Do vitamin supplements...?!


Do vitamin supplements...?

What are the benefits of vitamin supplements ( Do they give you energy? ) And do they have any calories?

For example, the chewable calcium tablets? There orange flavor?

Multivitamin supplements are simply to fill in the gaps when your diet might not contain all the vitamins & elements you need.

I think calcium is the one element we don't store in the body. Chewable calcium should be all right - what you don't need, your body will discard.

They give your body the vitamins it needs.

vitamin supplements dont necessarily give you noticeable energy usually but they help your body when its deficient in that vitamin. They prolly have like 5 calories and although they help, its always better to just get the vitamins from food.

Chewable calcium tablets are not vitamins.

Actual vitamins (multi vitamin tablets, etc) Can give you energy. Taking more than one or two a day can make yu ill or even cause an overdose reaction and can be dangerous. Take only one at a time once or twice a day at the most.

The calories are negligible.

Vitamin tablets are not a substitute for food. They are only a SUPPLEMENT to food. Don't stop eating.

no i would strictly recomend that please do not go for supplements they aint healthy you should try natural foods. vitamin supplements always have some side effects and they make a person more weaker .

Buy a book called the "Vitamin Bible" It tells about each supplement and in e back suggests supplement regimes for many different life styles.

Vitamin supplements give you the important bits (vitamins, minerals etc.) from food in concentrated pill form. The active ingredients in vitamin pills are chemically the same (or at least in a pre-cursor form) as what you get from food.

If you're lacking something then definitely take a supplement!

Technically they do have calories but it's negligible.

Try a woman's multivitamin, they contain a dose more suitable for you like additional iron.

You may gain benefit from a supplement if you are :

Aged 60 or better. Your body needs less food and fewer kilojoules (calories) but more of some nutrients such as more calcium, and those that may be less well absorbed as you age eg vitamin B12.
Pregnant or pregnancy planning You need folate, iron, and possibly magnesium and zinc.
Smoker. You may need more of the B vitamin, folate, and have higher needs for vitamin C, zinc and vitamin E.
Drink alcohol regularly. Alcohol strips the body of zinc and magnesium and you need more vitamin E and thiamine to process the alcohol.
Pre-menopausal. Young women often have a low iron and zinc intake due to chronic dieting or heavy periods - but you will be unlikely to need a supplement if you eat well. Mood swings and cravings before periods may be linked to mineral imbalances.
Dieter. If your eating plan is not well balanced or you skip food groups, then you should take an all round supplement eg multivitamin and mineral tablet.
Allergic or intolerant to any foodstuffs. Once you cut foods out of your day due to intolerance, then chances are you are cutting out lots of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Medical conditions and medications. With some medical conditions such as heart disease, celiac disease, cancer treatment, and after surgery you may gain benefit from different specific nutrients. Some medications can also affect your nutrient needs, so talk with your doctor and dietitian for the right individual advice.

Remember that overdosing on some vitamins can lead to a toxic overload in the body. Taking large doses of some vitamins regularly can 'train' your body to expect the high intake to a point where any sudden reduction in intake can produce symptoms of deficiency!

Drawing our vitamins from fresh foods rather than from supplements provides us with a broader and healthier range of all nutrients - and the pleasure of consuming them! Pills, vitamins or otherwise, can never totally balance an imbalanced diet.

Good health can be found through a healthy lifestyle and diet.

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