What do your shopping lists typically look like?!


What do your shopping lists typically look like?

and what places do you typically shop at? Given this is in the vnv section I'm interested primarily in veg/vegan replies, but if any of you omnivores can be respectful and serious about a reply you're welcomed too.

Below is what we bought tonite, which is a good example of what we might typically get...of course many things go in and out depending on how lazy we are or what looks good/available at the store.

Will add my list under details =)

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
Gnochhi, hemp granola(a new thing for me, tastes like regular granola though,) fresh ground peanut butter, yellow onions, navel oranges, hot house tomatoes, eggplant, spring mix salad, green beans, cucumbers, raw almonds, raw cashews, smoked almonds (girlfriends treat,) 1 lb of quinoa, tomatillos, garlic, sliced mushrooms, 2 lbs of extra firm tofu, broccoli, avocado, bag of red delicious apples, bananas, vanilla almond crunch cereal, kashi 7 grain cereal (like grapenuts,) date snack things..lol, strawberries, black beans, garbanzo beans, neopolitan soy icecream, spanish rice, refried beans, earth balance vegan butter, cantaloupe, soy dream soy milk, vanilla hemp milk, 2 packs of pitas, vegenaise, loaf of 12 grain bread, and whole wheat tortillas... and usually tahini for hummus but they were out..

2 weeks ago
awesome candice.. I use tom's stuff too cause I like non flouride toothpaste and we are now using jasons shampoo and conditioner and i love it =)

2 weeks ago
Celtic - I very interested in a raw diet.. do you have much experience doing this or experimenting with it? I have a raw diet recipe book, but have put it off mostly because we dont have a juicer, dehydrator or one of those slicers.. although I have done raw diets minus all that and I love how I feel.

It's probably ultimately my goal to be at least 75% raw if not 100 if I can learn to give up those foods eventually..the trade off for the vitality you receive outweighs the pleasure that you soon forget about once you wake up feeling so good.

1 week ago
I'm very pleased to see all the responses and only one negative one! We love so delicious ice cream and I use tofutti and yves products from time to time. I try to not buy a lot of processed things because a lot of the companies parent companies are nestle, coca cola, Hain-Celestial Group, conagra, Kraft, and mars. But I still love these products and am not entirely against buying them..have to pick the lesser of the evils really and moderate everything.

Something interesting i noticed last nite...a lot of the foods we buy are from portland and eugene in Oregon..which happens to be my home state and Eugene being my second home city. IS anyone else here from Oregon?

2 weeks ago
Gnochhi, hemp granola(a new thing for me, tastes like regular granola though,) fresh ground peanut butter, yellow onions, navel oranges, hot house tomatoes, eggplant, spring mix salad, green beans, cucumbers, raw almonds, raw cashews, smoked almonds (girlfriends treat,) 1 lb of quinoa, tomatillos, garlic, sliced mushrooms, 2 lbs of extra firm tofu, broccoli, avocado, bag of red delicious apples, bananas, vanilla almond crunch cereal, kashi 7 grain cereal (like grapenuts,) date snack things..lol, strawberries, black beans, garbanzo beans, neopolitan soy icecream, spanish rice, refried beans, earth balance vegan butter, cantaloupe, soy dream soy milk, vanilla hemp milk, 2 packs of pitas, vegenaise, loaf of 12 grain bread, and whole wheat tortillas... and usually tahini for hummus but they were out..

2 weeks ago
awesome candice.. I use tom's stuff too cause I like non flouride toothpaste and we are now using jasons shampoo and conditioner and i love it =)

2 weeks ago
Celtic - I very interested in a raw diet.. do you have much experience doing this or experimenting with it? I have a raw diet recipe book, but have put it off mostly because we dont have a juicer, dehydrator or one of those slicers.. although I have done raw diets minus all that and I love how I feel.

It's probably ultimately my goal to be at least 75% raw if not 100 if I can learn to give up those foods eventually..the trade off for the vitality you receive outweighs the pleasure that you soon forget about once you wake up feeling so good.

1 week ago
I'm very pleased to see all the responses and only one negative one! We love so delicious ice cream and I use tofutti and yves products from time to time. I try to not buy a lot of processed things because a lot of the companies parent companies are nestle, coca cola, Hain-Celestial Group, conagra, Kraft, and mars. But I still love these products and am not entirely against buying them..have to pick the lesser of the evils really and moderate everything.

Something interesting i noticed last nite...a lot of the foods we buy are from portland and eugene in Oregon..which happens to be my home state and Eugene being my second home city. IS anyone else here from Oregon?

My shopping list is sadly pretty basic. As I am not home much, I don't have a lot of time to cook. I end up with a lot of fresh fruit, but a lot of Boca products as well. Except the buffalo wings. I found out those don't agree with me! Too darn spicy.

But I LOVE Earth Balance butter!! I got my mom addicted to it. And what is up with tahini being unavailable, that's happened to me at my local vegan restaurant twice now. Just an observation!

It also generally consists of some fresh lettuce and my choice Italian dressing, yum. Lots of fresh fruits though, they're like candy for me.

Oh, I forgot to throw in I really enjoy some of Nature Valley's bars, such as the Maple Brown Sugar, Peanut Butter, and Pecan Crunch. They're filling and great to take to work.

Oh, and to the poster below me, the thumbs down from me is for the insulting comment. I don't care if you eat meat or not, just don't generalize and call us "pompous" ... makes you no better than what you are apparently saying about vegans.

Avocado, bread, rice, fish, bacon, tomato, lettuce, bananas, strawberries, etc.

$10 say that some pompous vegan's gonna give me a thumbsdown for my personal freedom of eating meat.

Looks like I win. Screw you Vegans, it's my personal freedom if I eat animals or not.

Wow! 5 thumbs downs is a new record. Personal freedoms must not be very high on the list of priorities for vegans... Bloody fascists lol.

Holy crap, 8 thumbs downs! That's a new record people.

My shopping list looks pretty similar but I most admit not as healthy. haha, I buy alot of canned beans, soup (lentil), chili, etc., hearts of palm, and jars of spaghetti sauce. I also eat alot more carbs than you do...sadly. haha. I buy tortillas, bread (Ezekiel seasame is the best*its vegan and contains no flour) We buy alot of mushrooms, zucchini, wheat pasta, lettuce, onions, *potatos (at times), strawberries, carrots, tomatos, juice (100% without water added and no concentrate), crackers, soy milk (organic vanilla), cereal Kashi organic berry, natures path organic hemp & multipack oatmeal, avocados, *meatballs (vegan), organic tofu, organic vanilla/ banana yogurt, tofurkey italian sausages, oranges, dehydrated soy chicken and soy taco mix (bought at a specialty store, its quite good), extra virgin organic olive oil,
" " vinegarette dressing, and tons more...haha
As far as our personal needs we get toilet paper and paper towels (green label), tom's of maine toothpaste, Trader joes or Jason's Shampoo and Conditioner, laundry detergent, etc.
Wow we actually buy alot!
*All of our groceries are organic, including canned foods and tortillas.
We shop at Trader Joe's, The Loma Linda Market (a Seventh day adventist supermarket* we are not members of this church but since they do not eat meat it is easy to do our shopping there for things that we can not find anywhere else), Wild Oats/Henry's (if we happen to be close to one when we are out), and Von's. We drive an hour away to get to these stores minus Vons and Bj's which is our local health food store, which we shop at generally only when we can not make it down to the other stores.

Additional notes: We live in Southern California and I think this might be the reason for the difference in our shopping lists, we lean more towards the "mexican" foods when we do our shopping ex. tortillas, beans, salsa (fixings, etc).
I have been a vegetarian for about 4 years now, I am not a Vegan but hope to become one in the future! :)

Right now I am doing RAW-Vegan.
Fresh Veggies & Fruit for juicing & smoothies as well as salads; Romiane, Mix Baby Lettuces, Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Avacodos, Sprouts, Cabbage, Beets w/greens, Bell Peppers( Red, Yellow, Orange) Hot Peppers, Carrots, Corn, Mangos, Apples,Papaya, Watermelon, Berries( Blue, & Black)
LaraBars, Jocolt Bars, Bottled Water, Raw Nuts(Cashews, Walnut, Hazel nuts) Tahini, Raw Cashew butter .. Being Saturday this was my food shopping day & this pretty much covers my list.

Oatmeal, brown sugar, syrup, canola oil, flax seed, grated coconut (for sort of healthy home-made granola)

Milk and yogurt (from a cow, sorry)

and, um, rolling tobacco.

Your list is alot like mine-foods most people have never heard of. Here is my latest: (I grow organic fruits and veggies, so thats covered, and I rarely set food in an actual grocery store-I shop mostly at my food co op or health food store) I also sprout alot, thus the seeds, and eat mostly raw foods

Quinoa flour
quinoa flakes
virgin coconut oil
sunflower seeds
fennungreek seeds
clover seeds
lentil seeds
green and yellow pea seeds
radish seeds
beetroot powder
flax seeds
nutritional yeast
agave nectar
organic unsweetened cocoa powder
organic unprocessed sugar
sea salt
raw apple cider vinegar
buckwheat groats
unsulphered molasses
organic dried apricots
soy free, free range eggs
Miracle II neutralizer gel
Enjoy Life allergen free chocolate chips
Tinkyada rice pasta
bok choy
green thai coconut

Most people dont recognize most of the foods I use. I like the unique recipes I come up with using things like this. You wont find any canned, processed, or premade foods in my house. I make everything from scratch.

there is this wonderful superfoods shop near home, and it has an awesome juicebar so about 4 outta 7 days a week, I go and get an organic fresh green juice (arugula, parsley, cilantro, lemon, celery, kale, chard, spinach, bok choy), with some kind of boost.. like a brain boost (blue manna, maca), or an immune boost (camu camu, ginger, hot pepper, blue manna) or an efa boost (acai berries blended with juice)

it's also a great place to get baby coconuts with husk (so refreshing), and awesome trail mixes and dried sea weeds(to add to distilled water for extra nutrition/minerals-- which the store has also).

raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, azuki beans to sprout, mung beans, raw chestnut honey, strawberries, bananas, dandelion greens, butter lettuce, lemons, avocados, papaya, watermelon, kiwis.

yum :)

What a fun question!
I buy a LOT of fruits and veggies, either at the farmers market or the local produce stand. I started juicing when I figured out that all the delicious drinks I'd get at Juice it Up were not fresh. It's been great - we drink juice almost every morning. Other items on my list...
-whole wheat hot dog buns for sandwiches
-Yves salami slices (just discovered these - so good!)
-Fantastic World Foods taco filling, sloppy joes, & falafel
-various cereals
-chocolate and vanilla almond, rice, or soy milk - I like to mix it up so we're not consuming too much of any one processed thing
-So Delicious ice cream pints (that Purely Decadent stuff...oh my!)
-sprouted tortillas (corn and wheat)
-pizza crust
-tomato and basil sauce
-Earth Balance spread, of course!
-whole wheat pasta
-mineral water &
-bottled fruit juice (for making sparkling juice insead of sodas)
-oat bran
-honey (sorry - this one thing makes officially not vegan, but my local honey is too good and my honey guy is awesome and I'm convinced his bees are happy with the arrangement)
-Tofutti cream "cheese" and sour "cream"
-salad dressings
-raw nuts
-peanut or nut butter
-spices and oils
-Nana's Nos cookies!

That's pretty much it, for the most part, unless I'm stocking up on grains or flour. I hope more people respond to this question. I'm going to guess a lot of us have very similar lists, but I already see some other things I want to try.

Candice - I shop at the La Sierra Market - the Riverside version of the Loma Linda Market! We're practically neighbors :)

I just take my empty stomach and it tells me what to buy...

We buy a lot of what you already mentioned, but since we have little kiddies, a few more items are added on!
Raw Almond Butter, Jelly sweetened with fruit Juice, Lots of fresh fruits (kids tend to yell out what they would like, so it varies). Lots of fresh brocolli, green beans, lettuces (variety). Vegan (yes processed and packaged) waffles (for laxy mornings), whole grain fruit snack bars, minimal processed instant oatmeal (again, lazy mornings). Beans galore, brown rice, blugur wheat, wild rice. And we try more for nut "milks" to keep our intake of soy low (to tofu 2-3 times a week, and "butter"). Oh and lately I've been liking this newman's own black bean salsa (not organic, but good) and corn tortilla chips! Every now and then a bar of vegan dark chocolate as a treat to share for everyone (less per person this way).

To be different, here's my typical vegan shopping list for Sam's Club (you get all this in bulk so it lasts awhile):
1) Bocca Big Burgers (16 count)
2) 100% Pure Maple Syrup (Half-liter)
3) Planter's Mixed Nuts (2 lbs.)
4) Whole Wheat spaghetti noodles (5 lbs.)
5) Ragu vegetable spaghetti suace (3 jars)
6) Case of Silk Soy Milk (12 quart boxes)
7) Case of Nestle Pure Life water (32 bottles)
8) Bananas (3 lbs.)
9) Cut broccoli florets (2 lbs.)
10) Arnold's whole wheat bread (2 loaves)
11) Paul Newman's Spring Mix (1 lb.)
12) Cheerios (three pack)
13) MaraNatha "No Stir" Creamy Peanut Butter (2 jars)
14) Thai Peanut Noodles (2 packs)
15) Variety Nature Valley Bars (24 count)

This really is a fun question!
Here is my basic list of what I like to keep on hand, unless I'm making something special for a party or potluck.

Romaine Lettuce
Green Onions
Sweet Onions
Yukon Gold Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Collard Greens
Sweet Peppers
Alfalfa Sprouts
I try to buy as many of my fruits and veggies in season and from farmers markets (I'm a market vendor 2 days a week so I've made friends with some great local farmers) Whatever is not in season and I can't live without comes from the grocery store.

Then the rest of the list...

Kashi Go Lean
Barbara's Organics Wild Puffs Cereal
Kashi Heart to Heart Cereal
Firm Tofu
Soy Deli Organic Baked Tofu (whole family loves the honey sesame flavor)
TVP (textured vegetable protein, I buy Bob's Red Mill brand)
Gardenburger Chick'n Grill
Yves Veggie Dogs (we don't eat alot of the gardenburgers or veggies dogs, but their nice to have on hand for when I'm short on time)
Whole Wheat Pastas
Whole Wheat Flour
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Flax Seeds
Wheat Germ
Ener-G egg replacer
Whole Wheat Tortillas
Canned Beans (pinto, black, kidney, refried, chick peas, great nothern, etc)
Brown and Jasmine Rice
Whole Wheat Couscous
Nutritional Yeast
Soy Dream Vanilla and Original Soy Milk (vanilla for drinking and original for cooking)
Peanut Butter
Jams and Jellies ( I have a friend who makes her own, low sugar and no additives, so yummy)
Canola Oil
Olive Oil
Wheat or Multi grain Bread
Canned Tomatoes and Tomato Sauce
Corn Chips
Wheat Thins
Kashi TLC Ranch Crackers
Vegetable Stock
Imagine Foods "No Chicken" Broth
Frozen Corn, Peas and Green Beans
Juices (only 100% juice, non of that high fructose stuff )
Green Tea, Chamomile, and Fruit Teas ( I like to brew a big pot of tea and mix it 50/50 with juice to keep on hand in the fridge)
Annies Organic Mac & Cheese
Earth Balance Spread
Maple Syrup
Tillamook Cheddar Cheese (husband's favorite vice)
Roasted Soy Nuts
Dried Fruits (chili spiced mango...sooo good!)
Personal Care items we try to use mostly Tom's of Maine or Burt's Bees and for cleaning products I use Method.

Except for what I get from the farmer's markets I do nearly all my shopping at Fred Meyer, they have about the best natural foods section of any "conventional" grocery store and their prices are way better than Whole Foods and PCC (which are each about 25 miles away from me) I also love Trader Joes, but that's another store that's quite a distance away.

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