Mid-night snacking?!


Mid-night snacking?

Is mid-night snacking good or bad?

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
I wanna add that I DON"T HAVE A MID-NIGHT anck. It's a common thing so I asked it.

2 weeks ago
I wanna add that I DON"T HAVE A MID-NIGHT anck. It's a common thing so I asked it.

It can be bad because you eat and then go back to bed. That means that the calories from the food will get converted into body fat because few calories are burned while sleeping. That is why breakfast is supposed to be the biggest meal.

I think its ok if you're with someone, otherwise you might pig out and eat everything

If you haven't eaten all day its good.

If you ate all day then its bad.

You must be pretty fat. It's generally a bad thing.


if you midnight snack than youll put on a lot of weight because then you go back to bed and it all sits in your stomach and turns into fat

I need to snack on a slow release carbohydrate before I go to bed because I tend to hypo at night - and that is very unpleasant and exhausting when you have to change the sheets! And occassionally it still happens. Therefore I have to eat!

Midnight is not the hour for anyone to have a low blood sugar level - it is generally 3.00 am - particularly boring if you have to deal with it and then get sheets changed and get back to sleep and up again for 6.00 am!!!

Yes, late night snacking is a good thing - as long as it is not too much and too indigestible! I would not recommend pickled onions for example!!!!!

Your body is generally quite tired then so doesnt digest food properly and leads to weight gain.....unless you want to gain weight.

it depends what you eat.
foods that are high in fat are not a good idea,because when you are asleep your digestive system has to work really hard.you can also have bad dreams,wake up with indigestion,etc
but light,healthy foods should be ok,apparently bananas,milk and turkey have a sleep inducing chemical in them!

Generally your metabolism is slow overnight, so its not as good as far as digestion is concerned. Generally you shouldn't eat anything (or have heavy drinks like alcohol or a lot of milk) when its less than 2 - 3 hours before bedtime.

Your metabolism is at its best half an hour after you get up, which is (one reason) why nutritionists say never to skip breakfast.

But unless your pigging out on chocolate or eating a lot late at night, it shouldn't cause any noticeable difference.

bad it leads to heartburn and an hiatus hernia if you sleep on a full stomach i know

If its a craving need then seek medical advice. Could be the start of type 1 diabetes.

it depends.
If you are on a diet and restrict yourself during the day and then get up to have something at night - it makes no sense.
If you are waking up hungry and must have something to eat - then you may like to consult your GP for some metabolic problems.
If you have been drinking - having a snack is a healthy reaction to support your liver detoxifying the stuff.
But the real question is - are you using drugs? Cannabis make cause 'munchies' - bouts of uncontrollable appetite.

Its OK if you just eat a very tiny little thing, because it will increase your metabolism, don't go so far or it will be stored as fat, unless you're skinny or one of those people who could eat anything they want and never gain weight, if you are I hate you!!!!!:)

It's OK but only if you avoid the other eleven hourly snacks and eat healthily the rest of the time

its ok but it all depends on what you eat , if you eat sugars it will not let you sleep right away , if you eat faty stuff you know were it will go . but as long as you dont eat too much it will not be a big problem

yummy down on that

It depends actually on what you are eating. If it is a healthy midnight brunch like veggies or fruits-not bad. But if it is chocolates, biscuits, or anything similar full of carbs- well, expect that you'll gain weight.

Also, if you had a heavy late night dinner.

usually I keep a basket of fruit in my room, like...

Well, for me, mid-night snack is a "answer" to depression or something after a break-up.. When my sis broke up w/ her ex at the same time, i had a rough day at school, we watched will and grace and had ice cream and chips nd all that and stayed till three.. it was really fun but at the same time, seeing all we ate and resting after.. we'll get fat.. haha.. i don't mind anyway..

Well you are not supposed to go to bed on a full stomach, but sometimes you cant sleep if you are hungry so maybe a hot milk Milo would be good.


Every one says its bad but i cant sleep if I'm hungry so which is worse ? if i have to eat something il have a small bowl of special k

i think mid nigt snacking is bad becoz u eat and go to bed and there wont be any activities and the food will be converted to fat. as u u know that too much of everything is bad and i think thant at night we must eat as little as possible

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