Why are vegetarians so cruel to plants?!


Why are vegetarians so cruel to plants?

Many vegetarians will tell you that at least one of their reasons for being vegetarian is due to their concern for helpless animals. So instead they eat plants which are even more helpless. Why are they such insensitive brutes to these harmless organisms?

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2 weeks ago
Beebs: So i guess if we could genetically engineer a cow that had no central nervous system, I would see you at McDonalds?

And you are correct, I do not care what has to die in order for me to stay aIive, and I am pretty sure Lions feel the same way.

2 weeks ago
Vegan&Proud: I read your link. So i will ask you the same question I asked Beebs: If we could genetically produce cows that were not sentient. Would you eat them?

2 weeks ago
If cows had no feelings or self awareness, would you eat them?

2 weeks ago
Golden: Loved your answer. I did not know there was such a diet. It certainly seems more consistent with being humane (if that is important to you).

2 weeks ago
Beebs: So i guess if we could genetically engineer a cow that had no central nervous system, I would see you at McDonalds?

And you are correct, I do not care what has to die in order for me to stay aIive, and I am pretty sure Lions feel the same way.

2 weeks ago
Vegan&Proud: I read your link. So i will ask you the same question I asked Beebs: If we could genetically produce cows that were not sentient. Would you eat them?

2 weeks ago
If cows had no feelings or self awareness, would you eat them?

2 weeks ago
Golden: Loved your answer. I did not know there was such a diet. It certainly seems more consistent with being humane (if that is important to you).

In some ways what we vegetarians do to plants is worse than what you do to animals. At least you have the animal killed before you use its meat.
When I cook my vegetables they are still living, I put living potatoes into my oven and kill them with heat. I eat living onions, watercress, apples, oranges (though plants want us to eat the fruit to spread their seeds).
But I am afraid we are not alone in our guilt. The meat you eat was an animal, that animal ate vegetables until it was killed, so all your meat is the result of this cruelty to vegetables.
And I bet you also have vegetables with your meat.

I have read the book 'The secret life of plants' by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.
All animals are monsters, I want to be a Tree.

I've always wanted to know that. I feel the same way. Those horrible "human" herbivores.

Well... Lets be honest, they have to eat something, and since plants don't have faces, they eat them.

I personally do not understand it, and never will, I just let them be, no sense in trying to harass them, or change them, they have a warped view of us as well (us being a meat eaters).


I guess they dont' hear the little plants screaming as their leaves, fruits,or beans are plucked off of them, leaving them bare with nary a thank you.

Shouldnt you be in school, little one? If you make it past the second grade you would know that plants have no central nervous system and cannot feel pain. Its safe to assume that you eat plants as well as animals, so what does that say about you? That you could care less what has to die in order for you to stuff your face. Run along now, your mommy is calling you

Save the cabbage!
Free dill pickles!
Say NO to tossed salad!


These people should turn over a new leaf and branch out into other foods.

what is your problem noone is a busing anyone, god out these things here for us to eat, without it we would persih what are they going to eat air...they have to live off of something...if they dont want to eat animals that is their life and their business...besides vegtables are plants????
anways we all live our lives some different from others vegetarians shouldnt be judged on what they what they eat, they are human like the rest...and its not anyones plave to judged what they eat except god, and I dont think he has a problem with it...also how do you know they dont feel the same about you eating animals, not vegans eat "plants" too so noone can judge if thats the case the whole worlds guilty

Please read this,I am tired of answering this same question over and over...


edit:WTF? Who starred this Q?

edit 2:No,I wouldn't,that would be like eating a person in a vegetative state.I can't stand the smell of red meat anyways.

edit 3:@ al_sparagus
Like I said,I posted that link because I've answered this before,several times at that,so why keep doing it over and over?And it is a scientific fact that plants are not sentient.You're so irrational,you deem everything as "propaganda"

leave us alone!!!! we dont know for a fact that planst can feal pain but we now that animals do feal pain!!!!! btw this question has been asked like 10 times already!!!!

Don't you just love how Mr. Vegan&Proud, the so called to contributor for the vegan community is unable to formulate his own thoughts?

Typical vegan, link to some propaganda that has no scientific evidence behind it and call it fact.

Show me peer reviewed scientific articles and I will accept it. Its so funny mr Veganandproud, that anything pro vegetarian to you is fact and anything promeat is lies and propaganda.....sorry the work doesnt work like that.

eating plants from the ground and cutting a poor animals throat are to different things. plants are not kept in a place where they never see the light of day, they dont have a heart or a brain animals do

Of course you are trying to start trouble!
Rather than ask a legit question, or at least research it b/f posting such stupidity, you choose to be an instigator.

Thank you for the link, Vegan&proud!!
Although this idiot will most likely NOT even bother to read it, along with his troll buddies. They enjoy to concoct fake facts in those lil' heads of theirs and they actually convince themselves that what they believe is true!
Then vegetarians/vegans come along with the straight facts because we know the truth and spread the word!
They do not want to know the true facts because then they will have nothing to start trouble with.
It's comparable to talking to a wall or an empty-head-in one ear, out the other..
He chooses to base his beliefs and opinion on invisible facts.
Do you realize how dumb you are coming cross, or was that your goal the whole time?

Unlike animals, the plants we eat have no nervous system, and thus, cannot feel pain. If you think vegetarians are cruel, then you should be satisfied by fruititarians, who just live off fruit, which can be a healthy lifestyle with the right choices. Fruititarians live off fruit and fruit disguised as vegetables. One very healthy food is the avocado, which has the fats we need, among other things. Being a fruititarian is in no way cruel, because plants don't need fruit to live. They need fruit to reproduce, but that's why the fruit eventually falls to the ground, so that the seeds can find soil.

So a fruititarian is the equivalent to an abortion doctor killing baby plants before they are born?
"Being a fruititarian is in no way cruel, because plants don't need fruit to live. They need fruit to reproduce, but that's why the fruit eventually falls to the ground, so that the seeds can find soil."

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