Craving cucumbers?!
Craving cucumbers?
why am i craving cucumbers so much lately? i also would like to know if they are a fruit or vegetable and what nutritional value they hold. thx for any answers.
I think they are mostly water, so maybe you are dehydrated.
I crave watermelon all summer!
mhm i had a whole cucmber like 30 mins ago lol mabey ur dehidtrated drink some more water or go eat a cucmebr if ur craving it so bad its a vegi and their very healthy just dont add tons of salt or ranch or something
They are a fruit, botanically speaking.
Cucumbers provide many vitamins and minerals,though not in large amounts-they also provide dietary fiber and protein-again, not large amounts.
The main thing in cucumbers is water-maybe in the hot weather you have been dehydrated?
Or it could just be that they are delicious and good for you! :)
I don't know about you but I love them finely sliced marinaded in malt vinegar with a beer, like now, but I have run out.