Why is it that some Vegans act so damn pompous?!


Why is it that some Vegans act so damn pompous?

I'm fine with Vegans who don't intrude upon my personal freedom of eating meat, but I absolutely hate those Vegans and Vegetarians who strut around acting so damned pompous just because they don't eat meat.

It's MY PERSONAL CHOICE that I eat meat! And it's YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE if you don't! Just don't act like you're better than anyone else just because you don't eat meat.

Screw you guys, I'm going to make a BLT.

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2 weeks ago
to the first guy:
What, so just because YOU feel sorry for these animals, I have to stop eating them? What makes YOU think that you have the goddmaned right to control what I eat?

2 weeks ago
to the first guy:
What, so just because YOU feel sorry for these animals, I have to stop eating them? What makes YOU think that you have the goddmaned right to control what I eat?

This topic is right up there with religion, believe it or not. Some people are as convicted in their diet as others are in their religion. I don't have anything in my Life that I am that into, except my "self".

Is it the ANIMAL'S CHOICE to die so you can eat meat?

“It’s fine for you to believe in animal rights, but why do you try to tell other people what to do?”

Everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion, but freedom of thought is not the same thing as freedom of action. You are free to believe whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt others. You may believe that animals should be killed, that black people should be enslaved, or that women should be beaten, but you don’t always have the right to put your beliefs into practice. The very nature of reform movements is to tell others what to do―don’t use humans as slaves, don’t sexually harass women, etc.―and all movements initially encounter opposition from people who want to continue to take part in the criticized behavior.

edit:When did I ever tell you to stop eating meat?Last time I checked YOU came to this forum.I've NEVER told anyone to stop eating meat.I feel the best thing to do as a vegan is be a living,breathing example that vegans can be healthy,that vegan food can taste good,etc.I posted that question above to show you why certain vegans and vegetarians will "preach" to others.I really don't think you're the one to talk about being preachy judging by your question history.Would it be morally okay for someone to beat dogs because it gives them pleasure?Then why is it morally okay to kill an animal because it gives your palate pleasure?I couldn't walk around killing other peoples dogs and say "What,I'm not supposed to kill them because you'd feel sad if your dog died?" Imagine someone saying "if you don't want to beat your kids that's fine,but don't tell me not to beat mine." I believe if someone is causing unecessary suffering then people have the right to speak out against it.

I know what you mean... here is my simple explanation:

Vegans are a minority in our society, and therefore we don't come across them very often. Those that have chosen to become vegan have often done so for a good reason and are very passionate to share that with others.

So when we finally do come across someone that is a vegan we often see their 'passion' as being pompous.

If you don't like it then don't come into this section...it's that simple isn't it? You sound like a pre-schooler telling on little Tommy who pushed you. Grow up.

don't come to this section then and i would talk about strutting around you are the one how is like screw you I'm going to make a BLT you now what screw you!!!!!!

They are pompus because they have a poor relationship witht heri parents, so they become vegan for attention. Then they think they are "better" for it, and try use the same liberty they are granted in living their lives as vegans to prevent you any liberty.

The truth they dont actually care, they just love telling people they are vegans, thats why they all start their response with "well i have been a vegan for X years".

And the whole "if you dont like it dont come to this section" works if you can shut PETA down and leave us alone. How bout this, you dont bother anybody ever again about your dietary preferences, and we wont bother you for bothering us.

I agree that some vegans are excessively overbearing and pompous, but I don't think that you're helping matters deliberately coming on the veg/vegan section to wind us up.

People who have made the decision not to eat animals for ethical reasons usually feel very passionate about it, whereas meat eaters just passively eat meat without giving it much thought. That's why vegans come across as a little over the top sometimes.

Please have a bit of respect for the normal people who just want to share ideas on here and don't go ranting rampage against us veggies!

ADDITION: Ooo I've just read the answer by 'alexandredhoore'. Grr, why don't you p*ss off and stop stalking the VEG/VEGAN pages you moron. I'm soooo sorry for rubbing veganism in your face on the page dedicated to vegetarians and vegans. Get a life.

I'm a vegetarian and i have noticed that there is a lot of pomposity among even the vegetarian community. There are lacto-ovo vegetarians that are looked down on by vegans, vegans are looked down on by other higher up vegans, and so on.

I support you and your meat eating diet but personally it is something that i do not enjoy.

You should also be aware that to vegetarians, meat eaters sometimes smell very bad because of chemicals in the meat.

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