Is this a good breakfast?!


Is this a good breakfast?

i'm trying to lose weight, or at least maintain it. do you think i will gain any weight from what i've eaten for breakfast?

i had: 1 pear, 1 non fat yogurt, & 1 special k 90 calorie bar. & also water.

Your breakfast was ok don't worry .A good breakfast is one that:
* is higher in carbohydrates and lower in fat (High carbohydrate foods include: breads, cereals, other grain products, vegetables and fruits.)


10 Ways to Outwit Your Appetite
Posted Mon, Jun 04, 2007, 8:28 pm PDT

You don't have to be smarter than a quiz show fifth-grader to learn how to control the urge to eat. Just follow these ingenious tips:

1. Feed it protein for breakfast. You'll be less hungry later on and end up eating 267 fewer calories during the day. At least that's what happened on days when St. Louis University researchers gave overweight women two scrambled eggs and two slices of jelly-topped toast for breakfast rather than about half that protein.

2. Make it climb a flight of stairs. At home, store the foods that tempt you most way out of reach. For instance, Cornell University food psychologist Brian Wansink, PhD, keeps his favorite soda in a basement fridge. "Half the time I'm too lazy to run down there to get it, so I drink the water in the kitchen."

3. Sleep on it. People who don't get their eight hours of zzz's experience hormonal fluctuations that increase appetite, report researchers.

4. Give it something else to think about. When scientists scanned the brains of people eating different foods, they found that the brain reacts to fat in the mouth in much the same way that the nose responds to a pleasant aroma. So if you feel a craving coming on, apply your favorite scent.

5. Never let it see a heaping plate. The more food that's in front of you, the more you'll eat. So at a restaurant, ask your waiter to pack up half of your meal before serving it to you, then eat the extras for lunch the next day.

6. Put it under the lights. You consume fewer calories at a well-lit restaurant table than you do dining in a dark corner. "In the light, you're more self-conscious and worry that other patrons are watching what you eat," explains Wansink.

7. Talk it down. Entertaining friends with a great story doesn't give you much time to eat up, so you'll probably still have food on your plate when they're done. Once they're finished, call it quits too.

8. Offer it a seat. If you sit down to snack -- and use utensils and a plate -- you'll eat fewer calories at subsequent meals.

9. Satisfy it with soup. Start lunch with about 130 calories worth of vegetable soup and you'll eat 20 percent fewer calories during lunch overall, say Penn State experts.

10. Give it little choice. Packages that contain assorted varieties of cookies, candy, dips, cheese, etc., make you want to try all the flavors. The effect is so powerful, says Wansink, that when people are given 10 colors of M&Ms to munch on, not seven, they eat 30 percent more!

Oh, and one more thing: Feeding your appetite a diverse diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients can make your Real Age as much as four years younger. Sweet.

Nope actually thats a pretty healthy breakfast right there.

It is a good breakfast.

It seems to be a decent breakfast.
But, I always suggest you talk to your Dr. about any diet you try.

Yes, when it is in terms of calorie counting. My only advice is that- eat a protein rich breakfast, meaning one source of protein, one complex carbohydrate like wholemeal bread and a starchy staple. It will make you feel full for long and avoid craving for sweet foods and you will eat less in lunch and dinner. Just always include one source of protein in your meals or snacks.

But you have a good breakfast -that is less than 300 calories.

thats a very good breckie and if your use to having fatty breakfasts this will help you lose weight, u will also have to have good food all day not just morning time.

Yes that's a good breakfast.. !

Good Luck on your diet..

Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

breakfast looks good, but you have to also maintain what you eat for the rest of the day... keep healthy and drink plenty of water!!!

Sounds good to me.

What are you talking about? The breakfast you've had is fine, but if I were you I would eat more in the morning and less in the evening. That is really the best way.

hi there

Indeed for a breakfast it is good - considering the time you had dinner the previous day, it is good. However, you must also consider carefully what you are going to have for lunch and dinner.

If these two meals overwrite what you have gained in the breakfast, is it worthwhile???

I am of opinion that you should see a dietician who will advise you on all your meals and not solely on your breakfast.

Then STICK to IT. Maintain your new eating habits and losing weight will be easy.



No thats not good breakfast , you need to take body building foods and energy giving foods in order to gain weight. However the foods are , always add fried beans,roasted fish and egg rolls plus milk for breakfast you will have a change. bye

calorie bar has sugar in them..
you should eat.. *finds a health plan*

monday:225g bowl porridge + skim milk, 1tsp honey, 1 orange.

tuesday: 2 eggs scrambled with roasted tomatoes on 2 slices wholemeal toast.

wednesday: 200g mushrooms, sliced n stir fried in a non-stick pan in 2tsp penut oil with a lil seasoning, served on 1 x 30g slice rye toast and topped with 1 level dsp grated low-fat chedder cheese.

Thusday: omelette: beat 2 large eggs with 1 Tbsp of skim milk, 2 chopped spring onions, 100g cooked, chopped new patatoes.

Friday: 150g baked beans over 1 slice wholemeal toast with 1tsp low fat spread n 1 pear.

saturday: 2 slices wholemeal toast with a thin spread of low fat margine ( and vegemite)

sunday: 2 x low-fat packet mix pancakes with 100g fresh strawberries and 1 tbsp maple syrup drizzled over.

you need some carbs.. to make you full like toast , porridge, toast, beans or eggs.

that's great and haelthy keep up the good work

It's a good breakfast, specifically because you've included high fiber/low fat choices. If you find that you get hungry too soon, you may want to try having special K cereal with 1 cup skim milk, instead of the bar, it would fill you up more than the bar and stick with you longer. I'd save the bar for a mid-morning snack.

Sounds Healthy to me

i think that is a wonderful breakfast, but instead of a calorie bar go the whole 9 yrds and pull out a bowl and some cereal.

yes a good diet, but I suggest boiling eggs and eating the whites, good protein

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