Saturday kitchen on BBC1?!
Saturday kitchen on BBC1?
how cruel is cooking live lobsters in boiling water-I dont like it!!!
Additional Details2 weeks ago
i didnt know that tastebud
2 weeks ago
i didnt know that tastebud
i use 2 different ways to cook my lobby, if my wife is present i put lobster in cold water and bring to the boil as this makes the lobby go to sleep first or when she is not watching i put a large nail through its head so its very quick and painless !!
but please remember that lobsters do not have vocal chords so they are not screaming as its only air or steam escaping.
Can`t stand that programme now James Martin is on it
Man that is cruel! But they taste pretty dang good!
Me Neither, i also hate the way they rip live langoustines apart too !.
In cooking, boiling the lobster is considered to induce less stress.
What is so cruel about it? You have to have lobster very fresh or it gets bad. So it must be cooked live.