Why do people hate on vegetarians so much?!


Why do people hate on vegetarians so much?

like there are all these questions asking dumb things like
"Can a vegetarian play the game MOUSE TRAP?" and it's really annoying. some questions are okay but why do people ask the other ones that are just stupid?

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2 weeks ago
i know some vegetarians are really annoying and obnoxious and try and make everyone else vegetarian or vegan but for those that don't do that, and there are plenty of them out there, it's really annoying how people think negative of them.

also i hate peta i've heard they kill the animals they "rescue"... if you want to join an animal rescue organization how about the ASPCA they don't say anything about how you should be vegetarian/vegan but you can still help animals....

2 weeks ago
i know some vegetarians are really annoying and obnoxious and try and make everyone else vegetarian or vegan but for those that don't do that, and there are plenty of them out there, it's really annoying how people think negative of them.

also i hate peta i've heard they kill the animals they "rescue"... if you want to join an animal rescue organization how about the ASPCA they don't say anything about how you should be vegetarian/vegan but you can still help animals....

i don't hate vegetarians, it just really annoys as you said when they try to convert other people!!!!!

but it think people ask those questions because they like to take the p**s!


Because they are self righteous, preachy, hateful, and want to destroy America?

I don't think people really HATE vegetarians, I just think that they always assume a vegetarian is judging them. This makes people very defensive.

vegetarians tend to bring this on themselves. alot of them are kind of snooty about people eating meat. I know alot of them don't do that but some do.

They are just trolls and have nothing better to do.

As the saying goes,"Stupid is as stupid does."

I think they just hate em when they push their ideas on people or act rude towards the meat eaters, i have MANY vegetarian frends and I'm totally cool with that because they don't try to push their believes on me and when i offer to go to in and out they don't flip at me saying i kill cows or something they come with me and we have a good time and they get the fries or the vegie burger or something and its cool. But I know some people who have come up to me and told me im sick for killing animals, but hello I DONT KILL THEM I only eat them, I think people just hate everything thats diffrent from themselfs its human nature :]

too often veggies consider themselves superior to carnivores ( actually omnivores ) and get a little self-righteous about it...

nobody likes a holier-than-thou attitude. if you decide to not eat meat, fine--i haven't eaten meat in over 35 years myself--but it's MY decision, my reasons are my own, and that in way allows me to pass judgement on what someone else eats...

what's really funny are those veggies who smoke...such hypocrisy! it's like Al Gore riding all over the world in a private jet, living in a mansion in Nashville that uses more energy in a month than a standard house uses in a YEAR, telling the REST of us to conserve energy!!

so, live and let other people the heck alone...that works every time!

some people make non-vegetarians feel guilty.

some people feel guilty even if the vegetarian doesn't do anything to make people feel guilty.

sometimes people naturally feel hurt because the food they prepare is not good enough for someone, and they won’t eat the same food as everyone else. to some people it may feel like a vegetarian is being superior and demanding different special food.

you know i have wondered this similar thing myself. i think most people juist need someone to hate. if that makes sense. me on the other hand, i just let people believe what ever they want. thats the beauty of our country. freedom. its a great thing to have..and if someone wants to hug trees, eat dirt, i dont care. but i have some ethical issues with peta...ut then again...to each his own

This is supposed to be a forum for sharing information.

Instead people like to share their opinion - or (trolls) use it to be anonymously annoying and it gives them the attention they crave.

In response to your question - SOME people don't like people who try to better themselves. It makes them feel inadequate.

Case in point: I decided to go back to school for a new profession. When I told people most were happy but some said things like, "You'll never find a job doing that.", "You'll have to move to get a job.", "I don't think that profession offers medical insurance." One person even said, "But if you make more money you'll have to pay more taxes." What?!!?

Some people are unhappy with their lives and don't want anyone else to find happiness either.

I don't like ANYONE telling me how to live my life, that's for me to decide, and I dislike it so much that some veggies try to tell me what I can and cannot do. As a meat eater I choose to buy organic/free range meat from a source that I know, this source looks after their animals, they have a happy life and are slaughtered humanely, I feel that is a responsible way of eating meat as no suffering is involved. Not all veggies are judgemental like that, and I do see their point in a way as the cruelty involved in the meat production can be appalling, there is no need for animals to suffer for us to eat them, I think meat eaters should try to look for meat that is organic or free range.

That type of question isn't a "hating on" type of question, that is more of a trolling or "just annoying you for the hell of it" type of question. Why stoop to their level by asking questions about them?o.O

What l don't get is why meat eaters come to the vegetarian and vegan bord !!!!!! what do they expect when they come here and start saying stuff like "when l kill an animal the blood excites me" Or when people post videos that are sad and shows cows dying and they say stuff like" that makes me wont to go eat a hamburger" those people deserve to be talked bad about and reported ect. because they are just so rude and selfish and don't care what they have to kill or hurt as long as they get there freaking hamburger!!! but not all are that way i know a lot of people that eat meat but still care about animals! And l know that there are some vegetarians that try to shove there beliefs down meat eaters throats!!! but alot of vegetarians are not like that like me i don't care what you eat as long as you don't say stuff like when i kill an animal the blood excite me because that is just wrong!!!! and for the dumb questions those people are just cowards hiding behind there computer screens!!!!

you know, I'm not for extremist, and I'll probably get a lot of thumbs down for this, but good for these idiots who come into the veg board to say stupid crap - it only supports vegetarians. They have no real argument against it, thus proving our point. I personally love an intelligent debate against meat eaters. I don't go around yelling in meat eater's face in the supermarket, but i do protest a lot! It's what our country was really founded on - protesting what you don't think is right. And guess what - I don't think it's right to eat meat and I'm not afraid to tell you. I don't think meat eaters are terrible people, my whole family eats meat, but I'm sure as hell not going to sit and not say anything. Most people don't know how terrible of an industry they're supporting. I've talked w/ a lot of people who went vegetarian after learning what I had to say - they sure don't care that I was bold enough not to cower behind my beliefs!

I have a problem with anyone who tells me how I should live. Everyone has a right to live their life as they sit fit, as long as it doesn't hurt other people.

While not *all* vegetarians try to push their views on others, enough of them do that some people may see them in a bad light. There are nice veg. & pushy veg. Tis a shame some people will miss out on making friends with the nice ones.

It kind of makes me think about how some people automatically dislike people who belong to a certain religious denomination that hasn't been publicized too well, or that a lot of people may have bad experiences with. They assume that because some of the people who follow that lifestyle aren't really very good people, everyone else who lives that way must be the same. There are some vegetarians who try to push other people and stick up their nose at anyone who isn't like them, but of course those people are generally the exception, not the norm (at least in my experience)

they think its stupid to be compationate toward animals, they are stupid, they think that its stupid to becom vegetarian or vegan. they are just immature. I get criticized alot for being vegan. but i just let it go, of take out revenge depending on what they did to me.

I don't think people hate vegetarians per se, but intensely dislike people who proselytize and make them uncomfortable. You eat what you want...I eat what I want...and if you have special dietary needs, let me know and I'll prepare in advance. Just don't hit me up when we sit down to eat with what you can't or won't eat.

I have no idea I have been asking myself this question for years. I have been a vegetarian since I was 7 (24 now) and I have heard some the most ridiculous thing in my life about being one. The worst was since I am going to let my children decide on whether they want to eat meat or not, it was how can you be a real vegetarian if you cook meat? Um hello I'm cooking it (with gloves on no less) not ingesting it stupid.
People hate what the don't know and what they think is different. That's the best answer I can give you :)

its just that people tend to place u in the slot when u r a vegetarian just because 1 is obssessive about no meat eating they tend to assume such generally

Because vegetarians are highly flatulent. Can you eat animal crackers?

lol im a vegatarian but i would never try to get any body else to be 1 its my own personal choice to be 1 its up to you and every1 else what they want toe eat !

To colorsofthe wind:

You eat them,but do not kill?

You're still guilty..In court,you get punished for paying killers to do your job!It's about same sentence,meaning you'll have to get animal body i next life!

They are insecure and defensive.

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