Wondering, what provoked you to become a vegetarian/vegan?!


Wondering, what provoked you to become a vegetarian/vegan?

I first gave meat up for Lent, a year or so ago. Then I just stopped eating it, but still ate fish. Now I don't eat either and I'm a vegetarian. I made my choice based around the fact that, years ago we were ale to eat animals and they could replenish themselves, the amount of fish in the seas, or cows in the paddock could stay relativley the same because we worked in harmony with them. But now we're overfishing our seas and over slaughtering our animals and the amounts are depleting. Also the cruelty of factory farming, the animals are refused their rights of freedom and quality of life. And battery hens (cage eggs) are the same, it's inhumane. So I'm an ethical eater, you could say.

What about you?

Hello! I became a vegetarian almost 4 years ago because I was doing a report for college on meat in America, (and as anyone that goes to college knows you have to have at least 10 sources when you are doing a research paper) this lead me to many, many articles outlining the practice of our slaughter houses. I honestly had NO idea what was really going on!!! I was horrified, shocked and left trembling thinking about what these animals went through. I felt so guilty that I was so blind the the facts. I decided that meat was out from then on. And please dont get me wrong I loved meat, chicken was my choice meat but I love animals too much to contribute to that behavior.

Rome-Since Adam and Eve were perfect and they only ate a vegan diet (fruit) why do you feel that you need to lead your life differently? Shouldn't you strive for that perfection or are you so proud of being a sinner/imperfect that you eat this way as well. I personally could careless why you eat meat, I just think people hide behind religion, and aren't able to realize when things that were done thousands of years ago applied to those times and not ours, for example in the bible to show respect people would wash one anothers feet. When was the last time you washed your pastors feet? It's really rediculous your rational. Why change somethings and not others. If you like meat then just say you like meat dont say the only reason you eat it, is because the bible tells you too. Becaue if that were the case the two ladies that posted on this subject would not have given it up for Lent.
I hope that I haven't affended anyone. :)

Well, I've collapsed since I became vegetarian. And I became vegetarian for 5 months after I had to butcher a pig, and could smell the blood and had to feel the cold meat, and cut the hard bones.

It was disgusting!!! I got blood all over me.

Im not vegeterian but people i know have become vegeterian because of the cruel ways that some of the animals are killed.

I also decided to try out veganism for lent because I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could actually do it. During that period, I learned a LOT and felt a great change in myself and have stuck with it ever since- one of the greatest choices I have ever made. How was I ever a meat eater??
3.5 years vegan, baby!

i beacme veggie because i can't stand animals being killed. they have feelings and can feel pain and fear like the rest of us.

I'm an ethical eater as well the Bible tells us that God gave man the animals to eat so I do so.

My Health. Seeing all the proof that humans are Healthier by at least being a "Veggie". I am actually a Vegan doing Raw for the summer.
Man's inhumanity is legion, the whole safety of our foods especially animals products has gotten really scary.

The crap they inject into and feed animals is not normal. The inhumane way in which they are raised and butchered is disgusting.

And the fear that the animal feels when it dies is in the meat. Ever notice meat eaters have more fear/anger than veggie heads?

Spend just 5 minutes in a slaughter house and you will never eat meat again.

The other side of it is your health. Vegetables/fruits/legumes/dair... are much easier to digest than meats. Red meat especially putrifies in your gut. It fills the pockets of your intestines and has little or no way to evacuate totally.
I'd much rather have a radish in my tummy than a piece of rotting meat.

My health, Every time I eat meat or meat based products, I poison myself to the point of Hospitalization, so not by choice, but so I can continue to live I just have to be a vegetarian

Vegan. I hate the way animals are treated JUST for human food. Imagine if YOU had to butcher and eat your pet dog, wouldn't and cow, chicken or pig be the same?

i have been vegetarian since birth as we belong to Jain religion which is the old religion on earth , our last lord was mahaveer who promoted vegetarian some 2600 years ago ,and i am proud to be vegetarian,for more do visit my home page at http://jainism.co.nr

My uncle is a "sportsman" - he hunts and fishes - alot.

When I turned 7 or 8 he started buying me fishing gear as gifts and started taking me fishing. I was surprised at how little compassion my uncle and his friends had for animals and nature in general.

After a few years he started taking me with him hunting - just to watch. He never killed anything while I was with him but on the last trip I went on he did something that "opened my eyes". He was unsure if the scope on his rifle was calibrated properly - so he decided to test it. He set it on a fence post and took shots at a black bird about a 100 yards away - each time adjusting the scope. I just thought - this bird is about to die so that someone could see how accurate their rifle is. The bird commited no crime it just landed on a fence post to rest for a minute - and was about to die unnecessarily. He never hit it but from then on I looked at ALL life as having value no matter how small.

I've been a vegetarian for 20 years - my uncle uses every opportunity to antagonize me and put me down - I don't care - I believe I've made the right decision.

The thought of an animal being killed did it for me. Over the years, the though of chewing on dead flesh has become a huge turn off as well.

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