How long will it take before your body adjust to becoming a vegan?!


How long will it take before your body adjust to becoming a vegan?

Should I expect to loose a lot of weight really fast? Is it really healthy to eat nothing but salads and fruits?

there are many websites you can go to get information on how to convert successfully to a vegan diet., or vegetarianism and veganism is gaining popularity and the choices of recipes and meal options are gastronomic. just know that by switching to a vegan diet, you are cutting out alot of artificial and likely harmful chemicals that can be found in meat products. at least if you cannot cut chicken or eggs out of your diet, make sure they are cage free, meaning allowed to roam free and not forced to spend the rest of their lives in a cage smaller than a shoebox. good luck!

Make sure your getting protein. Just eating salads and fruit cocktails will make you sick.

If you don't eat enough protein your body will cannibalise itself. So, not only will you lose fat, you'll lose muscle also.

Well being vegan is not just about eating ONLY salads and fruit.
you need to eat some tofu, rice, beans or other food high in PROTEIN
and you need vegetables
and some soy milk/rice milk or nut milk
Whole grain foods

Your body never wil adjust to a vegan diet. Humans are omnivores and we all need meat as part of a balanced diet. It's diversity that makes us strong. If you are near Floyd, Virginia and need meat let me know and I'll shoot an extra deer for you.

I'm not a vegan and i don't aprove of it because our bodies need proteins we can't get from just tofu and penut butter. But i just went Almost kosher. I avoid pork and only eat wild caught fish and grass fed organic meats. My body started feeling excelent almost as soon as i gave up all the bad stuff. I suggest reading Kevin Trudeaus More Natural Cures Revealed and see how he talks about additives the government puts in food and how you must eat organic everything. basicly the goverment is making us sick. The book changed my life. He has infomercials on T.V. The man looks 40 but he is really 70. Good luck

If you are vegan to lose weight you're not really doing yourself any favors. Veganism is not just about what the scale says. It's about what you are putting into your body, and why. But that is beside the point.

Do you know that you can actually GAIN weight on a vegan diet? Yeah. French fries are vegan. So are all carbs. Used to be that when my spouse became vegan, the meal was whatever my meal was minus meat and the difference was made up by doubling up on whatever carb was served.

A calorie is a calorie is a calorie. To lose weight you need to reduce how many calories you ingest, not just where the calories come from.

As for a healthy diet of nothing but fruits and veggies: There are many nutrients that are only provided by meats. Vitamin B12, for instance. If you don't get enough B12 before and during pregnancy, you may end up with a child that has SERIOUS mental development problems. Nobody has died of a lack of protein, but there are consequences.

Nutrients to watch:
folic acid

Iron is an important component of your blood. An iron deficiency will make you anemic, which means you will always be tired.
folic acid also has some child development consequences.
Calcium (no milk and cheese means no calcium) is the main component of bones. A diet low in calcium can lead to an early onset of osteoporosis, which causes older women to lose bone mass and become hunched over.

I recommend:

See a nutritionist
Get a multivitamin with a heavy dose of B12
Eat plenty of dark leafy greens like spinach (high iron)
Get plenty of protein. Since you are not getting it from meat, be sure to load up on tofu, beans, and nuts.

If you want to lose weight, get off the couch and walk a few miles. Veganism has more to do with ethics than weight and fitness.

Hope this gets you going in a better direction.

you don't HAVE to eat just fruits and vegetables. you're not on a raw diet are you?
there are plenty of delicious vegan food out there/ or you can cook it yourself.
and I haven't lost weight ever since I became a vegan, but I didn't eat meat or take dairy before that so maybe that's why.

it depends from a person to another. if you used to eat lots of dairy and meat and then you become a vegan then yes expect a lot of weight drop. I wouldn't say really fast though.

you need to eat more protein. but it depends on your current weight, body characteristics, amount of exercise you do, the quality of food you are eating, how much your eating, and your metabolism etc etc etc... so you may lose weight slow or fast, or you might even gain weight.... it depends on you

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