For the Vegetarians & Vegans...?!


For the Vegetarians & Vegans...?

I am just curious how long have you been a vegetarian or vegan?
How has it positively affected/changed your life?

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2 weeks ago
Great answers everyone. I just like the story of why some people chose this lifestyle compared to what is really shoved down our throats unless your parents were a veggie/vegan.
Thank you to everyone so far. :)

2 weeks ago
Great answers everyone. I just like the story of why some people chose this lifestyle compared to what is really shoved down our throats unless your parents were a veggie/vegan.
Thank you to everyone so far. :)

I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 6 months so far. I feel healthier and have more energy. Personally, I also feel better mentally for not eating animals, but that's just my personal feelings. I have lost 35 pounds, and am now not considered fat. W00t!!! The only downside is getting crap from narrow minded people who think I'm dumb for being compassionate towards all living beings.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. ~Albert Einstein

23 years

I still have great skin, shiny hair and loads of energy. In the early years eating out was tricky as few places catered very well for veggies but now it's easy apart from in France, where they have no understanding at all of vegetarianism.

the only other factor is that it's made me more aware of environmental issues, I think if you are veggie because of beliefs about use of chemicals, fair treatment of animals it's not a great leap to extend that to other environmental issues

I am vegetarian almost all my life when i say almost means i tasted beef chicken fish no alcohol no smoking etc. My life is pretty good i am healthy touch wood no problems. i do light yoga.I eat vegitables legumes fruites most of the time water no soda,s its all my choice .and i am 40+ looks like early 30,sand i am proud of my self oh and positive thoughts too.

Years.. Dunno exactely when. And I am not anorexic lol. Yes, it changed my life. I don't kill beef to eat it.

I've been veggie my whole life. I'm 29 and people think I'm 18 or 20 because of my skin. However, I have to say that just avoiding meat won't get you these results. You have to base your diet on whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruit, limit dairy consumption (I'm bad at that) and drink lots and lots of water.

Almost 2 years - just veg - not vegan. I eat vegan at home, but not usually out in restaurants.
I have a hyperthyroid disorder called Grave's Disease. Medication no longer worked for me and they were going to have to surgically remove my thyroid. Once I went vegetarian though, it regulated itself. It's still not perfect, but it's a lot better than it used to be. I find the healthier I eat, the better my symptoms are. Seems like a no brainer, but I think people forget that how you feel is directly related to what you eat.
I also have a lot more energy. My skin is a lot smoother, better tone, and less breakouts.
On top of all that I feel much better about myself. I think it's the best thing i've ever done in all aspects.

2 years and yes it has changed my life i am so happy and i have alot more energy woot woot i love being a veggie!!!!!

3 days ..
no meat - like cravings what so ever .. i feel great and healthier

vegan - 12 years...veg 2 years prior to that...
it has a had an amazing impact on my opened my eyes up to more foods...I have an amazing variety of foods in my diet that I did not before...
I feel tons of more health and energy...I stopped having cramps...
I feel more connected to all forms of life now...
I have great skin and people think I am anywhere from 15 or more years younger...

I've been a veggie for 5 years. I love it! Like another poster, I eat a vegan diet at home, but every now and then, when I'm out at a restaurant, I'll eat cheese.
I used to have horrible allergies to pets, pollen, grass, mold and dust. They are all but gone since I've eliminated meat from my diet. I feel much healthier and I'm more regular. I rarely have stomach aches. I cannot tell you the last time I was actually sick - in terms of missing work and the like. Since becoming a veggie, I just don't catch whatever's "going around".

I'm beginning the transition after having eaten meat all my life. I'm looking forward to many health benefits (my primary reason for switching).

The switch isn't proving to be as easy as I'd hoped since I'm meeting with a lot of resistance from family. Fortunately, I'm grown and not living at home and can do as I wish when I'm in my home. However, my family is all nearby, so I see them very often. They're not ugly about it at all, but the genuine looks and sincere questions of concern are harder to combat than if they "scolded" me. ;o)

i wuz vegetarian to start out with. it is a great choice!! i am fit and ready to do any sport i want to!

Ok so I've wanted to become vegetarian since I was 7. However it only became official about 1 week ago. i feel sooo much better. Eating meat and being an animal activist made me feel like a hypocrit. I don't have to worry about that anymaore!!!

i was vegetarian for like 8 months then went vegan, i have been vegan for like 18 months.

I've been a vegetarian for a few years but about six months ago I quit eating dairy and now I have no allergies. At all. And I live in one of the mold and pollen capitals of the world. I feel great.

hey :) i went vegetarian in october because i thought i couldn't do it so i wanted to test myself. then i got really in to it and started searching about the meat, dairy and egg industries. i switched to veganism in november because of what i learned and i have never (and never will) look back. i am healthier now, i have more energy and eat three normal sized meals a day (rather than non stop eating because i would never feel full). because of first going veggie and being curious about animal exploiting, i learned how flawed the industries are and how the egg and dairy industries lead to the meat industry.
basically im happier, feel better about myself and am closer to nature now.

I have been a vegetarian for almost a year. I feel better, look better, care more about animals, and just care about the environment more. It's a great experience and I don't feel like I am missing a thing. It's also great to save so many animals and be the different one out of my friends.

i have been a vegetarian for basically my whole life. my parents tell me i have been since i was about two, and i am seventeen now. i used to eat bacon occasionally when i was a young child, but don't anymore. it has positively changed my life because it puts me at a lower risk for cancer, which is caused by red meat (i already have a high risk of it because it's in my family), i have managed to stay at a good weight, and i don't have to worry about all the other health problems that go with eating meat. i'm also happy that i have a set of beliefs and standards that i adhere to and that i have taken a stand against something i believe is wrong, whether others will agree with me or not.

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