Does anyone like broccoli?!


Does anyone like broccoli?


I love it.

There have been nights that that was all I had for dinner. Some nice steamed broccoli, aged cheddar cheese melting on top, freshly ground black pepper and a glass of red wine.

Just don't boil it. It loses all it's flavour, texture and nutrients that way.

heck yeah! especially in stir-fry!

yes, raw or steamed,
never boiled to death

H3LL YEAH!!!!!!!

No way, no how. I would rather eat poop!


yes, in a potato with cheese it's good :P


i do but i like it with cheeze.

Raw or steamed for like 5 seconds. With cheese and honey mustard.

I love broccoli; steamed, raw, stir-fried, any which way!

yes, but I really like it when it is drowning in cheese sauce. I find that cheese really balances the health benefits of broccoli. Actually I have been growing my own for 2 years. Nothing I have foung at the market comes close to broccoli that you can go in the back yard, cut off a crown, wash it off and eat it. Even the color is darker and richer.

Yeah, I kind of had to learn to like it when I was diagnosed with diabetes. But, I discovered it's not too bad.

Yes I do...a variety of ways - raw and crispy with veggie/dill dip or in a salad, steamed and seasoned just right, in broccoli cheddar soup, stir fry, etc.

Yes I like broccoli.

Yes very good steamed.

broccoli is the best. especially in broccoli casserole. yummy yummy....but too much of it can cause your thyroid to slow down.

i do

when I was little my older sister was telling me about how broccoli makes you grow like a tree, so I was laughing but I choked, and my dad had to give me the himlec.

It's one of my faves! Especially steamed and served with cheese sauce.

Broccoi soup, broccoli quiche, broccoli stir fry, broccoli casserole, broccoli omlette, broccoli chicken, broccoli beef, broccoli shrimp, broccoli salad..... no matter how you slice dice and prepare, broccoli is GREAT!

I love it. Not raw, but steamed or in cheddar soup.

Yes, I love broccoli!!! Very healthy for you too!

I like it raw .. it contains calcium

yes,I love it cooked,steamed,raw


Broccoli / rice /cheese casserole - it's delicious and healthy. Yeah broccoli!!

yes i love broccoli its good steamed or even raw and its good for you

I do, both raw and cooked, as long as not overcooked. Love it in a stirfry or chop suey.

it is one of my favorite vegetables and you know cheese can make anything better but i don't know if you have heard of this brand called steam fresh in the frozen veggie section and i just add butter seasoned salt and pepper my boyfriend loves it like that but a good cheesy broccoli casserole is wonderful

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