Have i eaten a lot today?!


Have i eaten a lot today?

for breakfast i had a non fat yogurt, a pear, & a special k bar.
i didn't have lunch, but then when i came home i had 3 bowls of cereal! 2 bowls of grape nuts trail mix crunch, & 1 bowl of cinnamon life w/ skim milk. i feel kinda bad for eating all that cereal.. did i ruin my diet? will i gain weight?

Of course not! It sounds like you eat really healthy, cereal is good for you. Don't worry about it, seriously :)

sounds like you need to take a dump

No, but you're now considered dangerous, being a cereal killer an' all.

I don't think you have anything to worry about... other than not eating anything good... talk about a plain diet.. .boring... you should enjoy life and food, never know when it will be taken away from you

What are u a bird? lol

I doubt eating cereal is bad for your health. But you should try to eat a balanced diet like the food pyramid! :D heh heh heh... Cereal is supposly a college staple btw x3



it looks like it

you didn't ruin your diet- it sounds as if you've had less than 1000 kcal, so you haven't eaten enough (a bowl of cereal w/ milk is about 200-300).
Try eating more smaller meals throughout the day, that way you won't binge.

well you really didnt eat a lot but you need to learn portion control. you should eat breakfast lunch dinner and maybe one snack but dont eat everything at one time.

as long as you exercise it off it wont

No, I don't think so, you eat very little for breakfast, so there is a balance. Don't worry.

You're definitely eating pretty bad.

Please go see a Nutrition Speacialist. Nothing can compare to a good, healthy and balanced diet.

When it comes to looosing weight, it's not just about quantity, but also quality and diversity of food.

Luck ; )

Definetly not. The only reason why you ate those three bowls of cereal is because you skipped lunch. Your body was begging for food to break down. You have a balanced diet and what your eating is healthy. If it makes you feel better think of one of those bowls as lunch and you had it with skim milk so feel great!

just work out a littlee. and make up for it tomorrow.
the enddd.

sounds like you did have lunch haha (3 bowls of cereal....) jeeez

It sounds like you did a great job eating a healthy breakfast. But you kinda blew that when you began binge eating on the cereal and trail mix. I don't know what kind of schedule you maintain, but I strongly suggest eating a good lunch. If you eat a well-balanced lunch you will not be as hungry when you get home. Try to eat 3 balanced meals a day and eat your supper before 7 p.m. If you can do this for a few weeks your body will become use to your eating routine!! Good Luck!

No, you did not ruin your diet. You just ate the same kinds of foods over and over. Variety from all the food groups is the key. Like the other person said, choose from each level of the pyramid---you just went too heavy with the grains and cereals. Your body needs dairy, beans/legumes, vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc.
Tomorrow is another day.

i dont know if youll gain weight, cereal is healthy,
but my secret to losing wieght is, eat very little, if i feel an almost constant hunger, even if just a small one, i know that its working. and ive lost lots of weight, but then again, i love to eat so its kind hard lol

It all depends. How tall are you? Do you have a large, medium, or small frame? You have to figure out how many calories you burn a day. Then you have to eat less than that.

From what you listed, that should be about 1500 calories, which is fine in itself. It would have been better if you had spread out those meals throughout the day.

But, you will gain weight if you continue skipping meals (this slows down your metabolism, because your body thinks you must be starving and therefore stores more fat; it also encourages binging, like you did today when you got home!) and not eating a balanced diet (today, you need more protein and healthy fats). You could eat some chicken with steamed broccoli, for example. And if the reason you skip meals is because you don't have time, then some things you could do include keeping healthy snacks at work, and cooking on Sunday and then packaging/freezing the portions to take with you each day.

For more info, you can go here and sign up - it's free. It will ask you questions to determine the best diet for you, and then given you lots of recipes and food ideas to choose from. http://diets.com/member/choosepath.php...

Here's another (free) calorie calculator you can use - you enter in what you ate each day and it tells you the nutritional content. Then you can see if you're eating too many carbs, not enough carbs, whatever. http://www.fitday.com/

u only gain a little bit because those stuff u ate are like "healthy".

sounds ok, but sounds overloaded on 1 basic food group. where is your vegetables and protein other the little found in yogurt?? sounds liek it isnt balanced to stay healthy.


I read your question, and it reminded me of me.

I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH.All you think about is what you ate, what you're going to eat, was it too much....

People tell you you are skinny, but you don't believe them. You're life is run by this, and you feel it is all that you have.

If you need to talk, send me a message.

Think about talking to somebody about this. You are who I was when I was alot younger, and it doesn't get any easier if you don't get help.

It's really hard what you are going through, God knows, and you don't deserve it. Let me know if you need someone to talk to, please.

sounds like my average day! this morning i had a bowl of cereal with grapes and strawberries, this afternoon a bowl of cereal with bananas and strawberries, and for dinner another bowl of cereal and strawberries....all plain bran flakes and skimmed milk. i'd say that's about 750 cals so that's fine as i also had an apple, bowl of frozen yoghurt and a tuna wrap, may sound like a lot but at about 1600 cals is ok. don't worry you won't have ruined your diet hun, keep it up

No i think youl be fine

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