Cen you die from drinking too much water??!


Cen you die from drinking too much water??

you can drown ur self inside. from drinking to much water. i mean yo have 2 drink like gallons and gallons to do that

read this blog... very important and worthwhile:

Dear Yahoo!:
Is it possible to drink too much water?
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Dear Waterlogged:
We dove into this search by typing "drink too much water" into the Yahoo! search box. We were aware that finding a category on such an obscure subject would be nearly impossible, but we were confident we could click on Web Pages and receive some answers.
As we learned from the University of Florida's College of Health and Human Performance, there's a condition known as "water intoxication," or hyponatremia, which isn't uncommon among marathoners and triathletes.

As these athletes consume large amounts of water over the course of a race, blood plasma increases and dilutes the salt content of the blood. While this is happening, the athlete is also losing salt by sweating. Consequently, the amount of salt available to the body tissues decreases, and, over time, the loss interferes with brain, heart, and muscle function.

According to the experts at iVillage, consumption of large amounts of water is often associated with obsessive-compulsive behaviors. When a person consumes too much of this good thing, essential electrolytes in the blood stream become diluted and affect the control of the heart beat.

Healthy adults require approximately three quarts of fluid each day, half of which comes from food and half from beverages. Drinking 8 to 12 glasses a day should have your body working on all cylinders.

no never

Yes, it happened here in San Diego when a radio station held a contest for a new Nintendo or something at XMAS. One woman died from drinking too much water.


Um .. No.
In less you drink like too much that you
drown your whole body .. But that's just ..
no ..

Yes it's typically called drowning.

Yes you can.

Did you hear in the news that a woman died in a drinking contest and holding her wee, for a nintendo wii? That was a few months ago.

The truth is yes but... only if you drink a certain amount in one sitting. I think if you drink one gallon under 5 minutes you can die because your basically drowning from all that water. Your body won't be able to get rid of it fast enough and you drown inside of your body. That's just what I've been told, so don't quote me on that. However, I'm not going to test that to see if it is true.

yes, there was a case not too long ago , a radio contest , they had to consume alot of water and couldnt urinate, she died from drinking too much water, also people with kidney failure, or other health issue can die from having too much water, it could cause severe swelling.....

yes you can but it has to be an awful lot of water. Anything is possible.

Yes you can. There is something in your body called electrolytes. When you drink a large (more than a gallon or so) in a short time period you throw thoes electrolytes out of balance. This can cause death because with the proper balance of these your body doesn't function correctly.

With the lady for the radio contest it wasn't that she drank too much it was that she didn't use the bathroom. Her system backed up and caused issues.

only in the ocean without a boat.

Yes, water intoxication
It's not an urban myth

Yes, you can. But you have to drink alot of it in a short amount of time. There was a women who died of this while Participating in a radio sponsored contest.

Yes you can but it would take about 4-6 gallons. The reason excess water consumption would kill you is because as the water passes through your body, and you excrete it, excessive amounts of electrolytes would be lost. Additionally there would be an overtaxing of the lymph, liver, kidneys, and vascular system to accomodate all this water.

well if you drink too much at a certain time sure you can for example you drink 3 gallons of water in 1 minute you can collapse and die but if you drink 6 to 8 glasses a day you won't just an example you must drink a sufficient amount of water each day .

Too much of anything can kill you even water. But you have to be drinking gallons for that to happen.

You certainly can! It's called Hyponatremia (I hope I've spelt it correctly) A female participant in a show somewhere died of it! They had to drink so much water and hold it in for a certain period of time, they were not allowed to go to toilet! And she died, I think the shows producers were charged with her death. Have a good day.

Drinking too much water can dilute the sodium in the cells in your body and deplete the body of electrolites.
It can cause your your brain tissues to swell, that may cause seizures, coma, and death - but It is a very unlikley cause of death.
Look For: Water Intoxication

Actually, you can. But a large amount of water has to be consumed.
It is called Water Intoxication or more technically Hyponatremia.

This happens because when you lose water (that be through perspiration, breathing, urine, or fecal) you need to replace it, but with salt too! The body will eventually suffer from the lack of sodium because it cannot transmit nerve impulses and contract muscles. The brain will eventually swell, causing many things to happen including death.

Do not stop drinking water, but balance it out and set limits...especially when exercising. Gatorade or other power drinks are good options for excessive exercise or on very hot days.

yes if you don't go to the bathroom when you drink water

you will probably past out if you drink too much water very fast, since it thins your blood. If you have really bad kidney, you'll probably be in big trouble for drinking too much water.

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