Can vegetarians eat blueberries?!


Can vegetarians eat blueberries?

An Ethical pure vegetarian does not eat meat because it involves killing an animal. They do not drink milk because it comes from an animal and that is explotation. They do not eat honey because that comes from bees and it is exploiting the bees.

Blueberries and most other fruits come from bees that Pollinate them. Is it ethical to explot bees to produce blueberries? This is not a natural process, the bees are imported to an area and moved around by industrial apiaries. Thousands of bees will die in the process and the honey they produce is taken away.

Are blueberries therefore an unethical food product because animals are exploited and harmed in their production?

you know what? I don't think there are that many
"Ethical" vegans out there. Most of use eat veggies because it is tastier to us and healthier. We avoid milk because of sensitivity to it and honey- holy moley how fanatical can we get. I love honey.
I would probably still be eating meat if it weren't so full of "other" things and at most "iffy" as far as freshness goes.

Interesting questions...

Then technically, humans are also animals, and if they are used to harvest the food, and / or package the food, then they are exploiting humans.


Guess you're gonna starve. All vegetation (fruit and vegetables alike) need to be pollinated in order to produce. They are frequently pollinated by other insects as well as bees--ants, moths, butterfies, etc. That's the nature of things.

Sure ,you can . But beware of the "blue tooth"after effects.

of course blueberries are vegan.. FRUITS ARE VEGAN.
don't try to get sassy. I know what you're talking about but NO not in this situation.. on the other hand HONEY is not vegan, why? simply because it comes from bees.

Yes. Culturing bees as a part of cultural practices in the production of bees is proven to be efficient pollinators for blueberries

What you describe in the first paragraph is a vegan. There are many different kinds of vegetarians for different reasons. A boy that worked with me years ago was vegan because he lacked some enzyme or amino acid or something that caused him to get violently ill if he ate animal products. I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian because I simply got tired of meat, then after reading Diet For A New America, I was repulsed by the way animals are treated while awaiting slaughter.

Some are hardcore, and they do not eat anything that is a by-product of an animal, like honey, milk, cheese, etc. It is natural for bees to pollinate plants-they aren't forced to, they just do. That has nothing to do with ethics.

For myself, I buy free-range chicken eggs, and I eat organic cheese that is locally made. Mmm Mmm, I loves me some cheese!

of course you can and while your at it ,you might realise how rediculous your own explanation is.

Don't eat. Everything can be linked back to something it isn't suppose to be. 6 degrees of seperation. You're doing a number on your body anyway, it is built to be a carnivore and herbavore all in one. Its a balance that is needed to keep our bodies going. If you do not eat meat, you need to supplement it of course, but going that strict with cutting everything out that has touched something, that's insane!! Bee's ahve a role in pollinating about everything that grows out of the ground. So I guess you are out of luck.

Yes, blueberries are not made from meat. So its not harming any animal.

How would you suggest that you eat any plant? Bees polinate all sorts of plants to forward the production of food.

Perhaps you could consider that your home is a disruption to the environment and if you didn't live there, bees would probably have a natural habitat, which you are responsible for destroying. Eating blueberries allows them to do what their natural design intended.

By the way, soil loam comes from the "exploitation" of worms. Without them you wouldn't have living soil. How do you eat anything grown in the ground if it's "comes from" worms? That seems to follow the same causal logic as honey.

Not to mention the nitrogen freeing activities of root bacteria...

Bees pollinate vegetation voluntarily. There is
no ethical concern. I eat blueberries almost

Import/export of the bees is not something you can personally control and we cant survive without fruit and vegs. Perfect situation would be of course to live somewhere in nature, have your own garden. Bees would naturally pollinate the plants so that part is 100% vegan, (it is supposed to be that way) but exploiting and owning bees, like keeping them for honey, isnt vegan.

Honey obviously isnt vegan because it is an animal product. It's directly linked to the bees, and is something they produce for themselves. They collect nectar and make honey from it, which is supposed to be their food source. Bees are intelligent creatures, each is an individual and their world is very complex and impressive.

Moving the bees from one area to another is not right, but unless you have your own garden, as a vegan you dont have a choice. It is not ethical, but veganism is about making choices where it is possible to make them. You CANT do more than that.

In case of the bees, it is possible for you to stop eating honey, but it is probably not possible to stop eating all plants that are pollinated by these captured bees.

So do only what you can...with more vegans in the world, there will be more ethical alternatives concerning our food. And future generations wont have to deal with questions like this, Right now it is impossible to live in this world and be 100% ethical, because our society is built on unethical grounds. Just by being part of it, we are doing harm to nature and animals. But one step at a time, ok? Vegans are not perfect, but at least we are working on improvement and moving in the right direction.

PS, if you are a vegetarian, you should have the same issue with dairy though!


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