Can vegitarians eat bacon flavored stuff??!


Can vegitarians eat bacon flavored stuff??

like i got bacon and chedder favor by accetdent and would i not be a vegitarian if i ate them

If the product has any kind of bacon, pig and/or animal ingredients, then it is not vegetarian. Also, if the product has "natural flavors" in the list of ingredients, then it is not edible.

Bacon flavored products are vegetarian on occasion, but it is a vary rare occasion. Check the ingredients, but it is far more likely than not that your product is not veg safe.


you can eat it, they wouldent put real meat in meat flavoured crisps, so its ok to eat.

Sorry, but they can't eat bacon flavored foods. The oils from the pig are made after the animal is processed. There is not a natural way to get this oil without the animal dying. If it was by accident, I would not worry about it. Everything has animal oils in it, McDonald's french fries. This is why I am a Vegetarian, the only way around this is cooking everyday, which is not practical. Just don't worry about it.

I think bacon flavor would be okay, (it's an artificial flavoring, not actual meat) but if you're going to be a strict vegetarian, I wouldn't advise cheese. Cheese is primarily milk, but rennet, which is the lining of a calf's stomach, is what's used to make the cheese firm (think like hooves make jello...well, jello-y) so if you're going for the animal rights reason, you may want to "steer" clear of that type of dairy product. Good luck with whatever path you choose!

Well, I suppose they could if the package says KOSHER on it. That means that the animal was not harmed when they made the product.

If it is flavored with real bacon, then the answer is no. If they are eating the imitation bacon bits that are just enhanced with the flavor of bacon, yes.

The same applies to cheese. Vegans however can not have any meat or dairy products at all. So...It pays to read the labels.

It depends if they really have bacon in them. I'm vegetarian and I have these really yummy fake bacon bits for salads. Look at the ingredients. If it says "bacon" don't eat it. I'm not vegan, I eat cheese so I can't tell you what to do about that.

Also, I just have to comment on one of the other answers. Kosher doesn't mean they didn't hurt the animal. There is no way to get hamburgers and the such w/o hurting the animal. Kosher means they are more careful for cross-contamination and don't use certain parts (like the butt).

Well... I don't think there is any kind of bacon in bacon flavor but not shure!

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Don't do it!!!

If a vegetarian perhaps may like the taste of bacon but does not want to eat the actual bacon it'll be fine but it all depends on that particular person and not vegetarians in general.

They can and still consider their self vegetarian...but they should feel ashamed and heinous for enjoying the delicious taste of piggy!!!!!!

I don't know about our American products, 'cause I have never seen this written on anything but veggie burgers, but I know that on many of the British imports I buy like Walker's smokey bacon crisps, it says "suitable for vegetarians". Check the package, it will be located near the nutrition facts or the ingredients. Be aware of things that say "natural flavors". When in doubt call the company. Whoever makes the product should have a website where you can check the "faq" page or a number you can call for info.

Check the ingredients found on most packages. if there is meat in it then no but most bacon flavor has real bacon in it. You can always re-start your vegetarian diet if you accedently ate it though.
:) <3

Read the ingredients..they probably are made with some sort of bacon product.

why would you want to eat such crap. being vegetarian is mostly about not eating meat, but also eating healthy. most htings that come in a bacon flavor will probably nto be healthy.

check the ingredients, if the flavoring is made from real bacon or some other part of the animal, it is not vegetarian.

The simple answer is yes. If it did not contain any animal products or bi-products then it's Vegan. The chemicals used in flavors are often Vegan. Bacon is a simple chemical compound. If the Cheese part of it was Kosher Dairy then it would be Vegitarian and not Vegan. The Oils that are being used in today's Deepfried establishments are using a Tallow type replacer for flavor. It is not Tallow but a reaction chemistry flavor using Thiamine. When McDonalds was using Tallow in their oil vats that is when they got in trouble.

no silly, u cant eat bacon flavor, just like u cant eat meat flavor or something cooked in bacon grease.

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