What's the point?!


What's the point?

Okay. This one's for the vegetarians: If humans aren't supposed to eat meat, then what's the point of chickens? What purpose could a chicken possibly serve, apart from being eaten?

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2 weeks ago
Incidentally, the slaughter of an animal can be done humanely. Ever seen a lion eat a wildebeest? Foxes like chickens also. I think humans have the right to take part in the food chain, too.

2 weeks ago
Incidentally, the slaughter of an animal can be done humanely. Ever seen a lion eat a wildebeest? Foxes like chickens also. I think humans have the right to take part in the food chain, too.

we need chickens otherwise whats the point of paxo stuffing


We dont eat camillions and what do they contribute to society?? and your question doesnt make any sense!

That dosn't mean a thing. What are you on about?

They are pretty. And friendly.

thats like asking whats the point of other people.. apart from being eaten..

I mean really,, what is there more of an excessive amount of?
Chickens? or people on the asian continent? OVER CROWDED PLANET. Eat some babies.

whats the point of tonsils?

or adenoids or appendix?

whats the point of humans?

etc etc

maybe, just maybe, animals are here just to enjoy their lives, as are we.

They are here to live their life!
It's like a chicken thinking "what's the point of humans"
you are a mammal made from god, so is a whale.
The only reason a whale can't come murder you is because humans happen to be smarter, and chickens are even less capable of beating a human when it comes to hunting each other down.
So leave the little things alone!
You bullies..


Eggs on toast, scrambled eggs, omelette, custard tarts, apple pie and custard, bacon and eggs, cakes, yorkshire pud, bread and butter pudding etc. etc.

have no idea..except eggs (unless you mean vegans)

I believe their purpose is to cross roads.

are you discriminating against vegetarians?

Yum! Fried little bird arms. I agree with you completely. I'm not sure what you said. But, I agree with anyone who likes fried chicken.

what do chickens have to do with anything? i see how you are trying to make a point but it doesn't work. a lot of other things besides humans eat chickens. chickens aren't here just for us to eat! thats like saying.... why do onions grow? what purpose could a onion possibly serve, apart from being eaten?

Chickens = eggs
Cows = milk
Sheep = wool
Duck = pancake rolls (?)

But I know what you're saying though;o]

What you could ask is....what's the point of gnats/mosquito's????eh!

What is their roll on this planet, but to spread diseases and cause unpleasantness?!?!


The male chicken(aka Rooster) is put on this planet to be a natural alarm clock. See that wasn't so hard:) Besides, how would you egg someones house without eggs?

Their eggs for one thing but if something can't be utilized by you it is worthless? How ego-centric can a person get?

They eat bugs..especially cockroaches! Now that's worth it isn't it?!

Just because one views a life as being worthless doesn't make them a meal.
A chicken's life has more purpose than being on your dinner plate. They have a right to live, even if it's not to benefit YOU.
What a self-centered question for you to ask!
What's a turtle's purpose? Lizards? Racoons? Opossums?
are you eating them too?

Let me see, so anything that does not seem to have a purpose (to you) should be slaughtered?

Domesticated animals (such as chickens) were artificially created through hundreds of years of selective breeding - creating docile animals with above average muscle mass which are dependent on humans for survival.

Your statement makes it sound like you think chickens (and cows, pigs, etc.) just walked over to the nearest humans and said ,"Hey, we'll just hang out over here until you feel hungry - then you can kill us whenever you need to, we don't mind."

I think the point is: factory farmed animals live under horrible conditions, are treated without compassion, and then are slaughtered as cheaply as possible.

I think we can do better - we just don't like to think about it.

Maybe it's the chickens that are supposed to eat us?

Baby chickens are cuddly. Grown chickens are mean. Adult male chickens are brutal killing machines, most farmers kill them before they hit three years old. They get spurs on the back of their legs that can kill with a kick and they will not back away from a fight. Not too many people know about that.

first of all your question makes no sense. thats like saying whats the point of wisdom teeth!


No sentient being exists only to be your food. Animals do not exist to serve humans, just as other humans do not exist to serve humans. Chickens are actually smarter than many dogs.

Eating low on the food chain is the intelligent person's option (just ask Einstein). It is better for the health of the environment and people, even you. The higher up in the food chain you eat, the more toxins you are ingesting; you are eating everything else that animal has eaten.

"slaughter of an animal can be done humanely"
Have you actually witnessed this?? Really curious as to how this is possible. Did they pump him/her full of morphine, place him/her on a velvet pillow and hand him/her a joint to drift off into chicken heaven? I have witnessed slaughter at a non-factory "humane" farm, it's anything but "humane."

Then what's the point of all animals. Humans are made of meat too. The "point" of chickens is to help some people develop more compassion and understanding.

u r defenitly smart! woo hoo

Your question makes no sense. Whats the point of cats, dogs, parrots, cheetas, giraffes, elephants? All animals are here for a reason-we dont necessarily need to know why, any more than we know why we are here. Animals survive by instinct-humans have a choice. You can get all of the nutrition you need from a plant and grain based diet. Why should something have to die to feed a greedy appetite? I dont eat anything that urinates or defecates. It just doesnt make sense. Meat harbors parasites, bacteria, and a whole host of other nasty things. Why eat something that has to be cooked long enough to kill worms? My veggies just need a quick rinse and they are good to go.

What about lions? What is their purpose? What is our purpose? What is a seagulls purpose? What is a fish' purpose? What is an onions purpose? Or a bananas purpose?
Chickens didn't evolve for us to eat. Unless you can prove that they did.

In nature, big fish eats a little fish because its mind is not developed as much as of human who can discriminate and restraint to a great deal. Humans can also rationalize what is right and wrong and so why should they support abuse or killing of innocent animals? Plus, there is a big difference between natural birth and human breeding; and even bigger difference between animals killing each other and mass killing by humans.
The process of raising animals for food involves bringing them in this world by artificial insemination; separating mothers from their young ones; raising them in cages and confined spaces; feeding them unnatural food contaminated with chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics; and finally killing them at a young age. All these actions result in a desensitized attitude and the suppression of compassion at the conscience.
As Jains, we do have to protect all kinds of living beings. There are different laws in the jungle than in human society. In the law of jungle, the strong ones eat the weak ones, but in the law of society, the strong one protects the weak one.

if the great fat consumer race didnt eat chicken- no chicken would be needed in factory farming! which may i add is disgusting, half the time the chickens are not even humanely killed! getting boiled alive!! how would you like to be boiled alive??? also do you have a pet? dog cat goldfish whatever would you eat them too???why eat cows, sheep, chickens etc if you are not prepared to eat your pets!!!!

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