y more people aren't veggie?
Vegetarians save over 100 animals a year and are healthier then meat eaters.
eating meat is also cruel. they way they are treated before death are disgraceful and the ways of killing animals are inhumane.
go to for more info.

I am a vegetarian and have been for about 2 years now

I'm a vegetarian!! And have been for 5 years now :)

Yes! I hear you...I′m a vegetarian since I was born..

Nah, only eating vegetarian food is boring

I've been vegetarian for 21 years now (counting the 9 months I was in my vegetarian mommy's tummy)! And couldn't be healthier.

I am a vegeterian since birth. I agree with you about the health part and the way these animals are killed is not right.

But I have another opnion when you mention about saving them. Well, Its a food chain and apparently we are on top. If you were to see a National Geographic or Discovery, they actually show how Lions, Tigers etc hunt other animals and eat them. You would think why not stop and save that animal instead of recording it. The reason because this is how our eco system is and this is the way the food chain runs and it would not be right on our part to modify this food chain.

There are other ways of amending this. Do you know Global warming claims lives of hundreds of animals and you and me as vegens are also responsible for this. I think if dont pollute our environment we can save many many animals.

I too am a vegetarian, and for health reasons only. The vegetarian lifestyle has it's However, being a vegetarian does not save over one-hundred animals per year, and it does not keep those animals from being slaughtered. Whether a person chooses to eat meat or not it will not affect or stop the killing of animals for people who do eat meat. Lastly, most of the animals are in fact being killed in inhumane ways under filthy conditions, but most of the population will eat meat...and always will.

It's harsh but true.

Animals will always be slaughtered for food.

Anyone answering after, feel free to give all the crude opinions you want. It won't change or affect the facts.

ya i am vegetarian and agree with you

i'm vegetarian

I've been vegetarian for about 5 years now and I will be all my life.

Im not a vegetarian, and I know it seems kind of mean but meat just tastes good and i grew up on it, so I'm used to eating it. Animals eat other animals in the wild so why can't humans eat animals? And I hate vegetables and dont want to take all that fake protein supplements and eat tofu and veggie burgers and whatever. I just think it's a little too much work. Sorry if that sounds mean, I dont mean it that way.

peta is a terrorist organization, why do you have their link on your post?

Proud vegetarian for 17 years now. :)

In regards to the poster further above stating that being vegetarian/vegan does not save lives, you are incorrect and should not attempt to correct another unless you have accurate information. Following excerpt from
"The average vegetarian saves the lives of approximately 95 animals each year. That adds up to thousands during a lifetime. Every time we eat, we are making a powerful choice that has profound consequences on the lives of animals. At each meal, we make a decision between supporting cruelty or living compassionately. "
The number of vegetarians/vegans in this world is not only already in record numbers, but increases every year! And if each vegetarian/vegan saves approximately 95 lives-that adds up to thousands and thousands of lives saved, if not more.
Therefore to say it doesn't make a difference, is totally bogus!
When people choose to boycott a company, the more people who participate in the boycott, more can be accomplished, otherwise boycotting would also be a waste of time.

im not a vegetarian....its better trying's also gud to ur health,if not eaten regularly....coz there r many vitamins n oils v get frm seafoods n others

Hay im a Vegetarian to. and ive seen that site before all i can say about the matter is i wish people would wake and see the inhumane ways the animals are killed and treated. me and my little bro have both become full Vegetarians because of this

ive been a vegetarian for 3 days now .. and yes it is extremly cruel the way they slaughter the animals .. they even slit the throats of some cows and chickens while they are stilll alive its unbeleivably sick .. i havnt told my parents about my vegetarianism yet tho .. if i do theyll just think im doing it to lose weight or somthing and itll only last for a few days but i know better

I'm a vegetarian a and raising my daughter to be one also. I think people don't want to become vegetarians because then they would be on the outside. It's so easy going along with society. You're constantly having to defend your reasons with family and friends. It's a pain in the butt. If you believe in your cause it's no big deal but if you don't then it's just too much work.

l've just recently decided to go vegan. I think people eat meat because they are desensitized to it. Also, it takes effort, you have to find vegan foods and recipes, and unfortunately, the expense is also a factor. When your making dinner for your family and they like meat that can be frustrating too. I think others have heard that people that become vegetarian suffer from bad nutrition which can be true if you don't include essential nutrients in your diet that you used to get from meat. From birth they are given meat and they become accustomed to eating it.

I do agree that vegetarians do save the lives of animals, economically speaking the more vegetarians there are the less demand and consumption there is and the supplier will notice. I feel that as our society continues to become more health conscious more and more people will become vegetarian and that maybe someday in the future it will be considered unusual to eat meat.

I'm not againt others eating meat I just want laws introduced that protect animals from cruelty. People just need to become educated and make decisions that will force the industry to change.

Veg Head since I was 9 and freaking proud!!! Any person that knows about factory farming and animal cruelty but still hides behind the lies of the media because they think it's ok, is a selfish, thoughtless, insensitive monster.

I want to be a vegetarian, but i love burgers! So for two years now i have stopped eating pig (bacon, sauage, pepperoni, hot dogs, pork, ham, etc.). I hope someday to stop eating chicken and so on!

I love animals <3

Actually, vegetarians aren't more healthy at all. They suffer from the same health problems that the rest of us have. There's nothing wrong with eating meat, in theory. It's all the stuff they feed the animals that hurts us. That and the fact that most meat eaters don't exercise enough to compensate for the animal fat we ingest. Our teeth indicate that we were made to eat omnivorously -- both vegetables/fruit AND meat. Of course, if you want to be vegetarian, go for it!

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