Can u gain weight from drinking or getting Drunk?!


Can u gain weight from drinking or getting Drunk?

Yes. A shot has 100 calories, plus whatever you mix it with. Amateur bartenders tend to put more alcohol into drinks, so they have more calories. Then, drinks that taste like candy bars have a ton of calories. I think a Margarita has about 800 calories, which is close to a half day's worth. Sweet drinks like Kahlua and cream or rum and coke are also loaded with calories. Even a beer has more than 100, and you're probably drinking several. If you're getting drunk, yes, you'll gain weight. For some reason, it all seems to go to your waist, hence the expression, "Beer belly" but that's true of any alcohol. If you're dieting, a glass of red wine, just one is okay, but stop there. Oh, and when you get drunk, you tend to fill up on whatever's around, like chips and dip, and you forget about dieting, so that's bad too.

Alcohol has tons of empty calories.

If you do it enough, yes you can. Look at how many men have "beer bellies" as alcohol is loaded with calories!

Yes you can if you drink all the time and alot of it.

Yes you sure can try looking for the calorie count in any alcohol it really makes you gain weight....

depends on how heavy he is when he passes out on top of you

Yes, because wine and beer is made with sugar and yeast. So take it easy

only if u drink to much

Yeah, alcohol has a shitload of calories in it, plus, I know when I'm waisted , I eat all kinds of ****.

One time, I ate a whole pan of Lasagna, and the top of a wedding cake that the people who I was living with at the time, were saving for like a 5 year anniversary, and they were married for 3 years. F*cking disgusting.

yeah, there r a ton of calories in beer n mixed drinks

Its a very popular question many think that alcohol is calories free its wrong cause each gram of alcohol is equivalante to a 9 calories with zero nutrition benfits so alcohol is benfit free cause it cause is obesity which is harmfull for ur health take away ur sense of control by geting drunk & killis ur brain cellules so please drink carefully or never drink at all.

alcohol has tons of calories
being drunk can't actaully MAKE you gain weight,but lots of people like to have fast food when drunk

If always yes definitely since alcoholic drinks is purely starch and carbohydrates. And oh, if you add sugar to them too you'll definitely gain weight.

alcohol makes me lose weight
when i go to visit my country i always come with less pounds then i don't look good
i look to skinny

Well the most fattening drink is probably beer and the most healthy drink is whiskey.If you over consume of any food or drink you will get fat, unless you exercise frequently.

absolutely, but you can choose drinks that are lower in calories than others. For instance, Bacardi and Diet Coke, Michelob Ultra Light Beer,Vodka and Crystal Light. All of these are low carb and low calorie.

I agree! Beer has like 90 calories from fat! Im not an alcohulic but I no cuz my cousin drinks and he is chubby as heck! Oh ya and change your name its not good for here! peace out!!!

I wish! I drink beer every day and haven't gained on single ounce!

Alcohol, Calories & Weight

Drinking alcohol does not contribute to weight gain, according to scientific medical research.
The Data

Alcohol contains calories, but drinking alcohol doesn't lead to weight gain, according to extensive medical research, and many studies report a small reduction in weight for women who drink. 1

The reason that alcohol doesn't increase weight is unclear, but research suggests that alcohol energy is not efficiently used. 2 Alcohol also appears to increase metabolic rate significantly, thus causing more calories to be burned rather than stored in the body as fat. 3 Other research has found consumption of sugar to decrease as consumption of alcohol increases. 4

Whatever the reasons, the consumption of alcohol is not associated with weight gain and is often associated with weight loss in women. The medical evidence of this is based on a large number of studies of thousands of people around the world. 5 Some of these studies are very large; one involved nearly 80,000 and another included 140,000 subjects.

Alcohol beverages contain no fat, no cholesterol, and very little sodium. Of course, the nutritional value of different alcohol beverages varies.

Oh is loaded with calories.

yes ! yes ! yes! drinking any form of alcohol has calories just as much as beer and it makes you retain fluid ! so be cautious and drink diet sodas with your drinks there's many out there i'm sure !

yes you can get fat from beer

No, you usually drop some body weight the next morning when you have a "grog bog".


Try to get so drunk that you puke so that eliminates your weight issue

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