Why do meat eaters love to be cruel to animals?!


Why do meat eaters love to be cruel to animals?

As a vegan I just cannot understand this. How can meat eaters be so cruel to animals? If I ate a hamburger I would be able to swallow because I would be crying so hard. Are meat eaters just naturally cruel people?!

Sometimes it's hopeless to explain to people like you the reasons since some are very closed-minded on why we meat eaters do it coz almost all of the people like you loves to think and exaggerate that we are cruel for eating meat, so enough with this bickering. Enough is enough.

You eat your veggies and we eat our usual meat coz we did it for our beliefs, for survival, for nutrition, for our culture and so much more.

So we try to understand your side, some of us might not understand your beliefs and vise versa. Enough said. <*-*>

A pet owner of dogs, cats, monkey, rooster, bunny, and fishes, a hog raiser and poultry grower, a certified meat, veggies, fruits, chocolates, seafood eater, neither a sinner nor a saint and simply a human.

I am a meat eater, and I am not mean to any animals. Thank you vey much.

I don't even think of it as eating an animal. I don't look at a piece of bacon and think of pigs. I just think of it as food. I don't eat meat because I like being cruel to animals, I eat meat because it's good and I love it.

its not like i killed the animal with my own bear hands before i ate it...i LOVE animals!!! i wouldn't want to hurt them at all...but humans need protein and a good source of that comes from meat [i'm not saying we can't get protein any where else]
not everyone who eats meat is a cruel person, you cant judge people by what they eat al_sparagus, thats pretty cruel.

well c dis is a lyf cycle & v have 2 follow it... & eating meat does nt mean v r crual 2 animals... well i love dogs & deres a saying mans bst frnd are dogs

I've rescued dozens of feral/stray cats and dogs and had them fixed and adopted them out for the last decade with $ out of my own pocket.
.................How about you?

That's funny...

If the role's were reversed, and it was a meat eater asking this question about vegans, there would be bells and whistles, and the question being banned.

I actually do not kill my own food, someone does that for me, and I purchase it for the enjoyment of family and friends alike.

I don't see it as being cruel to animals. The fact is that what if i did stop eating meat? Would that mean the whole human race would stop killing animals for their meat? No. Weather or not we choose to eat it doesn't matter, because it will still continue to be processed. Besides by not eating it and it's already being dead, would mean that animal died in vein and was just killed for no good reason, because nobody ate it. It would be wasteful, and as human beings i think we're wasteful enough.
Not to mention that there are other benefits as well to meat. Someone has gotta kill and process the animal so it can be ready to buy, and that CREATES JOBS!! There are so many people out there who cannot find work, and if you would stop eating meat, that would leave TONS of people without jobs. Are YOU willing to give up YOUR job to those people, if they stop eating and killing meat?
Plus meat has iron in it, and being someone with anemia i need iron and choose to get my iron not by taking suppliments but by eating meat.
Plus many people love animals, having a pet is a sign of loving animals. Unless you're insane and rude alltogether, having a pet means you are NOT cruel to them, because you love them.
And not to get all "bible-y" or anything, but don't judge less ye be judged.

This person is not a vegetarian/vegan. To responders, 90% of vegetarians/vegans are not like this.

I can see where you got this impression but its not always as simple as meat eaters = cruelty to animals. First off, it is quite possible that many people that work directly with animals (showing they care about animals), such as vets, horse trainers, etc. are not vegetarians. Also, don't you know people who have pets and take care of them well, while they use other animals for food and other things?
Also, not everyone is a vegetarian or vegan for moral reasons. Some may do it for religious, spiritual, or health reasons. So the converse (i.e. those who are cruel to animals are meat-eaters) is not necessarily true. Possibly (though less likely) someone is a vegetarian or vegan and still not care to be kind to animals.
I would like to think that (except for those who are greedy for money, thus employing cruel methods of torturing animals for their meat and milk and eggs) hardly anybody wishes to hurt animals in this world.

I don't eat meat, but why why would eating meat make you cruel to animals.God put animals on the earth for us to eat so that wouldn't make them cruel.

This person is not a vegetarian, for the past couple of weeks he has been on here harassing vegans. Just look back at Al's past questions and answers. This is just a new attempt at trolling on here.

You aren't a vegan dude, you are just trying to put us in badlight by your "I am vegan and meat eaters should die" type of posts.

Anyway to answer your question. No, meat eaters can simply love to eat meat even though they don't like to be cruel to animals.

I'm not cruel to animals. I hunt, I fish, I quickly and as painless as possible dispatch (KILL) those animals I’m going to eat. If you think that killing animals in itself is cruel, then why ask the question, you’re just making a point not asking a question. And before you ask, yes I’ve seen the PETA videos, and here’s something to think about PETA KILLS animals too, yes I can prove it, but I won’t unless you ask.

Cruel, is letting animals starve to death, yes people are responsible for animals starving to death, we have killed the predators that kill the deer, and other game animals. Yes I can prove it. We could re-introduce the predators back into the wild if you wish, but when your son, daughter, sister, brother, etc, goes out into the woods for a walk and get killed, yes its happened before, don’t come crying to me. Personally, I don’t want large predators running around where I live. I know we have mountain lions, bear, wolfs, etc. close to where I live. Most stay away from cities and towns, but some have kill people, not to mention livestock.

Now if you don’t want to eat meat, don’t. I don’t think it bad or evil for you not to eat meat. You made a life choice, and I’m happy that you are pleased with that choice. I choose to eat meat. That is my choice; it doesn’t make me an evil person. I know a lot of Vegans will think I am, just because I eat meat. But I have never forced another person to eat meat, or force my lifestyle on someone else, unlike some vegans I know.

So, meat eaters, omnivores really, I have never met anyone who was a true carnivore, are not naturally cruel people, anymore then Vegans are naturally cruel people. Yes I can point to Vegans who are cruel, and will if you wish.

So don’t lump all omnivores into one category, or you might find yourself lumped into a category that you don’t want.

Yes I like to raise them, Befriend them and blow their brains all over my yard. Yes Ahhhh Yes

Are they the ones butchering the animals?

well they just dont realize just what they are doing. or they dont care.

Yes, one can. Many men and women, who were not vegetarian, started working towards improving the conditions of animals. They were born in non-vegetarian families and they were raised with animal flesh and dairy products as their main food. A stage came in their life when they realized what truly fair treatment toward animals would mean. They joined their hands with those who were saving and protecting animals. In the process, not only did they become kind to animals, but also to themselves. This way, many animal rights workers have become vegetarian at some time in their lives. If not, they are kind at heart, but still a slave to old habits of meat eating.
Those who are born and raised vegetarian are lucky. Their minds, speech, and actions are nourished for kindness to animals and all other non-human life. Most individuals who are raised with those values will not harm animals, nor will they support any harm to animals.
Here is a true life example -- My Transition to Vegetarian...
I was born into a Russian/American family and raised as a typical American meat eater. My evolution into the animal and environmental rights movement has been gradual. A turning point for me occurred when I was 15 years old. A friend and I had just eaten hot dogs for lunch, and walked next door to a leather shop. I whispered to her that she shouldn't buy anything in there because it is all dead animals. The clerk behind the counter heard my comment to my friend and asked me if I ate meat. I was shocked. I had never made the connection before that moment. I never realized that the meat on my plate was anything but 'food'. As I realized, while standing in that store, that meat is dead animal, I replied, "No, I don't eat meat" to the clerk. My friend thought I had just lied to the clerk. I explained to her that from this moment on I would not eat meat. That was 26 years ago. My personal evolution continued when I saw the pain of a dairy cow being separated from her calf and realized that the male calves on this farm were being shipped to veal facilities. I then quit using dairy products. I am now a strong advocate of strict vegetarianism for our own health and the well-being of animals and the environment.

I'm not going to lie its just fun. Hearing them squeal while rolling around in pain as I stand and laugh at them because i am so much mightier than them. Get a life.

we're not crule we just like the way they taste. If an animal had a choice between eating you and grass I'm pretty sure they would eat you.

The fact that I'm cruel and viscious has nothing to do with my carnivorism. Meat eaters simply see nothing wrong with eating meat, we don't see it as cruel, we see it as we need to eat too. Meat eaters are not always cruel to their food, most don't even kill their own food. I do kill my own food but I don't kill it in a cruel manner.Keep in mind that plants have feelings too, do YOU like being cruel to plants?

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