Vegetarians: If cows had no feelings or self awareness, would you eat them?!


Vegetarians: If cows had no feelings or self awareness, would you eat them?

I asked earlier, "why are vegetarians so cruel to plants?" I got several answers about animals feeling pain and having self awareness. And yes Vegan&Proud I read your article too.

So if animals could be genetically altered and mass produced in a way that eliminated these traits, would you eat them?

Remember almost every plant you buy on the market has been genetically altered and you eat those.

Please don't come with the anger, just an answer.

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
Cherie: Thanks for the input and the direct answer.

2 weeks ago
Somewhere: You must realize that plants are dead when they are in your body.

2 weeks ago
LoShay: There is that anger I was talking about.

2 weeks ago
AllenO: you are the second one that has mentioned the grain-waiste angle. I have never thought of that before. Not a bad answer for a veggie:)

2 weeks ago
Cherie: Thanks for the input and the direct answer.

2 weeks ago
Somewhere: You must realize that plants are dead when they are in your body.

2 weeks ago
LoShay: There is that anger I was talking about.

2 weeks ago
AllenO: you are the second one that has mentioned the grain-waiste angle. I have never thought of that before. Not a bad answer for a veggie:)

I eat organic, non-GMO food, FYI.

Why do people come in anger? I'm sorry about that. I appreciate your questions.

Anyway, meat eaters actually kill more plants with their diets than vegans, and vegetarians kill more plants than vegans, due to how many grains are used to raise livestock. It's a very inefficient process.

To your main question, I would NOT eat cows if they had no self-awareness due to 1) the environmental waste of producing meat 2) it's detrimental to your health to consume animal products in my opinion, and 3) I prefer the taste of vegan food. It's far more creative, nutritionally balanced, and beautiful/peaceful.

i wonder what that lady that talks to trees eats??? she says they have feelings and can communicate,,,hmmmm, not much left for her mealtime is there?

wow, whatd i say this time?

because animals should not have to be genetically altered just so we can eat them!!!!!! and the answer to your question is no even if they were I still would not eat one!!!!!!!

no i still wouldn't eat any cows. i like veggies and living without meat isn't that hard. anyways, i don't like the thought of having something dead in me.

at the end of the day cows do have feelings and a self awareness nothink is going to change that and thats why you shouldnt eat them. they have a right to live just like us

Go find yourself a girlfriend on the single & dating forum..
you really need to get out more..

I'm not sure they have self awareness. They can't tell us, 'ya know?

If nothing else, I think it's probably unhealthy to eat them when you could eat something else.

AND from a moral and economically practical perspective, cows eat a ton of grains that can be used to feed starving people.

So there's that. Good question, especially coming from a carnivore :)

If you persue the agitation you will violate the rules
You can change no ones mind


No, I still wouldnt eat them-and I dont eat genetically modified, mass produced foods either-I grow my own organic produce. I dont eat the flesh of things that defacate and urinate. You are deluding yourself if you think traces of urine and feces are not in meat. It has been proven in study after study, and thats why meat packers inject meat with sanitizers to make it "safe" for consumption. Meat also has parasites and bacteria. The whole concept is gross to me. The only thing my veggies need is a quick rinse and they can be enjoyed raw, not cooked to a temperature high enough to kill of bugs and worms. To each his own, but I'm sticking to my veggies

i eat organic plants that don't have all that stuff on them and no i would never eat a cow i am a vegetarian have been for 5 years and i would not change a thing


I already eat meat.
For those vegetarians and vegans out there, eating meat is NOT detramental to your health.
In fact, vegetarians and vegans usually have a lower amount of B12 and Riboflavin (aka B2) in their systems due to the fact that these are harder to absorb through grains and herbs. In meat, however, it is more readily available to be absorbed. The grains may contain MORE, but you absorb LESS, so in the end, you actually get MORE from meat.

Also, humans are omnivores. It's a fact. And due to that fact, it means that we were designed to eat BOTH meat and plants. It's psychologically inplanted into our brains, so if we deprieve ourselves of meat, our body does weird things.
The lack of B12 and Riboflavin can actually cause blindness.

You can't tell me that it is a crime against nature to eat meat. Would you take a baby seal out of a killer whale's mouth and pump the whale full of supplements? No, you wouldn't, because it would die since that isn't it's natural order.

Humans believe they are superior to even their very own nature, but we aren't. We still must obey our genetics or we'll suffer for not listening.

Using supplements to replace what you aren't getting because you don't eat meat is EXTREMELY harmful to your body, since the amino acids are being forced into your body, and it is not occurring naturally. You may not know the difference, but your body does.

Also, the comment about feces and urine in the meat.. this is why we COOK meat. It kills bacteria. And anyhow, plants are grown in manure, the excrements of living creatures and the decaying remains of living organisms.

Though, the way they treat animals in some places is appauling, but that only means we need to regulate those things better.
The natural order of things is to die to be eaten or survive by being stronger.
If we don't eat them and just let them live, they will overrun the planet.
Bovine are a major contributor to global warming, because of their farts. No joke.
Too bad we can't eat the biggest factor of global warming, humans.
Oh wait! Some people do! Go cannibals! Eat those big oil company executives!

No, I would not because it would still be poisoning my body.

deff not.
eating something that once had eyes & a heart creeps me out. eating meat & animals is like eating other humans. which is really sick & wrong.

If an animal had no natural self-awareness (meaning not externally-induced), then it would cease to be an animal and effectively become a "plant".

So, I think what you are getting at are basically soyburgers, etc.

No, not until we can humanely grow them, feed them, shelter them, and kill them. I'm not vegetarian because of "the cute animals" (it's natural for us) but vegetarian because of slaughter houses (not to mention the explotation of people as well)

For Dark L:

you said: >>> In fact, vegetarians and vegans usually have a lower amount of B12 and Riboflavin (aka B2) in their systems due to the fact that these are harder to absorb through grains and herbs. In meat, however, it is more readily available to be absorbed.>>>

That's not a fact. If it's that difficult to get B12 through from plant life, where do the cows, who are herbivores get it from? B12 is produced by the bacteria animals ingest while eating. The reason why humans can’t get enough b12 from plants is because of our modern sanitary conditions. The only supplement I take is B12, simply because I don’t live in the wild.

>>>Also, humans are omnivores. It's a fact. >>>

No, it's not a fact. Meat makes you sick and so does dairy. Contrary to what you might think, cancer, heart condition, obesity are not natural. These diseases could be prevented with a healthier diet. Why are our intestines long like in other herbivores and why cant we digest meat like other carnivores can? Why do you have to cook it to death to like it, and so that you don’t get sick?

Read the China Study,if youre really interested.

>>>The lack of B12 and Riboflavin can actually cause blindness.<>>

How many blind vegetarians and vegans do you know?

>>Would you take a baby seal out of a killer whale's mouth and pump the whale full of supplements? No, you wouldn't, because it would die since that isn't it's natural order.>>>

Would you feed that baby seal with milk from another animal, lets say a dog? You know, like humans consume cow’s milk? Is that also natural order of things? I don’t question what animals do, only what we humans do. Consuming dairy for instance or keeping an animal for own purpose is nowhere to be seen in nature.

>>>Humans believe they are superior to even their very own nature, but we aren't. We still must obey our genetics or we'll suffer for not listening.>>>

I agree, we are not superior. We don’t have the right to exploit animals and ruin this planet. But that is what we are doing with insane consumption of meat and dairy today. Veganism is a better choice for animals, environment and starving humans. I’m a vegan because I know I’m not superior. Why don’t you watch the Earthlings on youtube, and learn about “human superiority” and see where it leads?? Could you then come back and say that our exploitation of animals is natural.

>>>Using supplements to replace what you aren't getting because you don't eat meat is EXTREMELY harmful to your body, since the amino acids are being forced into your body, and it is not occurring naturally. You may not know the difference, but your body does.>>>

Did you know that cow’s milk is fortified? And that casein in cheese (especially) is actually addictive? Meat is injected with antibiotics and hormones, fish contains mercury that is bad for you….its a long list… Why are you complaining about 1 single vitamin then? As an omnivore, you’re stuffing yourself with dangerous substances every day!

"Also, the comment about feces and urine in the meat.. this is why we COOK meat. It kills bacteria. "

Yeah, it also kills salmonella. Oh wait, it doesn’t.

>>The natural order of things is to die to be eaten or survive by being stronger.>>>

It’s possible to survive without meat and other animal products. I know this because I’m a vegan and I feel better than now than I ever did as an omnivore. I don’t even remember the last time I was ill.

>>>If we don't eat them and just let them live, they will overrun the planet.>>>

That’s a ridiculous argument. How come other animals and bugs you don’t eat are not taking over the world? Farm animals are bred by humans. There wouldn’t be that many of them in nature. It’s quite simple really, if you don’t kill them, nature will take care of their population, just like it takes care of sea turtles. You don’t eat those, right?

>>>Too bad we can't eat the biggest factor of global warming, humans.>>>

When you eat all the cows, pigs, chickens, that will probably be the next "natural" step. Why not start with babies. They are not quite rational, they're helpless and can’t speak, so they fit in the criteria. Survival of the fittest, eh?

i honestly dont know sorry!


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