What shall i have for tea? lol?!


What shall i have for tea? lol?

what shall i have pizza or something healthy like a stir fry i dunno i stuck i want something tasty and i can cook alot and im only 14 but i don't wanna be a cook i want to be an actress/singer/dancer/model lol any help ???? lol bye toodles xxx

pizza, its friday go mad :-)


macoroona and cheese. microwve kind. fast and easy.

I just called my b/f and on his way home he picked up bacon and green beans, what a strange combination, I have no idea what he expects to make from that!!! I think I will have to go buy something else coz no way am I eating a plate of bacon and green beans.

Buy one chicken breast, can of chicken broth, and a bottle of thick teriyaki sauce.
Slice the chicken and fry, using a small amount of olive oil.
Meantime chop up some onion, carrot, mushrooms, brocolli.
When chicken is done add some teriyaki sauce, some chicken broth and small amount of water.
Remove now add your vegetables, stir fry and add a little oyster sauce for flavor.
Add the chicken into the vegetables and stir together and thicken with some cornstarch which has been mixed in a little water. To keep the beansprouts crisp add them at the last.
Enjoy.----I find this is wonderful the next day reheated. Once you get the hang of it this can prepared quickly.
You get your vegetables, and your protein which you will need as a dancer and less carbohydrates which tend to make you gain weight. You get your fat from the olive oil which is a healthy fat. If you crave something sweet cook a sliced apple sprinked with Splenda and a little cinnamon and bake in the microwave.
This is a simple good meal with your tea.
Hope this helps you.

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