If "Meat" could be grown , the same as potatoes for example. would you eat it?!


If "Meat" could be grown , the same as potatoes for example. would you eat it?

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2 weeks ago
This question is aimed at all the vegetarians/vegans out there.

2 weeks ago
This question is aimed at all the vegetarians/vegans out there.

I think most of the people who've responded to this question don't seem to realize that it is under the "Vegetarian & Vegan" header.
Being a vegetarian myself, I find this to be both a very perplexing question and a discomforting one.
I'm a Humanities Instructor, and I teach a course called Technology & Society, in which the issue of Genetically Modified Foods, (and other related issues) are considered. The Flavr Savr Tomato comes to mind in that it is a Tomato (a fruit/or vegetable for those of you who consider it such), yet this GMF was "spliced" with a Fish gene; so the question became, "Is this a food product which vegetarians came rightly eat?"
The idea of "growing meat like vegetables" is within or at least near the same category of contemporary technological dilemmas, and really is a perplexing one; if it is "meat" but is grown and not sliced from an animal carcass then does it break the boundaries of vegetarianism, whether for ethical or health issues?
Hmmm... seems I was actually trying to answer this question but am left with only questions myself...

Since I'm a "Buddhist Vegetarian" for the purpose of Ahimsa (non-violence to sentient creatures) then I have to say that it is okay because it would not cause suffering for a creature of consciousness. However, my words cannot be a definitive answer for anyone.

of course, why not?

Of course
Meat substitutes are - and they can be tasty too

You bet.

Hell yes, it would still be meat.

yeah..why not?

yes but it would take away the fun of hunting!hahahaa

No because it wouldn't taste the same, it would be a vegetable, meat is a living breathing thing that's why it tastes different to potatoes see.

if it was exactly the same with no bad side-affects, then yes.
But without knowing that for sure, no.
We are meant to eat meat. It is the circle of life. (Ever seen the Lion King? it makes sense lol)

No, I will only eat something that has suffered for my appetite.

No meat would still have the same horrible health effects as it always did. For example everyone who eats meat will eventually die!

How dumb is that. You have too much time on your hands. Do something to help others!

It would be even more disgusting.

you mean if meat were plants? sure, i eat plants. if meat was still meat and still contained all the poisons it normally carries with it than no.

that ones for you al.

Probably, because we wouldn't know the difference. We wouldn't say to our selves,"What if this were a real animal that walked around."

it depends on what it tasted like. meat makes me want to be ill.

No, if I eat beef I want to know that the donor had a metal spike shot through its brain to kill it. Its important that my food has suffered.

Well yes as long as no animals were mistreated or harmed or killed. That is why I dion't eat meat in the first place.

but it's not.

Actually that is an interesting question for this reason. Nano technology a tech, that can take atoms and pre-program them out of core/basic materials to build stuff like a building for example an atom of silicon, atom of water,atom of carbon in theory from these raw materials you could build a building on it's own it' has been proposed that if you take an atom of grass and atom of air and atom of water and a atom of carbon you can in theory grow beef,

This can be applied to crops too and the term is classed as smart food.

check out the link below as it's a very young science but dose support the possibility that meat/food could be artificially grown.

I am sure that a few errors are in the above it's written in the best i could get across

al_asparagus, what a total Twgt you are, everyone dies eventually. Meat eaters or not. Derrrrrrrrrr
Im vegetarian but not because I love animals I frickin hate them, but because I dont like to think of it running around. If it could be grown and I could appease myself knowing it hadnt died for me, Hell yes. Bacon sarnie please!!!

Yes. But then it wouldn't be meat because it wouldn't have come from an animal.

grown like meaning its not an animal?
if meat was not a lliving feeling thing like potatos the yeah i'd eat it but its not and animals do have feelings!

Will this magic meat still scream and cry as it needlessly sacrifices it's life its for my benefit?

If no animals suffered in any in the precess to create such a meat then yes i would. My reasons for being vegetarian have nothing to do with health or taste it is purely the cruelty aspect.

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