Intolerant Vegans?!


Intolerant Vegans?

Yes. Intolerant vegans exist. They will tell you eating me is wrong. They will tell you eating cheese is wrong. They, and their ilk, even produce comic books for children that push the ant-meat agenda.

But why? Its not like they are fighting against the anti-vegetarian comic books.....I guess the beef council would be the ones to put that out to the kiddies, right?

I dont desire for you to educate me, as one poster put it. He thought I wanted him to "help" me .......he assumend that, then said he refused to do as if I wanted his help.

The question is: When will vegans and vegetarians be able to co-exist in a climate of mutal respect? This means NO AGENDA PUSHING! And folks, what this really means is.......can the two sit down at the same table and eat dinner together? When will that happen? How many vegans here REFUSE TO EAT with a meat eater? Be honest. Then talk to me about mutual respect.

Vegan are intolerant people, they want to destroy meat eaters by any means possible. They are a threat to our society and should be dealt with as such.

I hear you 100% man. They think they are better than omnivores because they save animals or they think they do. All they are doing is neglecting their body of carnosine which is a very important dipeptide of the amino acids beta-alanine and histidine that helps you with auditory processing, speech & language skills, motor skills, and socialization. But all these know it all vegans knew that already.

Do you know what the four food groups were?
Did you know that two of the food groups HAPPENED to be animal products?There were originally twelve food groups.After pressure from the meat and dairy industries and lobbyists it got made into four groups.Several generations of people were given their nutritional information by the meat and dairy industry.Why else would kids think they need to drink cow's milk?Why else would people think milk builds strong bones?There are plenty of cartoons that push meat and dairy on kids.I'm sure that every public school in the US has a GOT MILK? poster somewhere.

You can't honestly tell me that this isn't geared towards kids...

According to the Food Guide Pyramid, how many servings of meat should you have daily?

1 serving
*2-3 servings
3-5 servings
6-11 servings
Meat is not an important part of your diet

Check out this anti-vegan "study",2...

I've been a vegetarian most of my life and a vegan for the past two years and I've never been intolerant or tried to push my "agenda" on anyone. The closest is that I've suggest to a friend of mine with acne that giving up cheese and red meat might help. I'm vegetarian for religious reasons and went vegan because I developed a milk allergy and I've never had a taste for eggs (taste slimy to me). My dad is vegetarian and my mom is a meat eater and they've never had issues over it, even being from different faiths. The only thing my dad doesn't like in the house is ham, shellfish, things that go against the Bible's law.

I am not a vegan, but I have no problem with people who eat meat. This society (usa) is basically "meat-based" so there is no way around that.

I don't care what's on your plate, and you shouldn't care what's on mine. :)

Well some people aren't so interested in saving animals but simply wish to improve their general health.

When will people in this forum realize that this exists in every aspect of life? There are zealots, which represent the bad part, and then the normal people, who are just trying to get on with their life. It's like Christians who go around trying to convert everyone in sight in an aggressive manner; it makes things look bad for the rest of us. So don't just harp on us because you don't know every single one of us personally.

The only vegan I know is my mom. My fiance is not, his family raises their own meat and I am fine with that.

Eating me is wrong... :(

I eat meat, I try to limit my meat portions becuase I fully understand that those animals value their life just as much as I do. I also understand that most meat eating people eat WAY too much meat, much larger portions than the Food Guides reccommend. I know that eating too much meat is unhealthy as well. Some because eating meat and the production of meat animals contributes to global warming.

Some people have chosen veganism becuase of health issuest - often those people are tollerant of meat eating people except they sometimes wish to educate them so as to improve the health of the other person.

Those who chose it becuase of sadness for animal suffering are more likely to push their beleifs and have a more difficult time sitting down beside you while you eat some animal which had a boring life in a feed lot only to be killed in a somewhat painfull way... rightfully so. I am not a vegan but I can understand how these people think.

Personally I would like to see people eat meat fewer times a week (you only need to eat it 2-5 times a week, in many countries where meat is harder to get, they may only eat it 2-3 times a month).
I would like to see people eat smaller portions (reccommended portion size is 4 oz, roughly the size of the palm of your hand.)
I would like to see people by Free Range Chicken Eggs, as battery hens surely have the most suffering of any food animal. (and they dont even live to 1 yr of age compared to the normal chicken lifespan of 10 or more years....)

For those who care about global warming - eating less meat is one way to save the planet.

SOME Vegans go to far. Personally I like the vegetarians better...

Why is it OK for the Beef Council, Egg Council, Dairy Council and all the rest to have their commericals and sponsorships touting and often lying about the health benefits of their products, but if vegetarians or vegans promote their point of view, it's intolerance?

If you could do one thing that would improve your over-all health, reduce your health care costs, reduce the health care costs of the nation, improve the environment, reduce your changes of contracting a food borne illness, reduce your risk of developing a chronic disease, and make you feel great, wouldn't you do it? Well, that one thing is to become a vegetarian. Why wouldn't we want to promote that?

I find this really funny, you should have this posted on Society also... They will not stop pushing their agenda until we in general can learn to co exist peacefully. Mankind just can't do it in general, this is just one other form it comes in... Minority groups in this country and around the world have been allowed to influence and lobby in any way needed to get their way... I am all for equal rights for humans and they were created black white male female, but that is where I draw the line...

I have a great story for you though that should make you giggle a little. When I was in college I had a "friend" that was a vegan, she showed up to a party that I was having at my apartment, a cook out. What do you eat at a cook out? Of course we were having hot dogs, hamburgers... She walked into my house and started freaking out about all of the meat we were eating and yelling that we had no respect for her and she dumped the huge pot of brats on my kitchen floor and demanded that we eat vegan foods.

I am pretty mild mannered, but this really peved me off, first off I informed her that it was my home she would respect my rules just like I woul dhers if I were there, second I informed her that she wasn't invited in the first place so if she didn't like it, she could leave at any time w/o hurting the feelings of anyone present and thirdly if she really cared about the cows were were eating why was she wearing their hide around her waist, on her feet and on her coat...

Moral of the story, don't mess with an omnivores bbq...

I regularly eat with omnivores. But, if you are talking about agenda pushing, tell me how many commercials you see on TV each day promoting meat? Restaurant adds always show a big slab of dead animal and how tasty it is. The biggest marketing ploy is the "meat eaters" delight. Have you ever seen a commercial promoting a yummy carrot, cucumber or celery? Talk about propaganda-subsidised and endorsed by the federal government. The meat industry and the FDA have completely BRAINWASHED people into thinking they need meat. You can get all of the nutrition and protein you need from a plant and grain based diet. Stop shoving meat down my throat in the form of advertising, and I will be most content. It would also be nice to see more creative vegetarian choices in restaurants-typically you are stuck with a salad or baked potato. THATS agenda pushing as far as I am concerned. I have no issue if someone chooses to eat meat, but it would certainly be nice to have more choices.

I eat with meat-eaters all the time.

I never push vegetarianism on them...I don't even talk about it.

They are usually the ones who start waving meat in my face, and saying things like, "How can you not like steak/burgers/sausage etc. etc. etc." or "How do you know plants don't feel pain?" - the same old stupid arguments.

The moment someone finds out I am a vegetarian they immediately become defensive - as if I am saying that what they do is wrong.

Anti-vegetarian comic books - no. But do you ever watch cartoons on TV? You will see commercial after commercial from McDonalds, Burger King, KFC - all showing the free toys that come in their "happy" meals - meat propaganda for children. Do you ever see healthy, organic, low-fat, low-sodium foods advertised to kids?

My husband has been a vegetarian for nearly 20 years, 1 year of that he was vegan. I am not a vegetarian. He has never preached to me or anyone else about not eating meat. Some people are just more radical and "in your face" about their beliefs and lifestyle.

well i am a vegetarian and my family eats meat!!! I sit at the table with the almost every night I'm eating my veggies and there eating there meat and we get along just fine. I don't like that they are eating meat but i don't try to change them what you eat is your choice and you should not force someone to eat something they don't wont to. so the answer to your question is yes some vegetarians and vegans can co-exist with meat eaters !!!!

Most vegans eat with meat eaters. Most vegans dont know 100's of other vegans. Most vegans dont bring up the topic. Most vegans are asked to defend their choices when they order a vegan meal or politely refuse meat. Most vegans dont walk around with "propoganda" in their pockets waiting to pounce on "meat eaters". Most vegans are trying to live a healthy and happy life.
When you ask a question in this q&a format wishing to recieve a point of view, couldnt that be assumed that you are asking for help in understanding? If not than it must be for the soul purpose of instegating. Than, if that is the case, whats the point of discussing at all if you have already made up your mind, as pointed out in your last few questions?
Most vegans would enjoy a civil conversation out of pure curiousity of our lifestyle, and not a debate with someone who has no real interest in hearing our views on things.

i am not vegan...but i know a few who are. they are totally cool with my choice of meat eating. btw i love that was alive and breathing for getting along...who knows. truthfully i agree with some of what vegans believe in. a better earth. i get it. i conserve in other ways...that reminds to turn off some lights around here...

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