I have to go to a cookout but i dont eat meat and no one knows?!


I have to go to a cookout but i dont eat meat and no one knows?

ok well im a new vegetarian and i just found out that in2 1/2 hours i have to go to a cookout which is basically hamburgers and hotdogs and i didnt tell anyone im a vegetarian yet and do you think people will get suspisious if im not eating hotdogs and stuff .. im sure theyrs gonna be mac and cheese and potatoe salad so i should be okay right ???

Unfortunately if you are at a large cookout where meat is the focal point of the gathering, coming out of the vegetarian closet will probably get you picked on by a lot of people (sad but true).

Also, since no one close to you knows yet, that means you wont already have a small group of people who already respect and understand you decision and will be ready to stand up for you.

Maybe for the short term of this cookout you might want to use the tummyache excuse for why you are only eating salad and mac&cheese. But when the cookout is over, it might be time to tell the people who care about you about your new lifestyle and be ready with some info to help them understand your decision.
This is a good site.

Good luck
p.s. Stay away from the baked beans... hardly ever veg-safe.
And some people put tuna in macaroni salad.


just tell them u dont eat meat when u get there...there isnt anything wrong with that

you can bring your own food..just in case..
i do this and just explain my diet..
everyone accepts it....
( since i'm not eating their food..it's more food for them!!)

How dare you be ashamed about being a vegetarian. You should stand up loud and proclaim yourself one and go on to tell all the meat eaters there how their bodys are graveyards for decaying animal flesh!

Being vegetarian is nothing to be ashamed of; just bring your own veggie dogs and have them grill one/some for you. Any good host will accomodate a guest. Another good thing to try: I had a vegetarian friend who brought portabello mushrooms and eggplant to a barbecue, and some olive oil. She cut the eggplant into lengths, and kept the mushroom caps whole, brushed them on both sides with the olive oil and put them on the grill. They were a big hit with everyone! If you don't want to bring anything, then yes, just eat the salads and have a healthy meal when you get home. And yes, they're going to find out either way.

Just tell them you are a vegetarian now, it's no big deal.

If you don't want to tell them so soon, I'm sure they'll be plenty of sides to eat there.

If that doesn't work then just tell them you don't feel like eating at the moment.

Its been my experience that if there are more than 10 ppl at a cookout, not many ppl will notice. You will be safe with all the other acutramonts. If anyone asks, tell them you'll break out in hives if you eat red meat.

first off, if anyone makes fun of you for being vegetarian they suck. second, you can cook tons of vegetarian stuff on a bbq. Corn, zucchini, carrots, now theres even vegetarian hotdogs and burgers. Im sure there will be salads there like macaroni and green salad. You can even bring your own food. People ridiculing others for their food choices is silly, but so is being a food snob. And hopefully theres more to do than just sit around and eat food.

just eat what you want to, there is no real need to explain, and certainly don't go putting people down because they choose to eat what they eat.....as suggested by others......respect if you want to be respected......and have fun...

Besides eating the meatless side dishes, you could purchase some vegetarian burgers. If I were the host I wouldn't be insulted. I'd be glad that you wouldn't go hungry, or feel left out. I think most people understand that many people are vegetarians these days. And who knows? There might be another vegetarian there that would appreciate your offering.

make a veggie dish to share and/or bring some port caps, veggie dogs to grill for yourself~you may meet another vegatarian who would like a veggie dog!!

when you get there just tell them the truth, that you don't eat meat.

it would be easier to tell them in advance,maybe they will get you some veggie burgers,which you cook first before the meat goes on?.if not,just tuck into all the salads,chips etc.if anyone asks,just say "oh yeah i'm veggie now". problem solved!

I'm sure there will be other things you can eat--also you could bring veggie hot dogs and just ask the host if you can use the microwave for them. That way you aren't putting your host out and it won't be an awkward thing.

You should never have to justify being a vegetarian, but if this is new to you and no one knows, and you are not comfortable telling everyone right now, just fill your plate with the things that look good to you. If anyone notices and says anything, you do NOT owe them any kind of explaination, but if you feel you must, simply say that you are "not in the mood" for the hamburgers or hotdogs.

You can also make an early exit without explaining anything to anyone. Simply say goodbye and take off. If you're still hungry, you can get some yummy vegetarian food at home or your favorite restaurant.......(or do like my kid's vegetarian friends.........come raid MY refrigerator!)

I hope you have a good time........

they wont get suspicious, dont worry. but i think im a little late for answering this before you go...

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