Why are people vegan??!


Why are people vegan??

I get why people are vegitarians, because eating dead animals is mean or whatever...but why would you not eat milk and eggs? No animals are harmed during milking and..egg taking? Or whatever you wanna call it. So why?

Cows have to be pregnant in order to produce milk.When they give birth to a male calf,he will be raised for veal or killed.Cows are kept in factory farms and given hormones and antibiotics,etc.

Egg laying chickens,also called "bettery hens" are kept in crowded cages,have their beaks seared off,and will even be starved in order shocking their bodies into another laying cycle.

The majority of animal products today come from animals kept on factory farms,not the small family farm,not the "storybook" image that you think farms are.


Conscientious vegan

Milk is Okay, but taking eggs is another way that man has robbed the earth!

because they say that taking milk and eggs form a animal is just as wrong as eating the animals meat. they even call eggs aborations.

Animal rights, the environment, spiritual or religious concerns, health and body issues are the reason why people are vegan.

I personally am not vegan or vegetarian.

To my understanding, those who are vegan have come to this lifestyle because they feel that people can survive and be healthy without taking any sort of nourishment from other creatures, like herbivores. Since this is true, why take these things, such as dairy, from animals when we do not NEED it. It's not all about hurting other creatures. A part of it is about respecting and not taking advantage of other creatures.

it's better for the environment, it's better for your health. yes, actually animals are harmed in the process, it causes pain to cows when they are being milked.. animals are hurt and killed in the process to make fur and leather, etc... ALSO, what about animal testing!!
so many facts right before your eyes yet you just choose to ignore them. do some research and get your facts straight.

because they have dementia or some other mental problem

By making dairy products the animals are not getting killed, but they are being treated horribly and they do not want to support it, even if they are not getting killed.
so that is why.

Actually when the people milk the cows they are hurting them because they put them in these really small cages and milk them 2 times a day the inject them with something to make them have babies and them take there babbies away from them so they can get the milk and they milk the cows till they are to old the they sell them to slaughter houses!! and with the eggs they make the poor chickens sit in little cages and force them to lay eggs and if the don't then they go to the slaughter house or the employees beat them with sticks or worse and they also cut there beaks off and clip there wing without giving them pain killers!!!! next time please do your research!!!!

Being vegetarian is more serious then eating dead animals is mean or whatever.... And the true reason why many people become vegetarian and/ or vegan is because of factory farming. The way in which the animals are treated is horrible. For more information on factory farming visit

No harm? Think again! Milk and eggs may not be the result of the slaughter of young adult animals but there definitely is harm!

Eggs are unborn embryos (usually of a chicken) - and are most certainly considered to be life according to many people's beliefs.

Milk isn't "life" per se but a good claim can be made that the processes by which commercial animal products like milk are produced are at best anything but natural and at worst extreme animal cruelty. The average milk cow produces 4 times as much milk today as the cows of 100 years ago did, and all things being equal that can't be all that healthy for the cow. Today's milk cow isn't the happy bovine lounging around in a field making small talk with her girl friends and pulling practical jokes like on TV, but is a bio-engineered milk factory forced to work in what amounts to a slave labor camp.

Some people are allergic to milk eggs. And by the way it is cruel. If you only knew how the dairy cows are treated. Chickens are not treated that much better neither.

wow reading some of these answers all I can do is shake my head and laugh, you may be interested to know that the eggs we eat and enjoy so much are not fertilized, so not being fertilized they contain no embryo. And all you vegans probably think that abortion for humans is perfectly acceptable. You people do crack me up though keep up the good comedy

they do get harmed greatly in the process! the dairy cows are severely abused and most die of stress, lameness and starvation. also during the process of dairy producing the cows are impregnated to keep producing milk and the babies are sent to be slaughtered as veal, therefore if you support milk and dairy and other dairy products you support the slaughter of the young calfs and the cruelty and abuse to cows. Go to www.goveg.com and meet your meat and see the horrors of dairy production. Also see www.peta/tv.com

everything emily n said!!!!!
they get harmed everyday!!!!! you should really check out those videos! GIRL u will be horrified! and v_gan girl u gotta get yo facts straight! your not the only v_gan in the world!!! (no offence)
and veggie CHILL u freak out bout like everything! (no offence) so fyi there is alot of reason to be vegan but if your not ready yet go vegetarian!

thoes are not even nutritous at all! full of fat and saturated fats, its so unhealth. plus that stuff digests quickly, so it ends up rotting in the colon. we have long intestines beacause plan takes longer to digest, so we are not meant to eat that stuff any way.

Please educate yourself. Look up how milk cows are treated and how chickens are locked up in tiny boxes.

First off, if you mistreat cows by injecting them with crap and locking them in small cages the milk is soured and is useless. The myth of the "cruel milk farmer" is easily debunked and only makes you look ridiculous when you bring it up.

I'm a vegetarian because i don't like the taste of meat, the naturally produced chemicals in the meat (Urine, Cadaverine, putricine, etc).

The people you are talking about are called "Lacto-Ovo" vegetarians. Some people consider them pretend vegetarians, i personally don't care either way.

I am Vegan because I don't beleive our bodies were made to eat animal products. We are at our most healthy on a Raw Vegan diet, next best is a Vegan, then Vegitarian. Even a person doing only 50% on their diet in RAW has a better health advantage than doing SAD(Standard American Diet)

well i'll start with the egg part. chickens are kept in cages not big enough for there wings to spread. they get their beaks clipped so they cannot peak at themselves or other chickens around them. their feet become deformed from the wire cages they are kept in. even for the 'free range' chickens, they are still kept in over crowded rooms.

milk cows are sent to meat factories once they can give no more milk. the are also kept pregnant so they lactate non stop. the male calfs they birth are sent directly to veal farms and the girl calfs are also turned into milking cows. they are given hormones and such so that they produce more milk than natural (i mean, think about it. the milk is made more the calf, they only need enough for the baby).also, a cow out in nature can live 15+ years. a milk cow has a life span of 4-5.

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