Every time I eat choclate I get a headache. Can anyone tell me why?!


Every time I eat choclate I get a headache. Can anyone tell me why?

Even if I eat the smallest amount with in 12 hours I have a headache. The more I eat the worse the headache. I love chocolate and this is almost killing me. lol. Does anyone know why this is happening? Or have any suggestions for ways to get around it? I am at my wits ends.

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2 weeks ago
Every female on my mother's side of the family has the same problem. I can drink coffee and soft drink ect so I dont think it is the caffine. Although if I become a regular coffee drinker (I am a tea girl). and I stop drinking coffee I get terrible withdrawls even after a few days.

2 weeks ago
Every female on my mother's side of the family has the same problem. I can drink coffee and soft drink ect so I dont think it is the caffine. Although if I become a regular coffee drinker (I am a tea girl). and I stop drinking coffee I get terrible withdrawls even after a few days.

may be u r allergic or u have child diabetes

now 1) have chocolate and hve one levocetrizine (antiallergic)
see it works or not

2) get a blood sugar test done and if u have high blood sugar it will a problem of insulin secretion by pancreas so have sugar less chocolate
if above two do not match you then u r allergic to caffeine then avoid it.
caffeine do not suit everybody because it is nerve stimulant and ur body may be very sensitive to such stimulant

You might be allergic to "Coco" my mom has the same thing..shes just allergic to coco or caffine might be the problem. Try just eating White Chocolate

you may be allergic or psycho

check by dental specialist

chocolate contains caffeine- if you've ever had a similar reaction to soda, coffee, etc, that could be why. Also, the sugar could be affecting your blood sugar levels. Is it only chocolate, or other sweets too?

my little cousin always sneezes when he eats chocolate.... Sometimes weird things just happen. It may be the sugar or the caffeine that is giving you the headache, try eating healthy foods along with your chocolate. if that doesn't work, you could always talk to your doctor next time you go, just bring it up and I'm sure they'll have a better answer. maybe if you ate other chocolate foods, like cake, instead of just a flat out chocolate bar, it would get better. good luck!

chocolate and a few other things can trigger off a headache due to some chemical disbalance whatever
Advice: identify all these things that trigger off a haedache for you and avoid it.
best of luck

I could be either the caffine in the chocolate or the cocoa. Can you drink regular coffee? If so it's probably the cocoa.

Chocolate contains a chemical called Phenylethylamine. This has been shown to cause migraines and other forms of headaches in some, but not all humans.

Phenylethylamine causes blood vessels to dialate in the brain, thereby causing headaches.

sometimes having a craving for chocolate is actually the first sign that you are going to have a headache. Many times before a person even begins to feel pain from a headache ( usually migraine) they experience a "sign" that it is on it's way. They can vary from dizziness, double vision, a tingling sensation in hands and feet and cravings. so it might not be the chocolate that is causing your headache at all.

I dont know a good answer for you but I do know that if you eat a couple of squares of Extra Special Dark Chocolate, you will benefit from the high concentration of anti-oxidants and maybe that will help solve your problems with headaches

It may be a Migraine "trigger" for you... a substance that acts on you metabolism in a way that causes you to have a migraine headache.
Many other people have chocolate as a migraine trigger - it sucks but it is not uncommon. Other foods which can trigger migraines, (but which may not be a problem for you, as it varies from person to person) are often substances we really like for example MSG (found in many processed or takeout foods); certain fruits like citrus; even healthy veggies like soybeans lima beans, peas; and as someone else mentioned anything that has caffeine, like tea or coffee or grapefruit juice, as well as popular treats like ice-cream and popcorn... so It could be worse.

Maybe you're alergic to chocolat or one of it's ingredients .

Some people are alot more sensitive to chemicals than others. If you eat alot of a certain item, the more sensitive you can get to the chemicals in it. There is a chemical in Chocolate called Phenylethylamine. This chemical can be the cause to your headaches. It is actaully quite common! Do you have the same problems with coffee or black teas? If so, then it could be the caffinne. Try eating a healthy chocolate bar from whole foods and read the ingredients on the back. See if theres one without it. Good Luck. :)

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