How long does THC from eating brownies stay in the system?!


How long does THC from eating brownies stay in the system?

ok..EMERGENCY...i hadn't smoked or eaten any bud in a loooong time (im talking at least 6 months, probably over). BUT about 2 and a half weeks ago I ate a hash cookie and it was pretty damn strong. im applying for summer jobs and have to pass drug question is will it still be detected? If i ate it does that make a difference over smoking it? and what are some things i can do to decrease the likelihood if it being detected ( i heard eating fatty foods helps because THC is stored in fat so you get a layer of "clean"/ food fat over the THC fat when you go in for testing, also heard drinking green tea helps...)


and also...for you people who like to respond to theses types of questions with "you're dumb" or "marijuana is dumb"...don't judge....and if you dont like it, dont respond, mmk? thanks.

THC typically stays in the system approximately 30 days. It could be slightly more or less depending on the person's body type. So if it was only 2 1/2 weeks ago, more than likely, you will test positive for a urine drug test. However, if a hair follicle test is done, it can be detected for a much longer period.

As for how to rid it from your system... I really don't know as I don't believe any of them really work. Testers can usually tell when people have attempted to dilute specimens with different solutions as the creatine level will usually be abnormal.

Good luck.

My job.

I smoke more weed than anybody on earth. Anyway, they say marijuana stays in your system for a month or more. But, it depends on the quality and how often you smoke. One brownie of killer two weeks ago is absolutely nothing to worry about. I have flunked 3 piss tests in my life and one put me in jail for a week cause I was on probation for a dui. The other two caused me to not get a job and to get fired from a job. I went to 2 different doctor offices and they sent results to 2 different labs. Here is what they do: One test I measured .67 mg per liter and another was .51 mg per liter. You are allowed to have under .15 mg/liter to pass or get a negative answer from the lab. Now I was smoking killer weed every waking moment all day long on one hitters. That's how I do it. The only reason I was a .51 instead of a .67 one time was because I didn't smoke during the days while I was at work. When I was a .67, I wasn't working at all at them time. When you flunk one or it shows .15 or above, the doctor calls you first before the company is notified. He asks you if you are on any special medication, blah, blah, blah and then they tell the company. So, one brownie two weeks ago is not going to be above a .15-I don't care how good it was. But the best way to hurriedly clean yourself is to drink 100% cranberry juice at the grocery store and eat alot of citrus fruits. They give cranberry juice in emergency rooms for overdoses. I took Sonne 7 one time and flunked-doesn't work. I took Q Carbo at GNC and flunked-doesn't work. I took emergency 6 hour detox tabs one time and flunked-doesn't work. Now has some pills called "urineluck" that you take into the bathroom with you and dissolve into the urine and they alter the molecular makeup of the THC molecules so that you get a negative reading. They are about $30.00 and if you don't use them in 6 months, you can send them back and they will give you 2 more free pills cause labs are able to find out that you took an adulterated substance. So they tell the labs that you were negative but that there is something not right or fishy or foreign in your urine. I haven't taken these, so I don't know if they work or not. But really, if you smoked a fatty tonight, you still wouldn't be .15 or above 2mro. By the way, when I have passed piss tests, I had been off of weed for about 2 and a half weeks for the dip tests and 3 or a little more for the mail-off kind. And I smoke a little bit here and there all day and get killer. P.S. If they take a hair follicle test, they will check back for 90 days or 180 days, whatever the company wishes to worry about. I don't think one brownie will show up and if you have been off for 6 months, then I wouldn't worry. Hightimes does sell special shampoo for this but I don't believe it will work either. But, I've only had two hair follicle tests done and they were for 90 days and I passed both but I had quit smoking due to one reason or another for more than that 90 days.

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