I cant stop eating!help?!


I cant stop eating!help?

i am 16 and eat like a pig! my dad owns a pizza restaurant so im always eating something. today me and my dad had breakfast at ihop, and once we got to his restaurant at 10:00 am i asked for cheese sticks with marinara sauce. now im eating a black angus cheeseburger-he sells those too. what should i do , my doctor says i have to lose 5 pounds by my next doctors visit which is july 2. give me some adbice on what i should eat please.., and how i can lose this weight!

the first thing is to look at the reasons BEHIND the eating...is it just because you are bored? Is it a comfort food? if so from what? deal with the real issue and the problem will go away...see yourself in control of your habits..and dont play games with yourself be honest...deal with the problems..not covering them with food...to start to get things into control... you can eat 6 small meals a day which will help, and if you have to eat something fatting..do it in the morning and walk that day..drink alot more water and dont eat anything after 7 pm...no excuses..you are in the position that food is around you..quit giving it your attention...what you give your attention to grows...find something more rewarding than food..such as that ______ fill in the blank that you have wanted for along time...and give it to yourself when you reach your goal...dont...hang...around food and keep something in your hand...like a pen and tablet..and write instead of eat...also put your food on two plates(not bigger portions) leave one in the other room so you have to get up to go get it...and eat one, then wait 20 min to eat the other and be honest with yourself on how you feel...most times you will not want the other...also never say you are loosing anything the subconciense will stop you in your efforts...say you are getting rid of weight...and dont starve yourself, the subconciense will hold all fat cells if you do sounds stupid, but very true...and see yourself the way you want to be every night before you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up...and you will be on your way to the new you...the more excited you get the easier it will be....hope it helps

If you only need to lose 5 lbs, it's not drama time. Instead of trying to "stop eating", try to eat more fruits and veggies than breads and other carbs. Go to IHOP with Dad, but have ham and eggs instead of pancakes and syrup. Skip the cheesesticks at the restaurant (no pizza either!), have the burger without the bun and a salad, and then take a walk. You'll be fine!!

Cut down on the carbs, ad more protein and veggies to your diet and start walking.

Good luck.....If I were you I'd stay at home.

you should eat vegetables stuff that doesnt have a lot of cheese in it like pizza. you just cant eat the same food over and over again. you can exercise to lose weight.

Start eating non greasy food and more of salads and fruits.
Morning exercise would be healthy,walking or running.
A litre of water everyday and read a lot.Hope this works.

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