Vegatarian question?!


Vegatarian question?

this is a 2 part question:
i havent eaten red meat or chicken for 6 years, however i do eat shellfish and salmon. what category do i fall into, because doesnt being a vegetarian mean you dont eat any meat, including seafood?

Is it normal for me not to be able to share drinks etc, with someone, even my little sister, who has eaten meat within a few hours? and i wont be able to eat something if its on the same plate as meat. the smell also makes me feek il are these things all normal in a person who doesnt eat meat?

1. You are correct, you are not a vegetarian if you eat seafood, which were sentient beings with the ability to suffer. However, cutting out the other meats is a step in the right direction.

2. What is "normal"? If it bothers you to be around meat & those who've eaten it, it shows that your level of compassion may be deepening to the visceral level with a ways to go. If you can live with that, then it is "normal" for you.

I sometimes eat shellfish/ fish and this means you are a piscatarian, not a vegetarian.

I can't stand the smell of meat but have to prepare it sometimes for my son and husband (you get a little used to it) and the not sharing of drinks thing is fair enough.

I have not eaten meat for 14 years.

i have not eaten non veg from my birth and our Jain religion is one of the oldest to promote vegetarian its more than 2500 years old

You can be classified as a "pescetarian." Basically a vegetarian that still eats fish.

Just tell people "The only meat I eat is seafood."

Eating food prepared from any dead animal can be classified as non-vegetarian. Whether it is fish or meat.

All the non-vegetarian items smells so what difference it makes whether you eat shell fish and salmon and your sister eating meat? All are same non vegetarian only.

yes those are normal!!!!! and you are a Pescetarianism ― A diet in which the only animals consumed are fish or other seafood.

You dont fall into any vegetarian category. You are still an omnivore. Shelly is incorrect, no vegetarian eats fish...that would be an oxymoron.

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