Is it just me or?!


Is it just me or?

is this guy -;...

an angry self-righteous putz!


What is all the drama in this section for?

You guys need to go eat some meat and chill.

See what not eating meat does to you? It makes you go crazy!

It's just you.You're obviously a troll,since your account is brand new.You've only asked one question and have answered none,and the one question you posted is about someone,it's obvious that you're a troll.

why do you even CARE!

Most def just you, dude.

What was wrong with that?
Did you even READ it verbatim? It's far too common amongst some posters on yahoo!answers to be too lazy to read through an entire question and just skim over it, not even able to comprehend someone's question yet feel they are capable of basing an opinion on the "bad words" they saw in the question..
That was perfectly fine-it's the trash that anti vegetarian trolls like you post here that comes from angry self righteous putzes.
You and your little group of immature, ignorant anti-vegetarian trolls are the minorities here.
WTH are you doing on this forum anyway?
Obviously not to engage in adult conversation.
There is a distinction between disagreeing with vegetarianism but discussing it in a knowledgeable,mature manner, and then there is what you trolls choose to do.
Grow up already.

No he is, look at his handle, veganconscrtipt, just another example of how vegans think they are at war with meat eaters and must eliminate them.

It's not just you. I concur.

Its funny, but those that agree with you are those self righteous putzes who TROLL our forums here everyday.
I can assure you the man you speak of is far from..

I can also assure you that after attempting a civil and normal conversation with al via emails, that he is a self righteous putz who has no capability of seeing anything past his own "agenda", while obsessing over our supposed agenda.

My diagnosis - not enough protein!

His ideas sound like a bunch of "bologna" to me. The reasoning smells a bit "fishy". He sounds like he's having a "cow". He's pretty intolerant and afraid of opinions that don't agree with his. That's pretty "chicken" if you ask me. Maybe he should have some "pork", the other white "meat" or go "quail" hunting with me. I've been practicing and I'm a much better shot now.

Too much material!...must resist the urge!...I must keep mouth shut!...I can't go there!...

must leave section...

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