Mr. & Mrs. Attitude?!


Mr. & Mrs. Attitude?

Why do meat eaters get aggressive more often than vegetarians/vegans?


It seems that people who are vegetarian for ethical reasons are more peaceful in general. It's this "one with nature and the world" thing. Often, ethical vegetarians believe that all animal (human and non-human) inherently deserve respect - people have to prove that they aren't worth it (like endive and Al sparagus have). See: Gandhi, Da Vinci, Schweitzer, etc.

Also, as stated in a recent study, children with higher IQs tend to grow up to be vegetarians.;_ylt... Which obviously means that those with lower IQs eat meat. Lower IQs have regularly been linked to crime and aggression.

Edti: Oh yeah, lower IQs often neg what they disagree with, even if it's proven and true. It's that "the whole world is wrong except me" thing.

Kill, Kill, Kill, hamburger, Kill, Kill, Kill, fried chicken, Kill, Kill, Kill, oh my, someone is watching me.

because vegetarians are soft in the frist place;;;that's why their a vegetairian beccuase they feel bad about eating the poor little animals.

meat eaters eat meat because they dont care and want to be healthy with protein. so they probably arent softies like vegetairians

some evidence to back this claim up?

Because of all the testosterone and steroids in our beef.

Also, we have the energy to get worked up.
Not saying you are, but the vegetarians I know are high-strung, pale, and prone to weak spells.

i know! hay al_sparagus if you wont some evidence go back and look at YOUR answers!!!!

The hormones in the meat they eat triggers their own bodily hormones.. So when they're lacking the meat they become aggressive until they have had their serving of meat. Vegetarians depend on other sources of food for their protein so they are always getting it instead of depending on one source.

I happen to personally know many meat eaters and not ONE of them acts like the vegetarian/vegan haters that disgrace this forum.
Those that do here on yahoo!answers, cannot accept something so foreign to them. They also don't even attempt to do their homework on what being vegetarian involves, yet suddenly THEY are highly knowledgeable on the subject. Any facts that a vegetarian/vegan posts here is quickly admonished and called,"propaganda." Just because you may not be aware of something doesn't make it propaganda.
"People actually omit meat from their diets?! That's an outrage,"would be their thought process.
Another issue with them is some may have had one bad experience from a vegetarian/vegan that "teased" them about eating meat, and it hurts their tender sensitivities.
And because of that one experience, BAM! Now all vegetarians/vegans are the same.
That's a pitiful way to choose to go through life. One bad experience will determine that anything or anyone else associated with them will be the same.
It's pitiful and childish.

because vegans and vegetarians are open minded.

I think it's because they feel threatened that they are not as educated. I'm not trying to be mean, but it seems to make sense. When people feel threatened because they don't understand something, they attack it and don't want to understand it. I was a meat eater until 6 months ago, and I used to think it was weird and unnatural to not eat meat. But guess what? The more I researched and educated myself, the more vegetarianism made sense to me. So, in my opinion they get more aggressive because they are not as educated and open minded enough to learn about the benefits.

If it is different it is wrong...

I think it confuses them when we stray from the herd (literally) People dont understand when someone lives differently from the way they do. I think they also realize that they are closed minded, and uninformed about the truth. Al spargus for example has been trolling on here spouting his "wisdom", and he clearly does not have a clue about the issues-but despite how many times he is told that, he continues to rant for his cause. Also, I imaging all those steroids in the meat cause more aggression

Vegetarians/vegans don't have enough energy...
Something to do with their diet I suppose.

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