Why are people vegetarians?!


Why are people vegetarians?

I mean I just dont get it. In my religion god put humans as the dominate species. Shouldnt we be DOMINATE?

don't try to bring god into this. it's wrong to eat animals! would you eat humans if your religion told you to?

you'd rather eat a carcass? and do so because your god told you to?

why do you bring domination into this? animals are living things and shouldn't torture them for your own pleasure, simply because you like the taste and you want to 'dominate'.

I don't understand, so you'd kill and eat your pet (dog, cat, etc) because you want to dominate?

No, we shouldn't try to dominate. Its ethically wrong to kill animals for food. Thats why I'm a vegetarian.

Just because you are dominant doesn't mean you have to dominate. Sorry, bad joke. I am vegetarian because it makes sense. It is healthier and is a better use of resources. I also lost 70 pounds when I went veggie. I just feel better. It's not a religion for me and I am not all into animal rights. I'm more concerned with child abuse than I am with people wearing fur or raising veal. I agree we were put in charge of the earth - but we don't have to eat it all :o)

If you think we should dominate, thats fine, but we don't necessary need to eat them to prove dominance, it's our choice.

If you actually read the Bible, you'll find that in the beginning, we didn't eat meat at all.

Genesis 1
29Then God said, "Behold, (AK)I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;

30and (AL)to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.

(this is quoted from the New American Standard Bible)

Another reason why people are vegetarians is because meat is not good for you.

Respect for all living beings makes me not want to eat their dead bodies. Dominating is not a good way to live.

does it say anywhere we are dominate one of my fav quotes is "The animals on this earth exist for their own reasons.They were not made for humans anymore than blacks were made for whites or women for men" So take that to the bank and cash it!! What makes u think ur better than an animal with thinking like that ur not better than anyone!!

ok in your religoin that is so but if you dont believe in god and belive you are equal to animals you wouldnt eat them. I mean there are many reasons why ppl dont eat meat. I dont eat meat because i am an animal lover and hate to kill animals for my pleasure to eat them it seems horrible.

They have a belief!

Humans are obviously the dominate species on this planet, however, vegetarians are opposed to the treatment of animals, and animal products, or the use of animals in food production (i.e. Bees).

Its a noble cause, and if they are comfortable with it, then let them be, I personally understand fruitarianism, more so then vegetarianism.

But I am neither, I am an omnivore.

Poke around this website for some excellent reasons to go veggie. Meat is disgusting and unhealthy-its full of parasites, bacteria, urine, pus, blood, cholesterol, purines, feces, antibiotics, steroids, growth hormones, and loads of other nasties. It makes no sense to eat decaying animal flesh.


meats not good for you thats why

I'm not trying to sound mean but...

Do you think there is only one religion?

And by the way, we created God in our own image - all religions have their politics - we have changed faith throughout time to coincide with our needs.

Thou shalt not kill - did not have fine print.

I don't know what religion you are. But if you are referring to the Bible, God gave Adam and Eve only fruit and vegetables to eat, the animals were their companions. Read Genesis. After the Fall, God gave them over to eating meat (This is coming from a former born-again Christian, so you know I have read and re-read this. ) I learned in my Catholic SChool and Evangelical church that humans are "Stewards" of the Earth. The Bible said that God gave humans dominon over the Earth...dominion and domination are two different things. Think of it more like a country where there is a queen and king. A bad queen or king murders their people and treats them unjustly. A good queen or king protects her/his subjects and looks out for their best interests (that does not include eating them). So, if this is what you are speaking of you may do well to look at the people in the Bible who were vegetarians...most notably, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego....the lions didn't eat them bacause they were rightous and asked the king only for veggie food. (That's the only part of the Bible that I believe...lol...see? I can use religion to suit my purposes too) Actually, I do not happen to believe that humans have dominion over the animals. I believe we are animals and that we should treat our fellow animals fairly and with compassion and respect the for their strengths. I don't eat my equals nor my superiors (lions eat people because THEY can certainly dominate me any day...they don't have to cage me up and drug me to get me to comply).

They dont want to support the meat producers because all the animals are harmed in the process! you should go to

that's your religion. is everyone in the world a member of you religion? is every religion, even yours, right all of the time? nope. here's a quote from mohandes gandhi, when asked if he was a hindu. "yes, i am a hindu, but i'm also a christian, a muslim, a jew and a buddhist." gandhi was a vegetarian himself. so much can be learned from all religions from all over the world. none is right, but none are wrong.

believe what you want. i think its wrong to kill animals

xcuse me many species on earth more braver and more stronger than we r u r wrong if u think we r superior any way if can eat animals u can even eat humans as they 2 are meat why can't u accept vegetarians

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