For the MEAT eaters only?!


For the MEAT eaters only?

Why do you pick on the vegetarians/vegan?
Ignornace is bliss: read this

The Hunger Argument
The Environmental Argument
The Cancer Argument
The Cholesterol Argument
The Natural Resources Argument
The Antibiotic Argument
The Pesticide Argument
The Ethical Argument
The Survival Argument
We vegetarians/vegan will stand up for these reasons

Vegans and vegetarians have less defense against diseases. Latest findings! ~

good call...i eat meat and veggies

I eat meat, but I don't pick on vegetarians/vegans. Its their choice, I've made mine so they're entitled to make theirs. Its just personal preference.

#1 Not all meat eater pick on Vegitarians!! But, I understand their point too! Veg. says that its bad for you to eat meat or its cruel to animals!! Well, Why in the world did God create them...Its says for food for mankind and to help us.!!!! Being a veg is no wrong to me...But to come against meat eaters is..God put both vegitables and meat on this earth for our nutrician!!!!

why do you assume that all meat eating people pick on vegatarians and vegans? I love meat but I'll never ask you to eat it. just because a few people tease you doesn't mean you should stereotype a huge group of people.

I don't pick on vegetarians but i dont eat alot of meat either ...
i guess its got to do with the animal right acitivist vegetarians.. thinking animals should have rights above humans and no animals are not humans

It's not so much a meat problem as an American problem, is it?
Reading that, most of those stats were geared towards American's changing.
So really, tell us Americans to stop being greedy.
Don't tell us to stop eating meat.

I take that back, that's just for hunger.
Still, I have a good point.

Watch this...The Lion King...geez.

Um, I don't pick on Vegetarians, why do you pick on meat-eaters?

I dont care what anyone eats. Dont criticize vegans either. Likewise, their lists of Arguments they stand up for doesn't sway me because when you stand up for an "issue" not argument, you are just giving your opinions.

There are about as many "Arguments" for meat eating also but it would be looked on as an opinion.

I think people in general get into other peoples lives way too much. Many groups want all to think their way, act their way, talk their way. I ain't buying it. I'll do it my way without having to overtly offend anyone. I realize my mere existence probably offends some folks but about that, I dont care.

I NEVER pick on vegetarians... However, I have been picked on BY THEM for eating meat.

I have friends who have been vegetarians or vegans for years and they have to take all sorts of medicine to replace what they lack due to the fact they don't eat meat. How is that good for them? Those medicines were probably also tested on animals, anyway.

I have no problems with vegetarians/vegans. I don't impose my lifestyle and beliefs on them, and I expect them to have the same courtesy towards me.

Awesome link!!! Thanks.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. ~Albert Einstein

Not all meat eaters pick on vegetarians. I shared a place with 2 vegetarians and when we ate together it was vegetarian. I had no problem with that, in fact I like veggies so it wasn't much of a sacrifice.
I simply enjoy meat, others don't, I accept that.

I'm a meat-eater but I don't bully vegans/vegetarians for having different food preferences.

Ok lets see, you are trying to force you idea upon me, the link is an example of that.

There is no citations for any of those facts, anyone can write a web page, the biggest reasons I dislike vegans is you rely on lies, propaganda, and emotional pleas to get your message across.

al_sparagus please go to another board you are always mean. someone even posted a question about you. cant you see that you are unwonted on this bord some of us ~cough~ most of us ~cough~ ~cough~ are tired of your mean and stupid answers so PLEASE GO AWAY!!!!

If you are not ashamed of the way you eat, why should I be?
I happen to agree with all of your arguments and have even supported my daughter through her many phases of vegetarianism - and know that being a true vegetarian (or vegan) is a lifestyle, not just a diet. With this in mind - do you wear leather shoes or clothing (poor cow, snake, sheep, etc), Do you eat jello (poor cow) - no? do you take medication in pill form (a lot of them contain gelatin), Do you use cosmetics (poor cow). You wont eat it, but you'll wear it? Do you eat eggs (baby killer!)? What is your furniture or car seats made of - could it be leather? Hmmm, I'll stick to being true to myself and keep enjoying my steak! Chicken! Turkey! Fish! At least I am not a hypocrite and I can die with a clear conscience. However, another question for you - while you are so concerned about saving a cow, how do you feel about the environment? Do you recycle? Oh my gosh, watch out another forest has just been mowed down because of your paper towel usage. Do you use toilet paper, writing paper - shoot, more trees (tree killer - what about all of those cute fuzzy animals that live in those trees? Oh my!) Do you drive a car - oh no, there goes the ozone. Guess your not really saving all of those cute animals afterall. The point is - is anyone really doing the "right" thing? Before you start lecturing or going after people for their choices, you better be damned sure that your house doesn't have glass walls. As the expression goes: People that live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones....I guess if ignorance is bliss - how happy are you?

In reference to Silver Eye's answer: I'm going to guess that by pills you mean vitamins that your friends are taking.
Pills=prescription drugs-tested on animals
vitamins=supplements-NOT tested on animals

Vitamins are not designed for vegetarians/vegans.
You're also incorrect about vegetarians/vegans being frail and weak. I've been a vegetarian for 17 years now and I do not fall under EITHER of those categories. Nor do the vegetarians I know. Your friends probably take vitamins b/c it's the healthy thing to do in general and you are just generalizing b/c you've heard rumors about vegetarians being frail and weak. Relying on rumors rather than research is a big mistake.
Vitamins are designed for EVERYBODY.
Most people are not even eating the right foods or even enough of them for that matter to have the adequate vitamins and minerals one requires in order to sustain a healthy life, therefore it's virtually impossible to get all the vitamins and minerals from the food you eat.
Why don't you ask your friends about their vegetarian lifestyle and what "pills" they are taking?
Rather than making blank statements here showing how little you really know.
Is it a fashion trend or considered popular to make dumb statements about a topic you obviously have never learned anything about? I see alot of that going on lately..

My best friend really wants to be a vegetarian and her mom won't let her. I think it's cool to be vegetarian...they are usually SO much more healthy than us meat eaters.

I think it is cruel to pick on a person because of what they eat. Heck, I eat some wierd things and I get picked on and I know it hurts.

"Vegans and vegetarians have less defense against diseases. Latest findings! ~ "

Desease in the US is an epidemic. Which people are getting deseases???

"Why in the world did God create [animals]...Its says for food for mankind and to help us.!!!! "

Ahhh....the danger of religion.
Meat isn't helping...That's all we want to convey. Carl Lewis won 10 GOLD medals on a plant diet.

"I don't impose my lifestyle and beliefs on [vegetarians]"

They're not beliefs.

"At least I am not a hypocrite and I can die with a clear conscience"

That's because you have no conscience. Vegs do the best they can. That's more than you're doing...and that's why vegs are attacked.

- I now return to my pleasant life in progress............

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