PETA... vegan.... vegetarians......??!


PETA... vegan.... vegetarians......??

What is WRONG with them???

What's wrong with PETA?


PETA is a fund-raising organization that uses the alleged cruelty to animals to attract donations that principals of the organization use to fund their lifestyles. After all, who's going to contribute to an organization that promotes a "botanical" diet?

In reading the answers here, I see some statements that PETA is against eating meat. That's true, but its agenda goes much further: PETA disapproves, sometimes violently, of people who eat ANYTHING derived from animals. They don't want you to eat the cow and they don't want you to drink its milk. They believe a mosquito has as much right to life as a human being.

But PETA is not just about eating. It's also about humans having ANY contact with animals. PETA wants to forbid people from owning animals, including dogs and cats, because when we have them as "pets" we are abusing them. Fido and Tabby really want to be with us -- they're really just our prisoners.

Ask a PETApsycho why dogs that have been lost in a distant place have been known to travel THOUSANDS of miles to get back to their "masters."

I don't know about you, but in my house my beloved little dog is the master. I feed him (but I haven't eaten him or any of his reatives). And (guess what?) I feed him food that includes animal matter (beef, lamb, chicken, etc.). Dogs are carnivores and cannot survive if they are deprived of meat. So, if PETA got its way, all our domesticated animals would die of starvation because if we can't eat meat, neither can they!

Take a look at the following link:

Want to ruin your baby's life, or mabe even end it?

Put the baby on a vegan diet!

I have to walk my dog now. Or maybe he's going to walk ME.

I know not all PETA supporters are not psychos. But I know that some of them definitely are.


Nothing. They just like different things than you I guess.


Nothing, they just choose not to eat meat. (except PETA)

They're just like every other group of humans...there are some good ones and a few bad ones with really loud mouths!

what are you asking? whats wrong? like why do they do what they do?

Apart from the fact that they themselves kill animals...


Peta is an organization with many members devoting their time to the mistreatment of animals
It is people passionate about cruelty to animals, the first step is probably not eating them
There is nothing wrong with them, it is people doing in what they belive in, donating their time to help what they beleive in

I'm not sure what your question. If your wanting to know why they refuse to eat meat, some people simply see it as healthier and others like my cousins little girl simply don't like the taste and still others see it as harmful to the animals. Peta is just an organization created to find the criminaly insane and catch them more easily.

Haha...nothing is wrong with them...its a belief that they have

I also used to be very anti-PETA, thinking of them as extremist wackos. But then I went to their excellent website, and I got their point. Now I am a vegetarian. I think they are very mispotrayed by the media. They really just love life and living things and feel called to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves...

nothing. i could be a vegetarian if it wasnt for steak, bacon. sausage, chicken, turkey ect.

They have no connection to the real world...That's all.

it would be easier to say whats right with them

Oh please. What is wrong with YOU???????? PETA is a perfectly sane organization; this organization has the best views in the world. The ASPCA SUCKS. I happen to be a vegan and I am in JUNIOR HIGH. Just to let you know, about 30% of nonvegan teens are obese. And 2% of ALL vegans are obese--not just the teens, ALL vegans. Hah! Beat that!

There is nothing wrong with vegetarians, we just don't believe in killing animals when we can just eat a salad. Why waste a poor defenseless animal's life?

I am so tired of being associated with PETA just because I am a vegetarian. I will have nothing to do with them. PETA gives honest, open minded, and compassionate veggies a bad name.

I'm vegetarian and there's nothing wrong with me.
What's wrong with your inability to ask a question correctly?
Educate yourself with some unbiased, accurate info on all three of the topics you mentioned, but also be open-minded to the information.
Being ignorant is not trendy.

What's wrong with YOU? Eating animals is DISGUSTING! Its like being a carnivore in the jungle. dont u feel bad digging into an animal and eating its flesh and blood? EW! Besides, eating vegan helps you lose weight. allthe celebs do it, so there must somethingn wrong with them, too, right? )={
cows give the milk for cake butter cheese and stuff that we eat. why kill them? same with chicken. no matter what people say, im going to be a vegetarian. Im part of the awesome 20% of the country. ppl, stand up for what is good.

Nothing when you're talking about vegans and vegetarians, they are making a lifestyle choice. They, for whatever reason, choose not to eat meat. Nothing wrong or right with that, its a choice, like Coke over Pepsi.

Now PETA is a different duck, any vegan I've met who has really looked at PETA stays as far away as they can. PETA will protest animal shelters who put animals down (kill them) but PETA KILLS more animals than ANY SHELTER I know of, yes I can PROVE IT.

They have put out two pamphlets that looks like comic books,
Your mommy kills animals


Your daddy kills animals

Both firisdead and fishinghurts are owned by PETA.

Peta claims that they aren't comics, even though fishinghurts claims that Your daddy kills Animals is a comic, and that they aren't aimed at kids. Yea right when was the last time you bought a comic?

Let's not forget the Holocaust on your Plate exhibition, I could go on and on, but I won't.

ANY vegan who supports PETA is SUPPORTING THE KILLING OF ANIMALS plain and simple.

If you want links or more information post an edit and I answer.

I'm a vegetarian and I DO NOT support PETA. PETA kills animals. There is nothing wrong with vegetarians.

The question here is what is right about them?!?
they care more

they just want to impress thier friends...they really want to eat meat

nothing is rong with them !!!!!!!!!

PETA is an OK organization, yes at times a little extreme but they are just trying to get their point across . . . I am a vegetarian and some parts of PETA are reasons why, one part of PETA's mission is to show people how horribly animals are treated in life and how inhumanly they are killed in the meat industry. If you took 5 min out of your day and visited a Vegetarian/Vegan website you will see what this lifestyle is about. The media over analyzes and puts a negative spin on Vegetarianism and Vegan-ism, just like many other stories. But if you look beyond what the media has to say and do a little research on you own you will see that it is not a bad thing. They are just trying to educate people about what they are eating and how the animals they are eating are treated. But there are some parts of PETA that are not so good (see comments above). I personally do not support PETA but I have used some videos on animal farms and others to show why I am a Vegetarian. I suggest you do a little research before you go and insult the way of life of so many people. This was truly an ignorant remark that was meant to be insulting. We do not sit and judge you for eating meat, why do you have to judge us? Vegetarians and Vegans are just trying to show people that there is a different way to eat that does not involve violently harming animals. You are doing the same as PETA when you promote eating meat but your way is more excepted because PETA/Vegan-ism/Vegetarianism is put under such a bad light. I think you should be more open minded about the different ways of eating and learn to accept other peoples choices of living.

What is WRONG with you??
Why do you judge groups of people as being "WRONG" just because they choose to live with intelligence & compassion instead of blind acceptance & greed?

Also, just as one should not stereotype a person based on his/her ethnicity, do not lump all veg*ns together. I personally do not support Peta for its hypocrisy & sensationalist sexist tactics, it does not represent me & many other vegans. Check out more rational & EFFECTIVE organizations & people such as: &

there is nothing wrong with vegans or vegetarians however there is ALOT wrong with PETA....PETA is a huge organization that is all about media attention and celebrities and pretend to care about animals to get young ppl interested in them and send them more money...(and they have ALOT of money)...
PETA is a also a sexist and classist organization and should just go away...and they are doing more harm to animals and to organizations that really care about animals than anyone else...

nothing really. why?

PETA is an organization with severe truth deficits. Most vegetarians do not support them.

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