Why i should become a vegetarian?!


Why i should become a vegetarian?

im starting to think about it because in the last few weeks i tried not to eat meat and i feel better. is meat really bad for me? cause i want to lose weight a little and get in a better shape so i need to change my eating habits. any tips?

Proud vegetarian for 17 years now. :)

In regards to the poster further above stating that being vegetarian/vegan does not save lives, you are incorrect and should not attempt to correct another unless you have accurate information. Following excerpt from www.chooseveg.com:
"The average vegetarian saves the lives of approximately 95 animals each year. That adds up to thousands during a lifetime. Every time we eat, we are making a powerful choice that has profound consequences on the lives of animals. At each meal, we make a decision between supporting cruelty or living compassionately. "
The number of vegetarians/vegans in this world is not only already in record numbers, but increases every year! And if each vegetarian/vegan saves approximately 95 lives-that adds up to thousands and thousands of lives saved, if not more.
Therefore to say it doesn't make a difference, is totally bogus!
When people choose to boycott a company, the more people who participate in the boycott, more can be accomplished, otherwise boycotting would also be a waste of time.

Contrary to popular belief, a human's digestive system was not created for digesting flesh of other animals, which is why it basically just moves through one's digestive system w/out getting digested. Animals that are omnivores are that way b/c their digestive systems were built that way. In addition animals that are omnivores have the appropriate acids to not only assist in the digesting process, but also to kill bacteria found in the meat. Which is why they never become sick from eating meat containing bacteria. And why are humans prone to becoming sick from bacteria tainted meat? Because as I've said before-our digestive systems were not equipped for meat consumption!
Also, diets that include meat 3 or more times a week have been linked to heart disease,high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
More meat eaters reported having high blood pressure than did vegans. Fish eaters and vegetarians were in the middle. These differences remained even after the researchers considered that the meat eaters tended to be older and heavier, two factors that increase the likelihood of high blood pressure.
The following link is about how meatless meals have been linked to lower blood pressure:http://www.healthandage.com/public/healt...
There are some meat eaters that are actually aware of this, and then you have those that are either in denial or ignorant.
The next link is about what being vegetarian/vegan means and what it involves:

Good Luck to you!

meat is not bad for you. It's better to have meat everyday, trying to lose weight, stay off the sweets and sugary stuff (ice cream, junk food, chips, candy, cakes, etc)

then you'll lose weight, also try working out every other day

go to a slaughterhouse - it will change your life

i had to write a paper on slaughterhouses- its like hell on earth

start eating healthier food. meat is not bad for you but you need to trim the fat off the cuts and watch what you prepare it in and what you put on it. cut all junk food out of your diet too. and exercise

You need meat. It gives you certain nutrients you need and is part of a healthy diet. Vegetarians can still over-eat and eat fats and sweets. You need to eat healthy. It's provent hat the best way to lose weight is obeying the food pyramid and working out everyday or atleast 3 days a week.

Meat isn't "bad" for you per se. We have evolved to eat meat after all.

However, a good reason to turn vegetarian would be for the sake of animal welfare. Animals bred for food stock are usually treated in ways that most people can't even imagine. I love meat, but I chose to go vegetarian because of my stance on animal welfare.

Mass-produced meat can also contain high levels of antibiotics and steroids - many animals are given hormones to make them grow too big, too fast, too young - and we ingest these hormones. Tasty.

there is no cholesterol in vegetables. Are you becoming a vegan or vegetarian? vegan are crazy...they dont even eat eggs

I was vegetarian for about 5 years, and I totally am happy I did it. I just think Westerners eat way too much meat. Part of me wanted to stop eating meat just to balance the scales a little. Now I eat meat, but moderately. I don't buy it that often.

Benefits of a vegetarian or low-meat diet would be that you are reducing the amount of animal abuse, you're likely going to intaking less fat, you might save a bit of money while grocery shopping, plus.

I'm not sure if it's verifiable, but my skin and hair have always been in good condition, and I think it has to do with being a vegetarian.

A lot of hot chicks dig vegetarians.

i heard that (i think from food magazine) that you are more likely to gain more wait if you go on and off being a vegetarian

Meat rots you colon and slows you down. Without meat in your system you will have more energy to do the things you want and it will be a lot easier to loose weight. not to mention you will be saving a lot of lives. Go to this link for more info on why it is bad (proven facts) http://www.vernoncoleman.com/eatingfor.h...

Reducing and eliminating meat will lessen your risk of certain cancers, heart disease, and other health problems. There are no essential nutrients in meat, you can get protein, iron, etc from vegetable, grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, etc without the added fat and cholesterol.

However losing weight is not automatically linked with vegetarian diet. The only way to lose weight ids by burning more calories than you take in. If you replace the fat/high calorie meat with high calorie vegetarian food you will not lose anything. Eat more vegetables, and include whole grains, fruits, etc.

You may want to check out veggieboards.com, as the people on there can give you advice, resources and information on how to eat healthy as a vegetarian without having to weed through all the omnivore responses giving false/exaggerated info on how you need meat.

Because meat is amazing!
yea i have been 2 a slaughterhouse...i does not bother me.
hell i skin deer! i shoot the animal, skin it, cut it, cook it, and eat it!

All hail meat!

because you want to and it's healthy

Yes, because your body is your temple. If you take care of it, it will take care of you. I commend you if you decide to become a vegetarian. Iv'e been a vegan for almost about a year now and I feel lighter and healthier. Meat is bad only because of the drugs, chemicals and the poor conditions that they are exposed to everyday. i feel so bad for them. they are treated so poorly and then devoured at the dinner table. My thing is how can the people that mistreat these animals make a conscious decision to eat them after the abused and slaughter them. Also, they haunt you from the grave what ever diseases they had up until their death, rest assured you gonna be exposed to it. Many blessings!

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