Can anyone give me a good recipe for ice cream without eggs or anything dairy?!


Can anyone give me a good recipe for ice cream without eggs or anything dairy?

I have an ice cream making attachment for a kitchen aid (which i have no instructions for!) and a vegan friend coming for lunch tomorrow - i have non dairy cream and non dairy milk, bananas strawberrys peanut butter....... but no idea what to do!

You can make delicious vegan ice cream with rice or almond milk, and vegetarian rennet. The rennet will make it nice and custardlike, then just process it in your machine adding whichever ingredients you like. A little xantham gum will help to stablize it a bit, but isnt totally necessary. I dont know if your non dairy milks would work-they have alot of added ingredients and oils which may not let them set up properly.


Just make smoothies, use whatever combo you like. They will be delicious!

I searched on yahoo search and there are lots and lots of vegan ice cream recipes out there...too many for me to list for you...I searched it because I was curious to know about vegan ice cream.....some of the recipes seem very easy and good.....I put vegan ice cream recipes in the search line...good luck...

Not sure if you can make them in your ice cream maker, but searching for frozen tofu deserts will pull up many different sights.

Vegan banana ice cream

Non-Dairy Ice Cream recipe

This is an interesting twist on ice cream.

1 (1.7 ounce) package instant pudding mix
3 cups non-dairy whip cream
2 cups fat free non-dairy creamer (dry)
1 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine ingredients into a large bowl and mix with a hand mixer until smooth. Pour into plastic container and freeze 2 to 3 hours before serving.

check this out ive found for you...


200g plain chocolate
250ml soya milk
5 tbsp organic sunflower oil
150ml soya cream
maple syrup (optional

Here you go

Ginger Ice Cream

3? c. coconut milk (or other non-dairy milk)
? - ? c. minced ginger (depending on how gingery you like it)
? c. sugar
2 T. arrowroot
1 t. vanilla extract
1 t. coconut extract (optional)
? c. crystallized ginger, chopped into small pieces


Mix ? cup of coconut milk with the 2 tablespoons of arrowroot and set aside.

Mix the coconut milk and minced ginger together and bring to a boil. Take off the heat and set aside for 25 minutes to steep. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the minced ginger. Keep the milk; throw out the ginger.

Mix the coconut milk and sugar together and bring to a boil. When the mixture has just started to boil, take off the heat and stir in the arrowroot slurry. This should immediately cause the liquid to thicken (not a lot, but a noticeable amount; it will be thicker when it cools).

Stir in vanilla extract and coconut extract, if using.

Set the ice cream mixture aside to cool. Freeze according to your ice cream maker’s instructions. Add crystallized ginger in the last five minutes of freezing.


Chocolate Ginger Ice Cream: Add ? cup chocolate chips and/or ? cup cocoa powder with the sugar. For an extra chocolate kick, add 1 teaspoon pure chocolate extract in addition to or in place of the vanilla or coconut extract.

Health Nut Ice Cream

A word of warning: the Sucanat is a dark brown color, so it will make your ice cream darker. The blueberries and Sucanat combined to make my ice cream look kind of like cement. Not very attractive, but still yummy!

1 c. soy creamer (or other non-dairy milk)
1? c. soy milk (or other non-dairy milk)
2 c. berries of your choice (fresh or frozen and thawed)
? c. unrefined sugar, such as Sucanat
2 T. arrowroot
1 T. vanilla
? c. flax oil
1 c. granola or ? c. granola and ? c. chopped nuts (if your granola is nut-free)

Mix ? cup of soy milk with the 2 tablespoons of arrowroot and set aside.

Slice 1 cup of berries (if necessary; obviously you don’t slice blueberries) and set aside.

Combine the remaining berries, soy creamer, remaining soy milk, and sugar together in a blender and puree. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the mixture has just started to boil, take off the heat and immediately stir in the arrowroot slurry. This should immediately cause the liquid to thicken (not a lot, but a noticeable amount; it will be thicker when it cools).

Add the vanilla.

Set the ice cream mixture aside to cool. When the mixture is cool, whisk in flax oil. (Heat damages flax oil.)

Freeze according to your ice cream maker’s instructions. Add reserved berries and granola in the last five minutes of freezing.

This vegan soy ice cream recipe is easy to make, infinitely customizable, and has a luxuriously creamy texture.
It was developed by the head chef at Goodbaker Gourmet, where we make the world's best organic vegan baking mixes. We wanted something to enjoy with our vegan cake and cookie mixes...

- Blender or food processor
- Ice cream machine (the kind with the tub you chill in the freezer works fine, and they cost less than $50)

1 tetra box firm silken tofu (like Mori-Nu) -or- 8 ounces soy yogurt
Between 3/4 to 1 cup plain soy milk
1/3 cup maple syrup or brown rice syrup (or a combination)
2 tsp vanilla

Combine all 4 main ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until thoroughly combined and smooth. Blend in any desired flavoring ingredients (see below). Pour into your ice cream machine, and freeze following the manufacturer's instructions.

For various flavors, add to the food processor:

For Banana Soy Ice Cream, blend in 2 ripe bananas

For Strawberry Soy Ice Cream, blend in 12-16 frozen and partially thawed strawberries.

For Pineapple Soy Ice Cream, blend in 1 can or 1 cup of pineapple (well drained). You may want more sweetener.

For Ginger Soy Ice Cream, add either 1/4 cup preserved ginger or 1 to 2 inches grated fresh ginger (for preserved ginger, add to food processor so it gets ground up).

Use your imagination to come up with new flavors!

Flavored liquers or syrups are a great way to add punch. Try creme de menthe and chocolate chips, or coffee liqueur, or instant coffee powder...

That should get you started

Hard one.

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