I'm 15 and i want to become a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Please help me.?!


I'm 15 and i want to become a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Please help me.?

Okay, i dont know how to exactly get started... like i want to first cut out red meat, then chicken, and so on. So once im a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, i can become a complete vegetarian. (only eat plants). I just need some starting tips, and will i need suppliments for the minerials ill be loosing from not eating meat? Oh also, im cutting out all sweets and cokes from my diet.

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2 weeks ago
I am loving the anwers, thanx so much.

2 weeks ago
I am loving the anwers, thanx so much.

Well, first off- you can take it one step at a time or cut out everything at once. You picked the second one, which is probably a better idea. So, after you talk to your parents- "Mom, Dad, I want to go veg. I've researched it, and will provide for myself- please don't try to discourage me" you need to figure out what you want to cut out when. You seem to already have ideas about that. Just do it at whatever pace you like, and make sure to keep eating a balanced diet. You can probably find substitutes for your favorite foods, but don't expect them to taste exactly like them.
You shouldn't need supplements much, unless you want to just be on the safe side. I'd recommend B12 and some type of calcium thing, but then I'm not a doctor. At many health food stores and such they have staff that know what supplements are vegan and will be necessary/ helpful for you.

In sum, just don't get discouraged. Going veg helps you meet new foods and really feel good about yourself (IMHO). Remember why you're doing it and don't bother to explain yourself if people are making fun of/ discouraging you. God luck!

Oh, one more thing, though. You might not want to cut out all the soda/ sweets just yet- it will make people suspect that you are anorexic or such, and you might feel to disciplined and give up on everything. You're already doing something that should be really healthy for you- you don't need to deprive yourself. Sweets might even help you go veg, as, like, a reward system.

Try veggieboards.com (the forum, not the blog- you'll see the link at the top) for advice, recipes, and encouragement.

Teen vegan too!

I entered lacto,ovo,vegetarian in the Web Search and got lots of websites to visit. Use the search!

First of all, congratulations on taking the first step. It's great to see you're taking your nutrition into consideration.

The biggest mistake I see when people go vegetarian is they replace their meat with unhealthy foods. I have vegetarian friends who eat lots of cheese, fries and junk food. If you do this, you'll have health problems. However, if you make the focus of your diet a mixture of vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grains you should be fine.

It isn't hard to get all your nutrients from foods other than meat. Some minerals that you may want to watch out for are iron and zinc. Make sure to eat lots of legumes and whole grains and you should be fine. Spinach and leafy green vegetables are also great.

If you're worried about any deficiencies, get a blood test a few months after going vegetarian to see if you need to take any supplements.

Ok well Im a vegetarian and eat a lot of slads and not much junk food ok check out www.morningstar.com its a site for us vegetarians

You'll be a lot healthier if you don't consume Dairy Products <---- milk, cheese, butter, sour cream, mayo, ranch dressing!

Instead of:

Milk use nut milk
cheese use avocado
butter use olive oil
sour cream use avocado mixed with lime juice
ranch dressing use lemon juice


You are making great moves towards better health.
Meat offers very little that is not replaced in the Plants, Grains & Fruit we eat. B-12 is all, it is being found that even most meat eatters lack it also.


its a complete starter kit for people who want to become vegetarians and its completely free. It will give you a list of vegetarian foods and companies, recipies, ways to get nutrience, and much more.

I became a vegetarian when I was 13 years old. I just became one over night, cold-turkey. It works out great. I didn't worry about supplements either. I got everything I needed to get. Just be proud of what you are. That's the only thing you really need to do.

P.S. Don't forget to read ingredients labels. People tend to hide things in foods!

haha you answered my question which was practically the same. Thanks for the advice,by the way. I know this isn't really a complete answer. But I do have a site you can go to for information. I looked at it, and I myself are following their tips. Here it is: www.vegparadise.com . You can also go to www.goveg.com . I hope this helps a bit! :)

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